Wabak penyakit infectious bronchitis atau bronkitis berjangkit (IB) yang menyebabkan beribu-ribu ayam di ladang ternakan mati didakwa menjadi punca harga ayam di pasar-pasar di seluruh negara naik mendadak sejak Khamis lalu apabila dijual sehingga RM10 sekilogram.
Ia merupakan kenaikan sehingga RM2.10 sekilogram berbanding RM7.90 sekilogram yang ditetapkan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) di bawah Skim Kawalan Harga Runcit Barangan Terkawal Musim Perayaan 2016 yang berakhir pada hari raya pertama.
Pengerusi Penternak Ayam Selangor, Datuk Ishak Mat Arif berkata, penyakit IB menyebabkan kerongkong ayam menjadi berkahak dan mengakibatkan ternakan sukar bernafas seterusnya mati. - Kosmo Online

Ayam sakit kerongkong , ayam mati disebabkan penyakit, bekalan ayam berkurangan, permintaan tinggi, penawaran menurun, harga naik bagi memenuhi permintaan. Itulah ringkasannya.
Senang betul alasan mereka yang dorang untuk menghalalkan kenaikan harga ayam secara mendadak pada musim perayaan dan cuti sekolah.
Cuba fikir. Kenaikan harga ayam bermula Khamis, iaitu pada hari kedua raya, hari yang mana permintaan ayam akan naik melambung-lambung disebabkan musim perayaan.
Bermula Selasa, Rabu permintaan ayam mentah memang tinggi disebabkan sambutan perayaan.
Dan2 aaja menjelang raya, ayam-ayam ternakan dilanda wabak IB secara beramai-ramai diseluruh negara.
Logik ke korang rasa? Logik ke?
Hihi3... - Kosmo Online/sozcyili.blogspot

Kalu China Menyerang...
Dont worry bro tt.. kalo china menyerang, kita suruh baju merah pertahan kan Malaysia. Dengan ilmu manderam yg tinggi disertakan pula dgn doa2 para kiyai dari daerah selempang merah, maka jangan pelik bila parang terbang sudah sampai di laut china selatan.
Pada ketika ini, ketua baju merah datuk jamal sedang plan nak upgrade pasar sekincan.. So jangan kacau dia..agak2 bila pasar sekincan nak naik papan cadangan.
Juga jangan dilupakan, kiyai2 dari kuale pun bole menhantar bantuan dgn baju2 berwafak sebagai penaik semangat dan tidak takut kepada tentera china. Kiyai2 dikuale ni sedang bermesyuarat dgn buaya putih di sungai perak demi mendapatkan restu bagi membina jambatan manong.
Barangkali kiyai2 ini sedang menunggu kebenaran dari alam buana sebelum mebina jambatan manong..
Oh ya, tentera china masih berada jauh dari malaysia, yg dekat cuma company2 china di johor, company2 china yg beli tanah 1MDB dan company china yg nak buat segenting kra.
Yang paling rungsing adalah china dipetaling street. - tukartiub
Hati-hati tangani konflik Laut China Selatan
Q&A on wider impacts of South China Sea ruling

Politics shouldn’t lead to hatred...
Some 150 to 200 red-shirted protesters, said to be Umno members and supporters, descended on the DAP national headquarters in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Police officers, including those from the Light Strike Force anti-riot squad, struggled to hold back the mob.
They came purportedly to hand over a memorandum of protest against DAP MP Nga Kor Ming who was alleged to have insulted Muslims recently. Never mind if the Taiping parliamentarian has denied uploading a cartoon of children asking for “duit raya” with the words “derma” (donation) and “dedak”, claiming it was the work of cybertroopers.
It was a show of strength as the unruly mob tried to ram the police barricade in the standoff which lasted around half an hour. Umno exco member Armand Azha Abu Hanifah threw “hell notes”, saying they wanted the DAP party “to die”.
What gives? How did political supporters get so emboldened that they charged at a police line to get to the headquarters of a rival political body?
It has a lot to do with the toxic discourse we face in our political climate, with certain grassroot leaders spewing the language and rhetoric that only bigots would use. It is their unchecked hyperbole that has whipped up hatred among Malaysians.
These grassroot leaders are resorting to fear-mongering to foster antipathy towards rival political parties. In reality, the official religion is not under threat. Nor is the biggest community in the country being challenged.
In creating a toxic climate, hatred has won out. It is then deemed an acceptable response to anger. This isn’t the first mob to try and storm the office of a political party. Even the State Assembly wasn’t spared.
And there is a pattern to this madness. Inevitably, certain key figures will emerge as one of the prime movers, if not leader, of the horde. Isn’t it always the same ringleaders who would lead the charge of paid goons and unwitting supporters in such protests?
Political affiliation does not define your character as a person. You are neither more patriotic nor less loyal to your country for backing the Opposition. No one party can claim to represent your whole community. Being against it doesn’t make you a traitor against your own.
If Malaysians were to make their political orientation as the core part of their identity, it becomes almost impossible to find middle ground to accommodate all. Nor will we be able find the good in people who disagree with us politically.
As it is, we are becoming quicker to scorn and more reluctant to seek mutual understanding. The divide between supporters of different political parties shouldn’t be so deep.
Why is it that we have fail to accept differences and unable to respect a different political belief? Political differences should not lead to hatred and mistrust.
This is because of the ease of information or misinformation due to high-speed communications, changing demographics, growing wealth inequality and politicians bent on hawking hate and fear. They readily unleash demons of alarm, mistrust and xenophobia among us.
These parties are changing our political landscape. What we are seeing now is one that favours quick enemies, vitriolic, coarse language and an unnecessary show of strength through unruly mobs. Let us not forget that hate is an easy emotion to provoke but a difficult one to control. - Eddie Hoo,theheatmalaysia
Red Shirts should not be allowed to run wild

PAS tawar 'gencatan senjata'pada Pakatan...

Sembunyi,bubuh di bawah OSA?

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