According to invoices leaked to Kita president Zaid Ibrahim, three 'agents' were paid a total of RM11.36 million for "technical assistance" in connection with the purchase from French arms dealer DCNS.
"Why can't the navy determine what is required by the navy, instead of these consultants? Unless this is necessary to channel corruption money," he said when met in Tropicana today.
Refusing to reveal his source, Zaid said the companies had received payments in Euro to foreign currency accounts in Singapore from 2010 to April 2011.
According to a Oct 25, 2010 invoice, Sousmarin Armada, received 935,000 euros for "technical services fees for system infrastructure configuration, system engineering and evaluation, commercial negotiation and selection of design partners for the Second Generation Patrol Vessel project."
The invoice was made out to Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd, which won the contract for the six vessels, by the company purportedly based in Paris. The amount was paid in two parts on Oct 28 and Nov 1, 2010.
Based on leaked documents, the same company issued anther invoice for the same service on Nov 3, 2010 for 986,000 euros and was paid the same month.
Setaria Holdings Limited, said to be based in Brussels, had last February invoiced Boustead Naval Shipyard 850,000 euros for "technical evaluation and integration parameters of equipment and systems... for the second generation patrol vessels".
Setaria also issued two other invoices to Boustead Naval Shipyard for 832,000 euros and 725,000 euros respectively.
Both Setaria and Sousmarin Armada cannot be independently verified.
Singapore bank accounts
Another company, JSD Corporation Pte Ltd said to be based in Singapore, invoiced Boustead Naval Shipyard for 312,000 euros in April this year.
According to the invoice, the service provided was "technical evaluation for MRG, SRG, SAM, SSM, hardware system, subsystems and completeness, software items, auxiliary or subsystem hardware, deliverable and completeness, test specification, modularity, redundancy and open architect for the second generation patrol vessels".
The company's website reveals that it provides technical service for aviation maintenance, repairs and overhauls, specialising in the Boeing 747, 737 and non-military Kazaan helicopters.
Incorporated in 1989, JSD also sells toy cars, boomboxes and remote keychain luggage finders.
All three companies, despite two being based in Europe, received payment through foreign currency accounts in the Singapore branches of Standard Chartered Bank and OCBC.
"Somebody has to stop this practice... as this is the reason our security is compromised. The army and naval forces have no say over the purchases and we pay too much for equipment that don't work," Zaid said.
He added that if Boustead wanted to buy from DCNS, it could have gone straight to the suppliers and not through these middlepersons, adding to the final price.
"Boustead is paying these agents, but they will recoup this through the price quoted to the government," he said.
"Until today, we still don't know how the price of the six vessels had gone up from the initial RM6 billion to RM9 billion."

Menurut Zaid, tiga ejen berkenaan dibayar sejumlah RM11.36 juta untuk "bantuan teknikal" berhubung pembelian kapal tentera berkenaan daripada firma Perancis, DCNS.
"Mengapa tentera laut tidak dapat menentukan apa yang diperlukan oleh mereka, dan bukannya perunding ini? Lainlah ianya perlu untuk menyalurkan wang rasuah," katanya ketika ditemui di Tropicana, Damansara hari ini.
Zaid yang enggan mendedahkan sumber maklumat itu mendakwa, firma perunding itu menerima bayaran dalam matawang euro melalui akaun di Singapura daripada 2010 hingga April 2011.
Menurut satu invois bertarikh 25 Oktober 2010, salah satu daripada firma berkenaan didakwa menerima 935,000 euro sebagai bayaran "perkhidmatan teknikal."
Dokumen itu menyenaraikan perkhidmatan berkenaan, termasuk konfigurasi infrastruktur, kejuruteraan dan penilaian sistem serta rundingan komersil untuk projek "Second Generation Patril Vessel."
Invois daripada sebuah syarikat yang didakwa berpengkalan di Paris itu dialamatkan kepada syarikat Boustead Naval Shipyard Sdn Bhd, yang memenangi kontrak bagi enam kapal berkenaan.
Bayaran berkenaan didakwa tela

Berdasarkan dokumen tersebut, syarikat yang sama didakwa telah mengeluarkan invois untuk perkhidmatan sama pada 3 November 2010 untuk jumlah 986,000 euro dan dibayar pada bulan tersebut.
Satu lagi syarikat, Setaria Holdings Limited, didakwa turut menghantar invois berjumlah 850,000 euro kepada Boustead Naval Shipyard.
Syarikat yang dikatakan berpengkalan di Brussels itu juga didakwa mengeluarkan dua lagi invois kepada Boustead Naval Shipyard untuk bayaran berjumlah 832,000 euro dan 725,000 euro.
UMNO,balun jangan tak balun!!!
Modus operandi membalun duit rakyat hampir sama saja. Rakyat jelata terutama orang2 Melayu sikit punya takut hilang kuasa lalu dirayu agar pangkah BN/UMNO, tapi jebon dan musang UMNO atasan sikit punya sakan dok rembat duit rakyat berkat sokongan orang2 Melayu bingong.
Rasuah secara sistematis ini akan berterusan selagi UMNO berkuasa...
Biasalah tu mamu .... dasar lanun dok kebaih duit rakyat ....tak habih-habih depa dok rembat duit kita ...
Nana Tanjung
Bukan setakat depa(UMNO) balun duit rakyat,kalu dapat bini mamu pun depa rembat. Bangsa tak guna seduit!
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