Penahanan Pengerusi Bank Rakyat Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) bagi membantu siasatan berhubung dakwaan rasuah membabitkan RM15 juta baru-baru ini, bukan skandal pertama melanda bank itu.
Pada 1977, pengerusi bank pada masa itu, Datuk Seri Harun Idris dijatuhi hukuman penjara kerana rasuah, menurut laporan di The Star.
Aziz, 65, ialah salah seorang daripada 3 kakitangan bank itu yang disoal siasat berhubung siasatan kes kontrak penerbitan buku bernilai jutaan ringgit dan projek menaik taraf sistem bank berkenaan.
Hampir RM1 juta wang dalam akaun bank Aziz turut dibekukan sementara kes itu masih disiasat.
Harun, bekas menteri besar Selangor ditahan dan didakwa bersama pengarah urusan bank itu, Abu Mansor Basir dan pengurus besar Ismail Din.
Mereka dituduh memalsukan minit mesyuarat dengan tujuan menipu bank dengan mencagarkan sahamnya kepada First National City Bank (kini Citibank) bagi mendapatkan surat pinjaman untuk Tinju Dunia Sdn Bhd menganjurkan pertarungan Muhammad Ali vs Joe Bugner, menyebabkan Bank Rakyat kerugian RM7.9 juta.
Pada 1977, Mahkamah Tinggi memerintahkan Harun dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 6 bulan dan denda RM15,000 kerana bersubahat dalam kesalahan pecah amanah, lapor The Star.
Abu Mansor dijatuhi hukuman 2 tahun penjara sementara Ismail dipenjarakan setahun.
Pada tahun sama, Mahkamah Persekutuan memperkukuhkan sabitan dan meningkatkan hukuman penjara Harun kepada 4 tahun, Abu Mansor kepada 3 tahun penjara tetapi mengurangkan hukuman penjara Ismail kepada sehari dan denda RM10,000.
Bagaimanapun, selepas menjalani hukuman penjara 3 tahun, Yang di-Pertuan Agong berkenaan mengampunkan Harun pada 1981, menurut laporan itu.
Kertas Putih dibentangkan di Parlimen pada Jun 1979 mendedahkan pada Disember 1975, berlaku kerugian terkumpul sebanyak RM65 juta.
Kertas Putih itu, berdasarkan kepada laporan syarikat akaun Price Waterhouse & Co memetik wujudnya penyelewengan seperti kekurangan pelan dan kajian operasi yang sempurna dan pengembangan aktiviti, kelemahan sistem dan kurang kawalan dalam aktiviti memberi pinjaman dan juga ketidakjujuran, lapor The Star. – fmt
Not the first scandal to strike Bank Rakyat
The Bank Rakyat Betrayal - The Great Saboteurs of NEP

Gomen finances in deep sh*t...
According to some info that I received the gomen has been technically "cashflow bankrupt" already - from way before July 2016. There is an embargo on saying anything further for the time being. But I will update this point, hopefully in a few days.
The gomen finances are indeed in deep sh*t. I received this from a professor at a gomen university :
"..labs in my Faculty have not received money for equipment maintenance for 3 years. How the salaried lecturers/ lab assistants still managed to keep the practicals running is a tribute to their ingenuity. How long can this situation last?'
I have already mentioned that one supplier has repossessed photocopy machines from a Ministry after the Ministry failed to make lease payments. The gomen is already 'cashflow bankrupt'. They cannot pay all their bills.
Folks, recall I have been harping (again and again) that the gomen may miss paying salaries for its 1.6 million Civil Servants? Well keep reading this space.
The economy is also dying, especially the GLC economy. Maybank has closed 27 branches, which is 7% of their total branches.
The latest news say CIMB has closed 23 branches. This is also about 7% of CIMB's 321 branches.
That is a total of 50 bank branches. 50 branch managers, 50 assistant branch managers, 50 current account officers, 50 credit officers, numerous other officers, tellers, clerks and security guards have to be redeployed or laid off. Both Maybank and CIMB are GLCs closely identified with the Malay corporate economy.
Have faith folks. All this can be fixed. The fix is easy. But that moron has to go. His whole team has to go. These are the incompetents. They have been running the country into the ground.
In 2003 Dr Mahathir reintroduced English into the school system. Then he retired. After a few years they changed it back to all Malay. Imagine if they had not changed it but stuck with it we would already have had 13 years of English and Maths in English.
My second son benefited from the switch to Maths and Science in English. English helped him pass his UK 'O' Levels at 14 years of age (Ini bapak dia punya show off lah). After that at age 16 he scored three straight As in his UK 'A' Levels (Maths, Chemistry, Biology) all of which he studied in English. He is now a very young surgeon at a hospital. The English language education did help.
My older boy simply could not stand the gomen university system. He went to a private university where not only the subjects but also the lingua franca on campus was English. After he graduated (Architecture) he took some time off, went scuba diving around the region, rock climbing, travelling around the region and making his mum and me a bit worried if he was bumming too much.
Then he decided to get a job. He zeroed in on just one Architect's firm, was interviewed for two hours by his boss and for three years now he is a design architect who designs condominiums, apartments, commercial complexes and houses. The lingua franca among the architects is English.
What I am saying is that it is easy to fix our problems. The fixes are really easy. Of course if F Troop is put in charge, then all our kids are going to suffer.
More later on the gomen cashflows being technically "bankrupt". - ostb
Bank Negara held reserved is only RM101 billion,but our debt is RM 614,880,270 billion.

Harga minyak dah turun pujilah gomen...

Kenapa di Malaysia susah sangat nak namakan siapa MO1...

Ingat seks,ingat UMNO...

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