Hadi: Ambillah jawatan MB, kami nak Kuala Besut...
Presiden PAS, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang menyokong pandangan Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Husam Musa supaya pemimpin BN kekal menjadi menteri besar jika parti Islam itu menang dalam pilihan raya kecil DUN Kuala Besut 24 Julai ini.
Abdu Hadi yang juga ahli Parlimen Marang berkata parti itu mahukan kedudukan kerusi seri 16:16 bagi membolehkan mereka menegur pentadbiran negeri sedia ada jika melakukan kesilapan.
"Tak apa, beri kita 16 kerusi, biar dia jadi MB. Tak apa kamu ambil jadi menteri besar. Kita nak 16 kerusi. Apa faedah dia kita ada 16 kerusi (dan) kita tidak menjadi menteri besar? Faedahnya, kita boleh tegur dia.
"Benda yang tidak betul, tidak boleh, kita bangkang... Kita seri, dia tidak boleh buat benda yang tidak betul. Benda yang betul kita sokong, benda yang tidak betul kita bangkang dengan 16 sama.
"Faedahnya, kita mempunyai satu kekuatan untuk membetulkan kerajaan Terengganu," katanya dalam ceramahnya di Kampung Nail, Kuala Besut malam tadi.
Husam dilapor berkata kerajaan BN Terengganu masih boleh dikekalkan dan PAS tidak akan membentuk kerajaan baru di negeri itu sekalipun menang dalam pilihan raya kecil itu dengan kedudukan 16:16 di Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN).
Sementara seorang lagi Naib Presiden PAS, Salahuddin Ayub percaya PAS dapat memperoleh kedudukan sebagai menteri besar Terengganu jika DUN mencapai anggota 16:16 antara Pakatan Rakyat dan BN.
Abdul Hadi juga mengajak pengundi khususnya yang bekerja nelayan supaya "belajar daripada orang terpelajar" yang memberi kemenangan kepada PAS di empat parlimen di Terengganu.
Menegaskan beliau tidak berniat menghina kumpulan itu, ahli parlimen Marang itu menggesa pengundi Kuala Besut mengambil "peluang kedua" dalam pilihan raya kecil itu demi membuat perubahan, dengan mengundi calon PAS Azlan Yusof.
"Kita sedar, orang kerana sibuk ke laut, sibuk dengan kerja, kita tidak baca internet, tak baca media baru. Sebab itu kita tidak boleh buat perubahan... Kita maaflah mereka, sebab tak dapat maklumat," katanya.-malaysiakini

Terengganu lost under tonnes of funds, charges Rafizi...
PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli slammed the Terengganu government for supposedly having accumulated too much money but without any clue on how to go about using it.
Therefore, he said, at a ceramah in Kampung Air Terjun, Kuala Besut last night that the funds end up wasted on projects such as zoos and over-engineered bridges.
This is despite Terengganu being among the richest states in Malaysia and contradictorily among with the highest poverty rate.
However, if PAS wins the Kuala Besut by-election, resulting in a hung assembly, he said Pakatan Rakyat would be in a position to give input on government policy no matter the menteri besar - including his ideas.
"I am a son of Terengganu - born in Besut and growing up in Kemaman. Tonight, (PAS vice president) Husam Musa and (PAS elections director) Dr Hatta Ramli, you all are here, and even the reporters are here.
"I promise the people of Kuala Besut that if we win 16-16 (in the state assembly), I will give my full time, cooperation and focus to help develop Terengganu and help the people of Terengganu in the form of ideas," he told the audience of about 400, who broke into cries of ‘Takbir!' (Praise to Allah).

"Our problem is that when it reaches the state government, the money is there but not the ideas on how to spend it, so they build zoos," he said.
Poverty eradication tops agenda
He pledged that once there is a hung assembly in Terengganu, Pakatan Rakyat would force the government - whomever it may be - to eradicate poverty.
Of the RM2 billion revenue, he estimated that it would cost about RM30 million per month (RM360 million annually) to top off the income of poor households, pushing them above the RM763 per month poverty line.

In addition, the Pandan MP pledged that Pakatan Rakyat would pressure the government to build 5,000 units of affordable housing per year and subsidise it with up to RM20,000 each, since Terengganu has vast tracts of land but limited number of houses.
He also said Kuala Besut would be made into a ‘National Fisheries Industry Zone' with incentives for factories to be set up here, creating jobs and packaging the fishermen's catch for international markets such as China, Japan and the USA.
At the same time, the fishermen would be provided licences and financing for deep-sea fishing, he added.
"If you ask us, we have like 1,000 suggestions to help the poor. We can eradicate poverty. We can give free or highly subsidised housing. We can turn Kuala Besut into a National Fisheries Centre. We can give deep-sea fishing boats. We can prepare facilities for packing fishes.
"However, all these can only happen if we attain 16-16," he said.-malaysiakini

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