mendedahkan bahawa beliau adalah pegawai kanan polis yang sedang disiasat berhubung dakwaan tidak mengisytiharkan harta bernilai RM27 juta. Dalam satu kenyataan,Datuk Ramli Yusuff menegaskan,"Walaupun nama pegawai tersebut tidak disebut, tetapi ia sudah diketahui umum bahawa saya adalah pegawai yang dimaksudkan dalam berita yang telah disensasi itu,".
Datuk Ramli Yusuff juga kecewa kerana baru-baru ini empat daripada pegawai-pegawainya telah didakwah di mahkamah kerana memalsukan kenyataan-kenyataan saksi. Ramli turut mempertikaikan tindakan BPR mendedahkan identiti pemberi maklumat sulit polis dalam kertas pendakwaan berhubung kes memalsukan kenyataan saksi. Ramli Yusuff telah menyatakan kekecewaannya dengan Badan Pelindung Rasuah(BPR) yang telah menganiayai para pegawai CCIDnya dan juga dengan pasukan polis yang tidak memberi perlindung kepada pegawai-pegawainya itu.
Ramli telah membuat beberapa tuduhan serius antaranya:
* the police force had failed to stand by him and his officers during the ACA investigation;
* files containing confidential information were directed to be handed over to the Attorney-General’s Chamber;
* the ACA tracked and recorded statements from police informants;
* the informants’ cover had been blown with the ACA naming them in charges preferred against his officers;
* the identities of the informants were obtained by circumventing the IGP’s Standing Orders; and
* he and his officers were directed to prepare their own affidavits-in-reply to an application to set aside an order banishing one Goh Cheng Poh @ Tengku, which he claimed was unprecedented.
Ini apa yang Ramli kata, "My officers and I were directed to deliver the confidential case files containing names to the Attorney General's Chambers. I have since been aware that ACA officers tracked down these informants and taken statements from them. I am gravely concerned by the manner in which the identities of police informants are dealt with in investigations carried out by the ACA.The identities of the informants were obtained through the circumvention of the Inspector General's Standing Orders. Given these events,there exist a clear and present danger as to the intelligence gathering ability of the police force and its ability to protect the informants."
Bila ditanya dengan lanjut tentang perkara ini,Datuk Ramli Yusuff dengan sini berkata,“If you read between the lines, I think you can see what is happening,”
The de facto law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz pernah berkata,"We have four or five Acts that enable us to give protection to these people".
Pat Lah pula berkata, bahawa semua saksi-saksi dan peniup-peniup wisel akan dilindungi dan keselamatan mereka dijaga. Boleh baca disini dan disini.
Nampaknya janji-janji ini kelentong belaka. Kenyataan Datuk Ramli Yusuff itu jelas menunjukkan bahawa kerahsiaan saksi dan peniup wisel terang-terang telah di “rogol” oleh pegawai-pegawai BPR dan pihak polis yang tidak mahu bertanggungjawab. Dalam situasi begini sapa nak percaya cakap-cakap BPR atau PDRM lagi?
Tapi…ya tak ya juga,kalau dah kerja lebih daripada 38 tahun macam mana si Ramli Yusuff ini boleh kumpul harta sampai RM27 juta…?
Heran bin pelik pula.
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