1. Saya percaya semua rakyat Malaysia tahu dan sedar bahawa keadaan dalam Negara amat tidak baik.
2. Khususnya mereka tentu tahu bahawa Perdana Menteri telah dituduh melesapkan beribu juta Ringgit duit Kerajaan (rakyat). Berita ini tidak boleh dilapor dalam media Malaysia tetapi melalui media sosial hampir semua rakyat dapat ikuti perkembangan.
3. Sekarang bukan sahaja media asing melapor berkenaan lebih 3.5 bilion Dolar Amerika sudah dilesapkan oleh Najib, Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat juga mengeluarkan laporan rasmi bahawa “Malaysian Official 1” (yang diakui oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Abdul Rahman Dahlan ialah Dato Sri Najib) terlibat dalam melesapkan wang 1MDB sebanyak lebih dari 3.5 bilion Dolar Amerika.
4. Jika semua laporan media dan Jabatan Keadilan Amerika Syarikat tidak benar, kenapakah tidak ada sama sekali sebarang usaha oleh Najib membuat saman malu terhadap mereka.
5. Rakyat Malaysia tahu. Sudah tentu para intelek Malaysia tahu. Sudah tentu wakil rakyat dan pemimpin-pemimpin bahagian parti Kerajaan tahu akan kebenaran tuduhan terhadap Najib.
6. Tetapi apabila diadakan kritik atau tindakan untuk memulih Negara bertuah ini kebanyakan dari mereka yang tahu kerosakan yang dilakukan oleh Dato Sri Najib, membisu, tidak sanggup membuat apa-apa, tidak sanggup pun untuk menyokong usaha yang sedang dibuat bagi memulih keadaan.
7. Sebaliknya ada yang cuba mempertahankan Najib kerana kononnya semasa saya jadi Perdana Menteri, saya juga buat perkara yang sama. Oleh itu saya tidak berhak mengkritik, jauh sekali dari menjatuhkan Najib.
8. Saya ingin tanya bilakah semasa saya jadi Perdana Menteri saya dituduh di dalam dan di luar negeri yang saya curi duit Kerajaan (duit rakyat) berbilion Ringgit. Baca seterusnya..

Moroccan Islamic State member among four arrested, says IGP...
The Bukit Aman Special Branch’s Counter-Terrorism Unit has arrested four men, including three foreigners, for suspected involvement in terror activities.
Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar said in a statement today that the men, aged between 26 and 38, were nabbed in Selangor and Pahang in separate operations, from Aug 2 to Sept 17.
“The first suspect is a 37-year-old Bangladeshi who owns a restaurant in the Bukit Bintang area, and is believed to have been involved in firearms smuggling.
“The man had been on Interpol’s Red Notice and was arrested on Aug 19. He has since been deported to Bangladesh to face charges there,” Khalid said.
“The second suspect is a Nepali who operated entertainment and lodging businesses. He was arrested on Aug 19 and sent back to his country early this month,” the top cop said of the 38-year-old who was believed to have forged documents for international terrorists.
According to the IGP, the third foreigner is a 26-year-old Moroccan who had worked here as a welder, and is a member of the Islamic State (IS) militant group.
“He had been arrested by Turkish security forces while he was trying to enter Syria in February this year. Upon his release, the suspect entered Malaysia in May this year.
“The suspect was arrested on August 2 and repatriated back to Morocco yesterday,” Khalid said.
The lone Malaysian arrested is a 34-year-old who worked as a personal driver to a businessman. The IGP said the suspect is believed to have links with known Malaysian IS militant Muhamad Wanndy Mohamad Jedy and had actively promoted the terrorist organisation in his Facebook account.
The local suspect is being detained under Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma). - fmt
Ostb : If you are a foreign terrorist who wants a free airticket home, courtesy of the Malaysian taxpayer, just get arrested by the police for IS activities.
- deported to Bangladesh
- sent back early this month (to Nepal)
- repatriated back to Morocco y'day
Wah ! Baik sungguh.
Lets look at the Morrocan first. He was "arrested" by Turkish security inside Turkey in February 2016 for trying to enter Syria. Then they released him.
The Turks did not throw him in jail? Or pay for his air ticket back to Morocco? Instead the Turks 'released' him.
I have said again and again the Turks are incubating and breeding these ISIS. They 'released' the Moroccan in February and by May 2016 the terrorist had entered Malaysia. And he worked as a welder.
Why didnt the Turks give us information about this fellow? Why wasnt he picked up at the airport or the Immigration checkpoint when he entered Malaysia? Why was he allowed to enter the country in the first place?
Bagusnya !! Terrorists from all over the world (Morocco, Bangladesh, Nepal) can enter Malaysia easily and at will. They can operate hotels, entertainment outlets, restaurants, work as welders and carry on their terrorist activities - smuggle firearms, forge documents, recruit terrorists etc.
And when they get caught, they get a free air ticket back home to their countries.
Baik sungguh Malaysia !!
How come these terrorists do not go to Singapore?
- Or to Indonesia?
- Or to Thailand?
- Or to Saudi Arabia?
Why do they keep coming to Malaysia?
Answer : Because the security in Malaysia is lax. Almost non existent. From the video above, in Tawau you can bribe your way into the country for just RM50 or RM100. And when they get caught they are deported back to their countries. (Air ticket also paid.)
If you watch the video on the previous posting,"Media Indonesia dakwa ratusan PATI mendarat di Tawau", watch the video here.
In that video the Indons are making fun at the corruption among the Malaysian Police and Immigration in Tawau.
I dont think anything much has been done or will be done in Tawau by the Police or Immigration since that video was uploaded.
If you dont lock them up, where is the deterrence for others like them? In fact they will be telling all their friends - go to Malaysia.
And where is the justice for that lone Malaysian idiot now arrested under SOSMA. He goes to jail just because he is a Malaysian. His compatriots got sent home.
They will not get jailed in Bangladesh, Morocco or Nepal unless they have committed crimes in those countries. They will not get jailed in Morocco, Nepal or Bangladesh for smuggling guns or forging documents in Malaysia. These people will walk free again.
If the Police are worried about retaliation by the ISIS (if they lock up those three foreigners) then what about the ISIS retaliation over that lone Malaysian who was locked up? The ISIS can still retaliate.
Being frightened of retaliation should not stop the Police from carrying out justice. If the Police are frightened of retaliation, then how are the Police going to protect public security?
From past 'exposes' they may take action for a few days and then when people forget, things will go back to normal again. - ostb

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