Students Are Entertained As School Bully Punches And Kicks Classmate To The Ground...
Petaling Jaya : A video of a school boy getting bashed up severely by one of his classmate goes viral.
The helpless victim receives uncountable blows and kicks to his body. The violent male student also was seen slamming the chair on the boy’s body and even held the victim at a choke-hold.
The victim was practically rolling from one corner of the floor to the other corner, while he tries to stand up after getting beaten up badly by the other party.
It was apparent that the tables and chairs were arranged in a ring formation, and the classmates were all just watching the scene while it worsen with their laughter.
Most of his classmates were amused by the whole scene as they even had time to record the incident and laughing about it rather than helping him out.
In the video, a voice of another student clearly asked the bully to stop – “Sudahlah”, however it did not make the bully stop his actions.- thecoverage

Jangan hantar penyata kad kredit ke Seri Perdana...
Akhbar, The Wall Street Journal hari ini mendedahkan sekutu Datuk Seri Najib Razak, Low Taek Jho yang kononnya mengendalikan akaun peribadi AmBank perdana menteri.
Menurut laporan itu, Low berulang kali menekankan sensitiviti akaun berkenaan dan menekankan keperluan untuk kerahsiaan.
Beliau juga dilaporkan melarang AmBank daripada menghantar penyata kad kredit yang berkaitan dengan akaun tersebut ke kediaman perdana menteri.
"Jangan biarkan mereka di luar bank atau lebih daripada beberapa orang dalaman tahu mengenai akaun ini, arahnya. Gunakan Gmail, bukan sistem e-mel bank, untuk komunikasi.
“Apa sahaja yang kamu lakukan, jangan hantar penyata kad kredit ke rumah perdana menteri,” petik laporan WSJ yang menyenaraikan arahan yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan oleh Low.
"Tidak tidak tidak, tulis Low, menurut transkrip mesej BlackBerry yang diperolehi oleh The Wall Street Journal. Super sensitif.
"Sebaliknya, beliau mengarahkan seseorang untuk menerima penyata secara peribadi," petik laporan yang disiarkan pagi ini.
Malaysiakini bagaimanapun tidak dapat mengesahkan kesahihan laporan itu.
Laporan itu merujuk kepada transkrip yang dikatakan antara hartawan kelahiran Pulau Pinang itu dengan seorang pegawai bank AmBank yang bertindak sebagai orang perantara mengenai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan dengan akaun berkenaan.
Seorang lagi eksekutif kanan bank itu didakwa mengendalikan akaun berkenaan secara peribadi.
Low dilapor menegaskan bahawa sangat penting yang tidak ada sesiapa kecuali kedua mereka yang harus mempunyai akses kepada penyata bank itu.
"(Ini) kerana jika ia (disebar) di internet mengenai sumber dana itu, kita akan sakit kepala," kata Low yang dipetik WSJ.
Mesej berkenaan juga kononnya membincangkan bagaimana untuk berurusan dengan gabenor Bank Negara ketika itu, Tan Sri Zeti Akhtar Aziz, sekiranya beliau menimbulkan kebimbangan mengenai transaksi berkaitan 1MDB.
Dalam keadaan sedemikian, eksekutif AmBank kanan itu sepatutnya berjumpa dengan Zeti dan memberitahunya bahawa “ini adalah permintaan bos" yang WSJ merujuk kepada Najib.

Najib sebelum ini telah didakwa memiliki ratusan juta dana 1MDB melalui pelbagai perantara yang berakhir di akaun bank peribadinya di AmBank.
Bagaimanapun, menurutnya, beliau tidak melakukan sebarang kesalahkan dan menyifatkan wang yang berada di akaun itu adalah sumbangan derma daripada seorang putera Arab Saudi.
Peguam Negara Tan Sri Mohd Apandi Ali bersependapat dan memutuskan untuk tidak mendakwanya selepas siasatan pihak berkuasa.
Malaysiakini telah menghubungi setiausaha akhbar Najib untuk mendapatkan ulasan mengenai laporan WSJ hari ini.
Menurut laporan akhbar itu, peguam Low enggan mengulas mahupun pihak AmBank dan dua pegawai bank berkenaan yang didakwa terbabit berurusan dengan Low dan akaun bank Najib.
Ia juga mendakwa bahawa dokumen bank menunjukkan Najib telah mengeluarkan lebih 500 cek daripada akaun yang kononnya dibiayai melalui dana 1MDB berjumlah AS$ 400 juta. - mk
Don’t send credit card statements to PM’s house

Anwar-Dr.M meet: What waits for BN...
There is no such thing as a permanent friendship or enemy in politics, they say, and this has been proven right by political arch enemies Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Mahathir, who turned up at the Kuala Lumpur High Court in Jalan Duta to attend the hearing of an application filed by PKR leader Anwar to challenge the National Security Council (NSC) Act 2016 was seen shaking hands with Anwar, his former Deputy Prime Minister whom he sacked in 1998 and later accused him of sodomy.
Before this, it seemed to be all talk by Mahathir when he moved the Citizen’s Declaration petition.
Perhaps this photo is concrete evidence of his words? An endorsement that proves the both is willing to ‘join hands’ once again to take down a ‘mutual enemy’?
Says Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) political analyst Professor Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain, in politics there is no such thing as a " permanent relationship".
"Today I may be your friend, tomorrow I may become your enemy. That is why it isn't a surprise that the both seem to be working at reconciling.
"They have the same mission and if it takes for them to 'shake hands' to solve the problem the country is facing, then that will be it.
Atory says that it is not a laughing matter anymore as the country has a lot of problems and it does not seem to get any better.
According to the analyst also, it is also not just a political gimmick anymore, as some may deem it to be, as the it is evident that the economy will continue to deteriorate if no reforms take place soon.
"Our economy has deteriorated very much and it will continue to go down. Perhaps what we're hearing about how Najib should call for an early general election is what the country needs now.
"He needs to do it now while Bersatu (Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia) hasn't gained traction yet, otherwise Bn cannot be saved anymore.
"Although he (Najib) is in a vulnerable state now, his position will be worse if he drags on to 2018, and on top of that, Bersatu will be stronger alongside with the Opposition that is going all out to take down BN and Najib himself," says Atory.

Atory adds that the Opposition and Bersatu does not need much defectors from Umno to win the next election and that with 5% to 6% of Umno defectors is sufficient for the Opposition and Bersatu to form a government.
"Though we may not see much difference now, but as soon as Bersatu is officially registered, we will see Umno defectors leaving Umno to join Bersatu.
"Of course the Opposition does not expect all of the Umno defectors to stand on their side, but they only need another 15 Parliamentarian seats to take down BN and it is possible," he adds.
Meanwhile, former PKR Senator and veteran politician Dr Syed Husin Ali says Mahathir seen with Anwar is deemed as positive.
"It looks like a beginning of more positive cooperation between the Opposition parties, Bersatu and the stakeholders surrounding them.
"From the grounds, it seems like everyone is happy that this is happening," says Syed Husin.
He adds that while it is still unclear what lies ahead, he is positive that there will be no negativity deriving from this.
"I'm not particularly excited about it, but I'm interested to see what will come out of this.
"But as of now, I don't think we will see it attracting any negativity," he adds. - Soo Wern Jun,theheatmalaysia

Duterte set to pursue Sabah claim

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