Pemuda Umno sudah buat laporan polis ke atas tiga orang Tan Sri yang pernah duduk dalam satu jawatankuasa untuk menyiasat dakwaan aliran tunai berjumlah sekitar RM2.6 bilion ke dalam akaun peribadi dengan nama Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Tiga orang Tan Sri ini, Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Abdul Gani Patail dan Abu Kasim, telah dituduh oleh gerombolan Pemuda Umno kononnya telah berkomplot untuk menjatuhkan Perdana Menteri serta kerajaan Malaysia.
Pemuda Umno secara ringkasnya telah menyerang bekas-bekas bos Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia dan Jabatan Peguam Negara dengan mempersoal taat setia mereka kepada kerajaan.
Mereka didakwa telah memberi dokumen dan maklumat sulit kepada agensi luar negara, termasuk pihak Biro Siasatan Persekutuan Amerika Syarikat, FBI.
Daripada empat orang Tan Sri yang menganggotai pasukan khas menyiasat aliran tunai ke akaun Najib Razak, hanya seorang Tan Sri sahaja yang masih selamat, iaitu Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, Ketua Polis Negara. Tan Sri KPN sekarang berhadapan tanggungjawab sukar untuk menyiasat tiga Tan Sri lain, yang dahulunya bekerjasama dengannya dalam satu pasukan.
Pemuda Umno bukan sahaja telah bertindak menyerang peribadi tiga orang Tan Sri yang telah berundur daripada jawatan masing-masing ini (secara paksa atau rela kita tidak pasti), malah Pemuda Umno telah hampir sahaja pasti mengesahkan bahawa individu yang dirujuk sebagai ‘Malaysian Official 1’ dalam dokumen saman sivil Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika, adalah tidak lain tidak bukan, Perdana Menteri sendiri.
Seelok-eloknya, tiga orang Tan Sri ini mungkin boleh segera memohon suaka politik daripada mana-mana kedutaan terdekat, dan mohon dikeluarkan dari Malaysia secepat mungkin supaya mereka tidak dikekang daripada menyatakan kebenaran oleh tangan-tangan kasar aparat keamanan negara.
Kita mungkin sahaja menyaksikan Gani Patail, Zeti dan Abu Kassim ditangkap, disoal siasat, dan dikurung di bawah undang-undang tahan tanpa bicara, antara lain kerana mengancam proses demokrasi dan merancang untuk menggulingkan kerajaan dengan cara salah. Komplot menggulingkan perdana menteri bukan benda main-main. Pemuda Umno pastinya tahu itu.
Kedua, mungkin kita boleh cadangkan kepada (bekas) staf-staf mereka, terutamanya yang berada di SPRM untuk segera mendedahkan segala bukti dan hasil siasatan terhadap kes-kes melibatkan pemuka-pemuka Umno yang lainnya, terutamanya yang berprofil tinggi.
Kita sangat pasti bahawa fail siasatan terhadap gerombolan Umno ini semua tebal-tebal belaka dan hanya menanti saat dan ketika untuk dibocorkan kepada pengetahuan orang ramai.
Masanya sudah amat sesuai untuk SPRM melancarkan kempen ‘buli balik’ ke atas gerombolan yang selama ini menekan dan mengawal siasatan mereka, malah sesuka hati memindah-mindah pegawai, dan terbaru mendakwa bekas bos mereka sebagai pengkhianat negara.
Baru lah rancak.
Pun begitu, kita melihat ini semua sekadar buah mula kepada siri serangan balas kartel Najib Razak terhadap pihak lawan, berkadar dengan lahirnya nanti Akta Majlis Keselamatan Negara pada 1 Ogos 2016 nanti.
1 Ogos adalah juga hari lahir Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, yang meski telah lama dimansuhkan, masih juga ada anasirnya yang tersisa dan kini lahir dengan wajah baru.
Akta Majlis Keselamatan Negara memberi kuasa kepada Majlis Keselamatan Negara yang dipengerusikan Perdana Menteri untuk mengisytiharkan ‘kawasan keselamatan’ di daerah, negeri, bandar, kawasan Parlimen tertentu mengikut suka hati pihak berkenaan, tanpa memerlukan perkenan Yang di-Pertuan Agong, mahupun mendapat kelulusan Parlimen.
Undang-undang ngeri itu hampir pasti akan digunakan untuk memberi kelebihan kepada kerajaan United Malays National Organisation untuk membungkam sebarang cabaran daripada pihak lawan, tidak kiralah parti-parti pembangkang, mahupun Tun Dr Mahathir beserta gerombolannya.
Apabila kuasa itu mendapat nyawa 1 Ogos nanti, gigih membebel nak buat pilihanraya negeri pun tak guna dah. – Roketkini.com

Aduan Pemuda UMNO : Siapa Sebenarnya Berkonspirasi...
Aihamdulillah, satu peluang keemasan terbuka kepada pihak-pihak yang berpengetahuan mengenai skandal raksasa 1MDB untuk menyatakan kebenaran. Kini, demi mempertahankan diri daripada satu tuduhan yang sangat serius, mereka terpaksa memberitahu polis apa yang mereka tahu mengenai skandal itu dan pelaku-pelakunya.
Mereka yang saya maksudkan adalah bekas Peguam Negara (Tan Sri) Abdul Gani Patail, bekas Ketua Pesuruhjaya Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (PSRM) (Tan Sri) Abu Kassim Mohamed dan bekas Gebenor Bank Negara, (Tan Sri) Zeti Akhtar Aziz.
Mereka telah dituduh dalam satu laporan polis oleh Naib Ketua Pemuda Umno Malaysia, Khairul Azwan Harun, terlibat dalam konspirasi untuk menggulingkan Perdana Menteri, (Datuk Seri Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrobone) Mohd Najib Abdul Razak dan kerajaan yang sah.
Ini adalah satu dakwaan yang sangat berat yang boleh ditakrifkan sebagai penderhakaan terhadap kerajaan yang dipilih oleh rakyat. Jadi wajib disiasat rapi. Saya tidak tahu apa tujuan tersirat si pembuat laporan. Tetapi secara tersurat, ia nampak seolah-olah satu lagi kegiatan puji ampu oleh pemakan-pemakan dedak Umno.
Namun saya berterima kasih kepada Khairul Azwan kerana akibat laporan beliau itu, ketiga-tiga tokoh yang dituduh boleh memberi keterangan mengenai apa yang mereka tahu berkaitan skandal 1MDB, SRC International Sdn Bhd dan "derma Arab" RM2.6 bilion yang selama ini terpaksa mereka rahsiakan.
Banyak yang boleh mereka ceritakan kepada polis bagi menafikan tuduhan Pemuda Umno itu. Misalnya mereka boleh menjelaskan sama ada benar atau tidak ura-ura bahawa Mohd Najib di ambang tangkapan dan pertuduhan di mahkamah pada akhir Julai tahun lalu bersabit kes pecah amanah duit SRC International Sdn Bhd.
Abdul Gani sendiri boleh mengesahkan sama ada betul atau tidak jawatannya sebagai Peguam Negara ditamatkan secara mendadak pada 28 Julai lalu kerana beliau sedang bersiap sedia menangkap dan menghadapkan Mohd Najib ke mahkamah bersama-sama dengan Nik Faizal Ariff Kamil dalam kes penipuan SRC International.
Zeti boleh menjawab mengenai hasil penyiasatan ke atas pengaliran keluar-masuk duit 1MDB dan kaitannya dengan “derma” RM2.6 bilion yang masuk akaun peribadi Mohd Najib di AmBank.
Ambank telah pun mengaku salah atas pembabitannya dalam pemindahan wang tersebut dan membayar denda RM53.7 juta kepada Bank Negara November lepas.
Abu Kassim pun macam itu juga. Dia terpaksa menafikan tuduhan itu dengan menceritakan kepada polis apa yang SPRM telah temui dalam siasatannya ke atas SRC International, 1MDB dan derma RM2.6 bilion.

Rakyat Malaysia yang tidak keracunan dedak percaya bahawa SPRM telah membina kes yang cukup kuat yang melibatkan Mohd Najib dan Nik Faisal dalam pengalihan haram duit SRC International sebanyak RM42 juta. Hanya dengan mendedahkan maklumat-maklumat ini untuk dirakamkan oleh pihak polis barulah mereka dapat mempertahankan diri daripada tuduhan Pemuda Umno itu.
Saya yakin banyak lagi maklumat yang ada dalam kepala mereka mengenai siasatan ke atas 1MDB, SRC International dan derma RM2.6 bilion yang boleh mereka ceritakan kepada polis demi membela diri.
Polis, khususnya pegawai penyiasat, tentu tidak berani main kayu tiga dengan tiga orang ternama ini kerana mereka mempunyai pengalaman yang luas di segi undang-undang dan pasti akan diwakili oleh peguam yang cekap.
Abdul Gani sendiri adalah peguam cergas setelah membuka khidmat guamannya sendiri selepas dibuang kerja kononnya beliau sakit teruk. Itulah tahap propaganda pemakan dedak.
Mahkamah Pendapat Umum Di segi pendapat umum pula, simpati adalah bersama mereka yang dituduh oleh Pemuda Umno itu. Dalam mahkamah pendapat umum, juri rakyat memihak kepada mereka.
Jadi saya hairan apa maksud tersirat Pemuda Umno membuat laporan polis dengan tuduhan yang sangat berat itu. Perbuatan mereka boleh menjadi senjata yang menikam ketua nombor satu mereka – Mohd Najib - sendiri.
Saya tidak berani mengatakan ada konspirasi halus oleh Pemuda Umno terhadap Mohd Najib melalui laporan atau ia sekadar publisiti murahan kelas pemakan dedak.
Mungkin juga ini adalah cetusan idea gilang-gemilang Pemuda Umno untuk mengalihkan pandangan umum daripada saman sivil KARI (Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative) di Amerika Syarikat yang melibatkan ahli keluarga dan sahabat akrab "Pegawai Nombor Satu Malaysia". - A.Kadir Jasin

The Options For Jho Low...
Finally, how much stash will he have left over despite being sent to jail. Like in the movies, the crooks dont mind spending time in jail because they have stashed their loot somewhere.
We do not know exactly how many billions they have stolen. And as I said long ago, this theft took place in 2009 - six years ago. The money they stole must have earned interest and dividend income over the years. The money must have grown. There is no way the FBI, the Swiss, Singapore, Luxembourg etc can seize ALL those billions. And folks, there MUST be diamonds.
Hot money looks for high value items that are small and which can be easily moved around. Expensive art works and diamonds serve the purpose well. (Have you seen the movie Inside Man starring Clive Owen). Gold is for refugees. A metric tonne of pure gold should be about RM160 - 170 million or US40++ million (approx). Can you imagine transporting a tonne of gold? And these folks have stolen billions of US Dollars.
So Jho Low must have a stash he keeps somewhere. Believe me, legends will arise - and people will search for Jho Low's Billions or Jho Lows Diamonds. So the best option for Jho Low would be to just cooperate with whoever can cut a deal with him. This is what his family should be advising their son.
MOF1(Malaysian Official 1) and Big Hair are history. Bird poop on the windscreen. People will forget about them. Once they are down even Pemuda UMNO will be spitting on them. They are political animals. So Jho Low's family (dad and brother are also involved) will not worry too much about MOF1 and Big Hair.
What kind of deals can Jho Low cut? Well they have mentioned MOF1. Surely they must nail him. As Dr Mahathir has asked, they have named Jho Low, Riza, Eric Tan etc. So why stop from naming MOF1? It looks unfair.
So the FBI, the US AG will face questions like these. Hence they will be under pressure to name MOF1 and prosecute him. This is where Jho Low will be of the greatest help.
If Jho Low sings and cooperates with the FBI then it is an open and shut case. He can tell them that he was just the macai, the errand boy. Which is actually true. He can negotiate a lighter jail sentence. Once he is out of jail, some of those billions may still be waiting for him. Even if it is just one tenth left over, 10% of a billion is one hundred million. The best option for Jho Low is to cut a deal with the FBI, the Swiss, Singapore etc. Let MOF1 go to jail.
But there will be a price. Jho Low and his family will be walking on egg shells from now onwards. And they must be avoiding empty oil drums at all costs. These objects can be hazardous to their health. But not for too long. Once the politicians are out of office, they have no power. They have nothing. Some other people are also out of town.
p.s. Here is a footnote. MOF1 put US681 million in his account at one bank. He used US61 million. He did not "return" the balance US620 million. He just sent it out to his other accounts (held by others) and the funds were used to buy the art works, penthouses etc. All those boys (Jho Low, Eric, Jasmine etc) were just macais. The money was always under their control. - OSTB
Four songs for ‘Malaysian Official 1’...
While we await more exposés by the United States’ Department of Justice (DOJ), let us speculate on the four songs that the “Malaysian Official 1” might wish, to hear. They might be, Leaving on a Jet Plane by John Denver. Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me to the Moon. Maybe Bruce Springsteen’s Born to Run. Perhaps, These Boots were Made for Walking by Nancy Sinatra.
The rakyat suffered. The money could have been used to improve the lives of Malaysians, but it was redirected to purportedly benefit the individuals named in the American lawsuit. The Americans refused to condone a corrupt regime, because it builds mistrust. Moreover, they would not allow America to be used as a money-laundering haven for corrupt dictators.
Back home, a wall of silence, and an impenetrable fog of denial, was being built in Putrajaya. How could the people in Putrajaya, the Cabinet, the high-ranking officials say, and do nothing?
First up was the Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak, who urged Malaysians not to believe the American allegations about 1MDB. “No one should rush to judgment before allegations are proven in court,” he said. (sic)
Amazingly, the Malaysian Attorney-General, Tan Sri Apandi Ali, said that there was no proof that funds had been misappropriated from 1MDB.
Alas, hard work has affected Apandi’s reasoning. Was he not aware of his predecessor, Tan Sri Gani Patail’s, allegedly forced, early retirement? Is Apandi so busy that he does not know 1MDB was being investigated in seven countries around the world? Did he not read that because of 1MDB, a 143-year-old Swiss Bank, was forced to close?
Bank Negara’s revelation about ‘Good Star’ and Penangite Jho Low’s alleged role in siphoning 681 American pies into someone’s private bank account was explosive news. The IGP may have interviewed 25 people, but if the wrong people are asked for interview, and the wrong set of questions were posed, nothing new would come to light.
Third loyalist was Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, who maintained that the PM was not implicated, as he had not been mentioned in the 1MDB investigation.
What can one say about Abdul Rahman, but that he is clearly out of touch with the Malaysian public and flustered by the international probe into 1MDB. His claim to infamy is that he once urged people to “return to the kampong” to escape the ravages of urban living.
Where is Jho Low? What must his alma mater, Harrow School, think of one of their old boys? One former classmate, who preferred to remain anonymous, alleged that Jho Low was a quiet boy, a nondescript loner, with few friends at school. It contrasts with his image of a flamboyant, life-and-soul-of-the-party sort of person, cosying up with the likes of Paris Hilton.
Where is Riza Aziz, the step son of the Prime Minister? His name has cropped-up many times in the American lawsuit.
We know what the Japanese and South Koreans would do to defend their honour, and as we do not know the identity of “Malaysian Official 1”, we wonder what his next move will be. - Mariam Mokhtar

National Security Act The "Dirty Harry make my day" clause!...
Our nation lurches from one crisis to another. It stumbles, falls and then crawls towards another day in the hope that another day may bring about blessed relief from the vagaries and toxic fallout that that our politicians seems bent on inflicting upon us all. Upon you and me. But always, what another day brings upon us is more of the same - only more delibitating, more punishing and takes from us, bit by bit, that will to stand up to the criminal political elites that are responsible for these deeds!
And why should we not feel helpless and hopeless in the face of this Umno led Barisan Nasional government hell bent upon imposing their political will upon anyone that stands in their way to govern? Why indeed!
Let me speak for myself.
I have lived through everyone of those 22 years of Mahathir's time as prime minister...every one of them! There are many stories I can tell of what that man did to and for our country, to and for our people and of course to and for himself but I know this to be a fact.... Mahthir is not a corrupt prime minister.
He erred in many ways. He was petulant to the point of being vengeful when faced with anyone that dares to question his commitment to make the change he deemed Malaysia and Malaysians needed and he unhesitatingly and some say wickedly, wielded the considerable political clout he had to neutralise and pulverise any dissent.
His use, misuse and abuse of political power was done with impunity and he went about consolidating that ability in his personal self because for Mahathir, the ends justifies the means....an obsession that has spawned two prime minister after Mahathir, both of whom, by the things that they do in the name of government, has since shown Mahathir the error of his ways.
Yes Mahathir erred. Today Malaysia and Malaysians have in Najib Razak the prime minister that Mahathir's has to take responsibility for spawning.
To his credit, Mahathir has taken that responsibility and is doing something about it....possibly too little and too late. This we will only know in the fullness of time. To those of you unforgiving of Mahathir's ways during his time as lord and total masters over all things Malaysian may I remind you of this. If, after a life of sins and frivolities, a Muslim with the last breath he draws upon this earth intones "laa ilaaha illallah Muhammad Rasulullah'. ..maka “Tidak masuk neraka orang yang mengatakan laa ilaaha illallah.” ...so who are we mere mortals to not forgive Mahathir for what he has done if he has now repent?...but I digress.
For now our people and our nation have to deal with Najib Razak and that seems to be an impossibility given that Najib has the political will, the large armies and deep pockets that he needs to stay where we do not want him to stay : as prime minister of Malaysia.
For too long and too often we have been told that Najib is a dead man walking!
Believe what you want of the things you have heard and read about the imminent political demise of Najib Razak but I can tell you that the man is alive and well, in good health and living the good life with all his faculties intact. And come 1st August the National Security Act will hand him dictatorial powers to do what he likes, against whoever he likes for any six months at a time. And if you think what Najib has done in the past is abominable...you ain't seen anything yet!
What is the National Security Act?
Translation : The authorities can kill anybody they like by invoking the above act and there is nothing any one can do about it!
We are all familiar with these names : Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, Aminurasyid, Altantuya, Kevin Morais, Najadi Hussein and many many others...all killed on the streets of Malaysia or while in the custody of the authorities...and we have seen how impossible it has been to bring the perpetrators of these murders to justice.
After 1st August 2016, the authorities can invoke that "Dirty Harry make my day" clause and close one eye and shut the other when the army or the police, acting on the orders of the BN government, shoot anyone dead!
That "anyone they can shot dead" includes you and me!
Think about that for a bit today and try to get your head around "."the clause that cancels the formal inquest into the death of anyone killed by army or police in any crackdown under its provisions". Imagine giving that power to Najib Razak! Enough said! - steadyaku47

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