Ini cerita lawak. Tapi apa nak dihairankan? Malaysia dah jadi bahan lawak satu dunia.
Sarawak Report lapor maklumat yang ia dakwa dari Laporan Pengauditan 1MDB oleh Ketua Juruaudit Negara, Tan Sri Ambrin Buang.
Laporan itu dah diserahkan kepada Parlimen tapi dikelaskan di bawah Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA). Jadi salah kalau dedahkan kepada umum.
Kalau betul maklumat Sarawak Report itu daripada laporan tersebut, ia sudah langgar OSA dan boleh disiasat, dihadapkan ke mahkamah dan sekiranya sabit kesalahan dihukum penjara mandatori sehingga dua tahun.
Boleh jadi masa Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, arah Ambrin menentukan kesahihan laporan audit 1MDB pada 4 Mac tahun lalu dia nak sabotaj atau lengahkan penyiasatan ke atas syarikat yang dia sendiri kemudikan.
Dia mungkin sangka Ambrin akan bagi cap jari kepada akaun tersebut maka dengan itu bebaslah dia daripada disyaki seleweng berbilion-bilion ringgit duit 1MDB.
Jadi apabila laporan Ambrin itu bukan saja tak dihebahkan malah dikunci pula di bawah OSA jelaslah ada benda besar yang Najib tak mahu rakyat jelata tahu.
Soalnya, trompet beliau yakni Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak, Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, dah kata laporan Sarawak Report kena disiasat untuk sahkan betul atau tidak.
Pekung di dada Najib
Ketua Polis Negara Najib pula, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar kata dia akan tanya Ambrin.
Tapi macam mana dia nak tanya dan macam mana Ambrin nak jawab pasal laporan itu dah jadi dokumen ‘super’ sulit bawah OSA?
Katakanlah Khalid tanya dan Ambrin sahkan laporan Sarawak Report tu betul. Kita yang baca laporan Sarawak Report walaupun Salleh Said cuba sekat tahulah bahawa maklumat itu benar. Dengan itu lagi banyaklah pekung di dada Najib terdedah.
Tapi Ambrin boleh kata dia tak boleh jawab pasal laporan itu sudah diOSAkan.
Masalahnya kita yang baca berita arahan Najib kepada Ambrin 4 Mac tahun lalu dan laporan Sarawak Report tiga hari lepas boleh buat kesimpulan bahawa bila laporan Ketua Juruaudit Negara itu diOSAkan maka tentulah ada rahsia besar yang Najib dan konco-konco beliau nak sembunyikan.
Nak tangkap dan siasat Sarawak Report pun tak boleh pasal ia beroperasi di United Kingdom. Bukan tak cuba tapi tak berjaya!
Tahun lalu Khalid cuba tangkap pengarang Sarawak Report , Claire Rewcastle-Brown, tapi gagal apabila Polis Antarabangsa (Interpol) kata tak ada sebab nak tanggap perempuan orang putih itu.
Syusyah kan?
Kalau betul maklumat Sarawak Report itu dari laporan Ketua Juruaudit Negara, ia dah jadi cerita kong-kalikong.
Kita rakyat jelata Malaysia yang tak layari Internet tak tahu tapi orang putih yang jauh beribu batu tahu.
Balik kepada cerita zaman dulu kala. Orang Melayu tak tahu apa-apa. Dok tak dok orang putih dah jajah satu Malaya.
Boleh lagi kusut kepala Salleh Said. Dia sekat Sarawak Report dan blog tapi rakyat jelata yang celik komputer boleh baca juga. Mereka lompat kawat duri yang dia pasang.
Terima kasih kepada pembahas yang kongsi maklumat macam mana nak lompat atau runtuhkan tembok yang Salleh Said dirikan. - A Kadir Jasin,mk

Auditor-general can't answer IGP because of OSA...
Veteran newsman A Kadir Jasin has spun a wry tale on the potential difficulties the government will face when investigating leaks of data from the classified 1MDB audit report in the Sarawak Report articles.
The comedy of errors begins when inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar approaches auditor-general Ambrin Buang to verify the authenticity of the documents leaked by the whistleblower.
"But how is he to ask and how is Ambrin to answer when the report has become a super confidential document under the OSA?" Kadir wrote on his blog today.
The former New Straits Times group editor-in-chief was referring to the fact that the government has classified the audit report under the Official Secrets Act (OSA).
Kadir said if Ambrin were to verify the documents on Sarawak Report as authentic, this would only get Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak in trouble.
"But Ambrin can say that he can't answer because the report has been 'OSA'ed'," said Kadir.
The audit report on 1MDB has remained under wraps despite calls for it to be declassified and tabled in Parliament.
Critics say keeping the auditor-general's findings secret shows that Najib has something to hide.
Sarawak Report claimed the report is bad for Najib and the state investment firm 1MDB, and that it contained "stark criticism" from Ambrin.
Malaysiakini cannot independently verify if the documents published by Sarawak Report are authentic, nor can it report on the contents due to legal restrictions.
Continuing his tale, Kadir said the IGP would also face difficulty when trying to arrest the whistleblower site's editor, Clare Rewcastle-Brown.
"Last year Khalid tried to catch Rewcastle-Brown, but failed when Interpol said there was no reason to catch the white woman.
"Syusyah kan? (Difficult, ain't it?)," Kadir said in jest. - mk
The Secrets in OSA Vault...
When Mohd Najib, on March 4 last year, ordered the Auditor-General (Tan Sri Ambrin Buang) “to verify” the accounts of 1MDB and pass the report to the bipartisan Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the Parliament, he might have thought that the Auditor-General would merely rubber-stamp the company’s ledger.
Maybe that was the reason that he dared to promise that actions would be taken if wrongdoings were found.
He might have wanted it to be the magic key that set free all the trapped souls and the antidote that heals the 1MDB venom.
But when the report is locked away in the OSA vault, it raises suspicion that what the Auditor-General discovered and penned down was not what Mohd Najib had expected and wanted. There wasn’t a magic key or an antidote. Instead there are more venom and toxin.
And if enforced, as he had promised, the cheats, the corrupt and the corruptors named in the report would eventually find themselves in jail.
As the whole world knows, Mohd Najib himself is the ace in this game of strip poker (where the nation’s assets were stripped and sold), ahead of the likes of Tan Sri Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, members of the 1MDB board, ex-CEO Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi, the current CEO Arul “Azrul” Kanda Kandasamy and the PM’s sacred cow Jho Low.- A.Kadir Jasin

Skandal 1MDB: Penemuan Ketua Audit asas laporan PAC...
Malah menurut, Setiausaha Publisiti DAP Tony Pua, prosiding yang dijalankan PAC membabitkan syarikat sarat hutang berkenaan sebenarnya bergantung hampir sepenuhnya kepada penemuan Laporan Ketua Audit bagi tujuan pembentangan perbincangan, kesimpulan dan cadangan.
Oleh yang demikian katanya kenyataan Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Keruak yang menggambarkan laporan Ketua Audit Negara sebagai remeh dan tidak harus dipandang serius seolah-olah menghina profesionalisme Tan Sri Ambrin Buang.
Salleh dilaporkan sebagai berkata laporan itu sebagai “bukannya lengkap kerana ia hanya menangani satu aspek 1MDB”.
Kenyataan Salleh itu timbul setelah portal Sarawak Report mendedahkan sedutan maklumat yang didakwa sebagai laporan akhir Ketua Audit berkaitan siasatan ke atas 1MDB.
“Laporan Ketua Audit Negara bukan semata-mata ‘satu aspek 1MDB’ sebagaimana yang didakwa Salleh, tetapi merupakan sebahagian daripada Laporan PAC mengenai 1MDB. Tanpanya Laporan PAC tidak akan lengkap,” ujarnya.
Laporan Ketua Audit Negara ketika ini telah diklasifikasikan sebagai rahsia negara mengikut Akta Rahsia Rasmi (OSA), walaupun terdapat dakwaan bahawa laporan itu bebas untuk diteliti umum selepas ia dibentangkan di Parlimen. – Roketkini.com
Really, who is the traitor, asks sacked DPM Muhyiddin

It’s not IGP’s work to cover-up for crooks...
The Auditor-General’s (A-G) Report on 1MDB was not a national security document, said Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua in a statement.
“It’s a document which audited 1MDB for tens of billions of ringgit lost and has been exposed as such by the Sarawak Report (SR).”
Hence, added Pua who is also DAP National Publicity Secretary, it’s a crucial evidentiary report against the masterminds behind the 1MDB scam.
“Any attempt by the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) to suppress the evidence will pervert the course of justice in Malaysia.”
If the A-G’s Report on 1MDB leaked by SR was genuine, he continued, the police must catch the crooks involved. He pointed out that there has been massive misappropriation of 1MDB funds.
Instead, the IGP seems to be going after the whistleblowers who exposed the crime.
He was commenting on Khalid Abu Bakar, the IGP, saying on Saturday that the police will probe the whistleblower site, SR, under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) for leaking the classified A-G’s Report on 1MDB.
“He said that police will only go after SR after they verify if the document was genuine.”
“We are also not sure if the document they published was genuine. So, let me discuss with the A-G first to make sure whether the document was truly his Report which has been classified as secret,”
Pua quoted Khalid as saying. “He said ‘if it’s true, then we will investigate under OSA. So let’s all calm down first’.”
The IGP’s statement was shocking on several counts, said the MP. For one, the people are shocked that after months since the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) tabled its report on 1MDB to Parliament, demanding investigations on Shahrol Halmi and others involved in defrauding 1MDB, the police have yet to gain access to the detailed A-G’s Report on 1MDB.
For another, the police appear to have been so lackadaisical in its investigations on 1MDB that it hasn’t even obtained a copy of the A-G’s Report on 1MDB.
Thirdly, the IGP looked like a fool disclosing in public that he still has to “discuss with the A-G first” to determine if what was leaked on SR was indeed the A-G’s Report.
Fourthly, the question arises whether the Najib Administration decided to maintain the A-G’s Report as an OSA document so that even the police will have difficulty accessing it.
He reiterated that if the leaked A-G’s Report which exposed the billions defrauded and covered up by 1MDB officers was indeed genuine, it’s shocking that the IGP wasn’t at all interested in getting to the bottom of the scam and putting the crooks behind bars.
As the top cop, argued Pua, Khalid should be thoroughly scandalised and embarrassed by the single largest multi-billion dollar heist which has taken place under his nose over the past 5 years.
However, from his media response, he appeared completely indifferent but instead was more interested in a witch hunt to capture and charge the heroic whistleblower under the OSA, he lamented.
“The IGP would do well to remember that police officers are sworn to protect the people against criminals.”
It’s not the work of the police to cover up for crooks, said Pua. The IGP isn't at all interested in getting to the bottom of the scam and putting the crooks behind bars.
“The OSA, draconian that it may be, was designed to protect the national interest of the country.” The purpose of the OSA, he summed up, was particularly against the leaking of security secrets to foreign agents.

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