Untuk melancarkan rampasan kuasa, pegawai-pegawai tentera Turki kanan dari unit komando, tentera darat, tentera pertama dan keempat, dan tentera udara bertindak cara melampau untuk merampas kuasa.
Mereka menduduki dua lapangan terbang dan menutup yang ketiga. Mereka cuba untuk memisahkan Istanbul Eropah dari Asia. Mereka mengebom Parlimen di Ankara sembilan kali. Ada yang berjuang di luar ibu pejabat MIT,agensi perisikan Turki. Mereka kerahkan kereta kebal, helikopter dan jet F16.
Untuk mengalahkan rampasan kuasa itu, Presiden Turki menggunakan iPhone beliau. Masjid menggunakan pembesar suara untuk takbir waktu solat sebelum subuh. Pemimpin-pemimpin politik daripada segenap fahaman, beberapa penentang kuat Presiden, dipanggil untuk menggagalkan rampasan kuasa itu. Polis menahan tentera.
Orang yang tidak bersenjata menawan semula CNN Turk dan jambatan merentasi Bosphorus, dan merempuh tembakan untuk memulih semula demokrasi untuk negara mereka. Ini adalah jelas rampasan kuasa tentera.

Namun Kedutaan AS di Ankara dalam mesej kecemasan kepada rakyat Amerika Syarikat menganggapnya sebagai satu "kebangkitan".
'Geopolitical Futures' dalam analisisnya mengatakan rampasan kuasa telah berjaya. BBC Bahasa Arab, Sky News Arab, El Arabiya TV, editor diplomatik ITN, dan rangkaian penyiaran Amerika Syarikat semuanya memberi komentar kononnya riwayat pemerintahan Erdogan sudah tamat , ataupun Erdogan telah melarikan diri ke Jerman. Baca seterusnya...

Takbir Gagalkan Kudeta, Erdogan Desak Amerika Serahkan Dalang Kudeta
Barat Cemburu Erdogan

Plantation Boss Wanted Over Bill Kayong Murder...
However, we can reveal that he is squarely cited in the charge sheets against others arrested over the fatal shooting of the land rights hero Bill Kayong, where he is named for having abetted the murder.
Lee is believed to have fled Sarawak for Australia at about the time Kayong was shot dead in his car at a traffic light in Miri, yet there has been no public notification so far that a Red Notice Alert has been issued for his arrest and we ask if the Australian police are aware that a wanted Malaysian suspected killer is at large and believed to be in their territory?
After all, the charge sheet against Lie Chang Loon who appeared in court last week together with the man accused of shooting Kayong plainly reads:
“..you together with Lee Chee Kiang (I.C. No.: 710816-13-5079) and other persons at large.. abetted one Mohamad Fitri Pauzi ..in the commission of murder of Bill Anak Kayong..”

Named as an abettor in the murder of Bill Kayong in the charges laid against Lie Chang Loon
Tung Huat Plantation Battle
The murder of one of Sarawak’s best known land rights figures was immediately widely suspected as being linked to the gangster timber politics of the state.
Temenggong father and son were the original Directors of the company – note the ID number matches the charge sheet above
Indeed, the criminal nexus between land grabbing timber/plantation companies and top politicians, who hold undue influence over the forces of the law, has been perfectly illustrated in the case of Tung Huat Plantation, where Lee Chee Kiang is a Director and key shareholder.
For years native landowners have been locked in legal battles against the company, supported by land rights lawyer Abun Sui and campaigner Bill Kayong, who are both linked to the opposition PKR party – Kayong was a candidate at the state election. Continue reading...
Polis guna perintah rasmi bawa pulang suspek berpangkat 'Datuk'

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