Anwar hargai Dr Mahathir ‘baik hati’ hadir ucap selamat...
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menghargai kehadiran bekas bosnya Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad di Mahkamah Tinggi hari ini bagi memberikan sokongan dalam permohonan mencabar Akta Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) 2016.
“Saya ucap terima kasih kesudian Tun Mahathir datang, memberi sokongan kepada usaha kita.
“Saya terharu dengan sikap dia. Kita bincang masalah MKN, dan hal-hal lain juga. Beliau berbaik hati hadir,” kata Anwar ketika dibawa warden Penjara Sungai Buloh keluar daripada perkarangan mahkamah.
Ia susulan pertemuan bersejarah beliau dengan Dr Mahathir di mahkamah, di mana kedua-dua mereka dilihat beramah mesra dan bersalaman.
Bekas perdana menteri yang berkhidmat 23 tahun sebelum itu membuat kejutan apabila menampilkan diri di Mahkamah Tinggi, kira-kira 20 minit sebelum ketibaan Anwar dari Penjara Sungai Buloh bagi meneruskan samannya menghalang penguatkuasaan Akta MKN.
Turut hadir di mahkamah hari ini ialah isteri Anwar, Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, Timbalan Presiden PKR yang juga Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Azmin Ali, ahli Parlimen PKR Tian Chua, Zuraida Kamaruddin dan Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar, di samping bekas naib ketua cawangan Umno Batu Kawan, Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan dan bekas timbalan menteri Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah.
Ketika ditanya sama ada pertemuan itu menamatkan persengketaan mereka selama 18 tahun, Dr Mahathir menjawab: “Saya berminat dengan kes ini kerana ia membabitkan keselamatan negara dan sudah diulas di blog saya,” katanya menjawab soalan bertalu-talu dari wartawan.
“Kisah lama tidak dibincang,” katanya ketika ditanya sama ada pertemuan dengan bekas timbalannya bermakna kedua-dua mereka sudah bermaafan dan “berkawan semula”.
Dr Mahathir bagaimanapun berkata tidak timbul isu mereka berdamai.
“Saya tidak tahu tentang berkawan (semula) tetapi saya ada bercakap dengannya.”

Dr.M bersalam dgn Anwar
Sementara itu, Dr Wan Azizah yang juga presiden PKR mengelak soalan sama ada beliau kini memberikan kepercayaan kepada Dr Mahathir.“Beliau hadir memberikan kata-kata semangat, kita bertolak dari situ,” katanya ringkas.
Ia merupakan pertemuan pertama kedua-dua pemimpin yang pernah memimpin kerajaan Barisan Nasional pada era 1990-an sejak peristiwa pemecatan Anwar pada 1998.
Hari ini genap 18 tahun dan 3 hari Anwar dipecat Dr Mahathir, selepas dituduh menyalah guna kuasa dan salah laku seks.
Pemecatan beliau mencetuskan demonstrasi besar-besaran di Kuala Lumpur menuntut peletakan jawatan Dr Mahathir.
Anwar kemudian ditangkap di bawah Akta Keselamatan Negara pada 20 September, sebelum dibicarakan dan dipenjarakan 6 tahun atas kesalahan salah guna kuasa.

Anwar, 68, yang kini menjalani hukuman penjara kedua selama 5 tahun, mendakwa Akta MKN 2016 tidak berperlembagaan dan tidak sah kerana ia dikuatkuasakan menurut Fasal 66 (4A) Perlembagaan Persekutuan.
Beliau menuntut deklarasi Akta MKN tidak berperlembagaan dan terbatal serta perintah injunksi menghalang penguatkuasaan MKN.
Akta MKN yang berkuat kuasa pada 1 Ogos lalu antara lain memberikan kuasa kepada perdana menteri menetapkan sesuatu kawasan sebagai “kawasan keselamatan” di mana beliau boleh membenarkan pasukan keselamatan memeriksa mana-mana individu, kenderaan atau bangunan tanpa memerlukan waran.
Akta itu diluluskan tanpa mendapat perkenan Yang DiPertuan Agong, walaupun istana pernah mencadangkan beberapa perubahan.- fmt
Hormatilah gencatan senjata Dr Mahathir - Anwar

Anwar believes Mahathir supports reform agenda now...
Former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim believes Dr Mahathir Mohamad's presence in court today showed the former premier's support for the reform agenda.
This will provide them a platform to continue to engage, he said when met at the High Court in Kuala Lumpur after his application to challenge the National Security Council Act 2016 (NSC Act).
The jailed PKR de facto leader was asked whether he trusted Mahathir after what he wrote to PKR leaders and members in a letter, cautioning them against any cooperation with his long-time nemesis.
Reporter: Do you trust Mahathir?
Anwar: I express my appreciation... the fact that he was kind enough, and his support for the application. (He) wished me success and well.
Reporter: Do you trust him now?
Anwar: No, we will continue to engage...
Reporter: You trust him now as compared (to the time) you wrote a letter warning members not to trust him?
Anwar: My position is number one, the welfare of the people is paramount, which means whoever want to engage, must accept our reform agenda. It is not about trusting or not. Anyone who supports the reform agenda must be given a chance to continue (to do so).
Reporter: Has he earned your trust?
Anwar: He has showed preparedness to come and pledge his support for the application and wish me well and I presume, therefore, he supports the reform agenda. We discussed other issues, just in general. We focused on the application but we did discuss other issues. We will announce it.

The 91-year-old Mahathir arrived about 3pm, together with PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali, former Umno leader Khairuddin Abu Hassan, Batu MP and PKR Vice-President Tian Chua.
Anwar also revealed that the former prime minister had wished him well and hoped he would succeed in his suit.
When asked if he trusted Mahathir, Anwar said it was not about a matter of trust.
“Anyone who supports the reform agenda must be given a chance,” he said, adding that he presumed that Mahathir supported it based on his appearance today.

Many of Anwar’s supporters blame Mahathir for being behind the incarceration of the former.
Anwar’s wife and PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail later said that today was the two leaders' first ever meeting since 1998.
"The first meeting after 18 years and three days… since Sept 2, 1998…,” she tweeted.
Mahathir later went into the witness room with Anwar and they chatted for about 50 minutes.
The former premier said he came because they both share a common ground in opposing the NSC Act.
However, he denied that he was here to make peace with Anwar, who is known to be his long-time nemesis.
"I am interested in this case. This is about NSC and you know why. I have written about it in my blog, and he is doing the same (in opposing it).
"He is going to stop (the NSC Act), so I came to meet him. I had a long chat with him about what he is doing," Mahathir said as he left the court.
"I am not making peace with him."
Mahathir, who is also Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) pro tem chairperson, denied that his appearance was to endorse Anwar as the future prime minister, if the opposition comes into power.
On whether they are friends now after the meet, he said he was not sure.
They did not touch on the past in their historical meeting, according to Mahathir.

Last February, Anwar was convicted of what he claimed to be a trumped up charge of sodomy, and was sent to the Sungai Buloh prison to serve a five-year sentence.
As late as April, Mahathir claimed that Anwar lacked the moral fibre to lead the nation.
“He came to give us some encouragement. We will take it from here,” she said.
Preliminary objection hearing continues
Meanwhile, the High Court has set Oct 14 to continue hearing the preliminary objection in the bid to obtain a temporary injunction to stop the implementation of NSC Act.
Presiding judge Hanipah Farikullah also instructed parties to submit their written submission on Sept 19.

In his submission made in the court's chamber, senior federal counsel Armajeet Singh argued that the High Court cannot hear the application.
"The High Court has no jurisdiction to decide the issue whether Parliament has the power to make law.
"That power is only with the Federal Court, so the application is misconceived," he told reporters when met outside the courtroom.
Lawyers N. Surendran, Latheefa Koya and Eric Paulsen acted on behalf of Anwar.
Anwar had sought the court to declare the NSC Act unconstitutional on Aug 2.
Civil society feared the new act would grant Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak arbitrary powers, and even bypass safeguards that existed in the old law.- mk/fmt
Bila Anwar dan Dr.M bertemu Nyawa Politik Najib Kian Hampir di Halkum

Anwar and Dr.M- All is Well. Will it End Well?...
What has gone on between these two, only these two knows.
What Mahathir has done, what Anwar had are not privy to the full facts. And what you may know, may hear and what conjectures you make make of what you hear will, in the main, be possibly far from the truth.
No assumptions.
Do not bring up the past to say that Anwar is justified if he had ignore the hand proferred by Mahathir.
Do not remind Mahathir of what he did when he was PM - that was then. This is 2016.
This is politics. This is now.
These two will do what ever it takes to take our nation, our peoiple and our future towards what we Malaysian aspire to : Good Governance and a government that puts Malaysians first. Everything else will fall into place.
Just remember this!
From zilch Anwar Ibrahim became leader of the opposition who secured the popular mandate to form government.
Mahathir has 22 years of government for us to reflect upon to decide if he had done more right than wrong by all of us.
And then you ask yourself if this "Dream Team" of Anwar and Mahathir, with others who are already aligned with them, and with our support....can we all together dismiss Najib Razak from Office?
Remember also that it was Mahathir that had Umno replaced by Umno Baru - who says he cannot do that again if that is what is needed to give the Malays and Malaysians the political vehicle to move our country back to sanity.
So to all of you that have something to say about the meeting of these two nemisis to each other...think what it has taken for Mahathir to go to see Anwar...for surely it was Mahathir who had to go and see Anwar for Anwar is not free to go where he wants to go. And think also what it must have taken for Anwar to take that proferred hand of Mahathir with grace and a smile.
Let us sit back and be witness to what else is to come. I know that there is more to come because I am privy to a few things...but only what they want me to know...I do not know the full picture....the big picture.
The two of them spent almost an hour in a room I need to say more? Lawan mesti Lawan.- Hussein A.Hamid,steadyaku47
Kangkung - Mahathir can never make peace with Anwar as it will be an admission of guilt for what he has done to him. Mahathir can partly be blamed for Anwar's present situation as Najib has used Mahathir's method.
Burong merah - When 2 big elephant come together and shake hand, poor monkeys should be getting worried. Jump monkeys jump for your survival, big tree is falling down.
Good men - But who can forget that Amwar was beaten half to death after he was arrested in 1998? And Mahathir at the time said the black eye was self inflicted? And the court case with semen covered mattress? And Mahathir until today still insists he removed Anwar because he was a sodomist? Are we to forget all of that?
Kim Quek - The first meeting for the two in 18 years – and in rather amiable circumstances; and that’s a good start. The duo have an immediate common objective now – to stop the abominable NSC Act. And if they go beyond that and share fundamental reform objectives, that could be a game-changer in the current tussle between the challenger and the incumbent.
Lord Denning - Politics makes strange bed-fellows. The enemy of my enemy is my friend

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