Pengarah Komunikasi PKR, Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad dalam kenyataannya berkata, Jamil Khir(kiri) tidak sepatutnya diam membisu dan segera menjawab persoalan ini yang pastinya menimbulkan kegusaran di kalangan umat Islam negara ini.
"Jawapan Ketua Audit Negara November lalu mengesahkan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom, Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan Datuk Che Mat Che Ali dan Shamsuddin Hussain Ketua Pendakwa Syarie Wilayah Persekutuan menggunakan RM63,650 daripada wang zakat untuk membiayai kos guamannya mengadapi kes permohonan qazaf Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim," katanya.
Sebelum ini, Ahli Parlimen Machang, Saifuddin Nasution telah membangkitkan perkara ini di Parlimen dan dibawa ke Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara. Ketua Audit memaklumkan, bahawa pada 11 Januari 2010 MAIWP menerima bil berjumlah RM63,000 daripada peguam Tetuan Zainul Rijal Talha dan Amir kerana mewakili ketiga-tiga mereka di atas bagi kes permohonan qazaf Anwar.
Che Mat telah meluluskan bayaran RM31,500 daripada peruntukan am pada 28 Januari 2010. Namun memandangkan geran kerajaan masih lagi belum diterima, bayaran dibuat menggunakan peruntukan zakat pada 9 Februari 2010.
MAIWP membuat pembayaran baki kos guaman RM32,150 pada 29 April 2010 menggunakan peruntukan zakat. MAIWP telah menerima geran kerajaan pada 22 Jun 2010 sebanyak RM700,000.
Namun MAIWP hanya membuat pembayaran semula daripada peruntukan am kepada wang zakat pada Disember 2010.
Beliau turut mempersoalkan, adakah begitu mudah untuk MAIWP menggunakan wang zakat yang dibayar umat Islam bagi asnaf-asnaf yang khusus untuk perbelanjaan lain? "
Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim, bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur di dalm surat terbukanya kepada Ketua Polis Negara hari ini telah membangkitkan dwi-standard kes ini dengan kes membabitkan bekas imam di Kulaijaya, Johor, Redzuan Mohd Said yang didapati menyelewengkan RM19,510 kutipan zakat antara Ogos dan September tahun ini.
"Redzuan yang kemudiannya memulangkan wang tersebut telah dihukum empat tahun penjara dan tiga sebatan atas kesalahnnya.
Adakah wujud perbezaan antara seorang amil zakat biasa yang melakukan kesalahan dengan seorang Menteri dan Ketua Pengarah JAWI?," katanya. - TVS News

In a statement today, PKR information chief Nik Nazmi Nik Mat said the funds, which are supposed to be used for the poor, cannot be used for other purposes.
“Jamil Khir (above-left) should not remain silent on this issue and swiftly respond to the allegations which is definitely causing unease among Muslims,” said Nik Nazmi.
Referring to an open letter by former Kuala Lumpur CID director Mat Zain Ibrahim today, Nik Nazmi pointed out that there had been a precedent where abuse of zakat funds resulted in a jail term.
Mat Zain wrote to the Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar to point out that a former imam in Kulaijaya, Johor, was given a four-year jail sentence coupled with three lashes of the cane.
The former imam was found guilty of abusing RM19,510 from zakat funds, but was punished despite returning the money.
In the case of MAIWP, the funds were used as advance legal payments for Jamil Khir, Federal Territory Islamic Department director Che Mat Che Ali(above-right) and its chief prosecutor Shamsuddin Hussain.
Scholars urged to speak up
The Audit Department had confirmed that the RM63,650 in funds were used to pay lawyers in June 2010 to represent the trio over a case brought by Anwar Ibrahim at the Syariah Court.
However, the department states that MAIWP was reimbursed after the council obtained a RM700,000 grant the same month, as its general resources allocation from the government.
In view of the sentence on the former imam from Kulaijaya, Nik Nazmi said that there should be no double standards in law enforcement.
“Is there a difference between a normal person and a minister?” he asked.
Meanwhile, Federal Territories PAS Youth has urged all religious scholars to condemn the wrongful use of zakat funds in order to protect the zakat institution.
“For us, the issue on whether the money was eventually returned does not arise.
The crux of the matter that needs to be answered is whether the funds can be used for personal use by government officials,” said Federal Territories PAS Youth deputy chief Mohd Suhaimi Abdul Aziz. Mohd Suhaimi said Jamil Khir should rightfully set a proper example and manage the zakat funds properly.
SHAME ON YOU - JAMIL KHIR AND CHE MATDatuk Mat Zain had written and published, not one single person within the government dare to act against him. Not the AG, not the IGP and not a single Minister. I would ask – why is this so? And the only logical answer that I can think of is that what all has been revealed by Datuk Mat Zain is true and cannot be challenged. Indeed, Datuk Mat Zain is a lone crusader for good against evil.
Being a colleague of Jamil Khir while I was in the military service, I am ashamed at what he did, if the allegation is proven to be true. I simply cannot accept a person like him with strong religious credentials and a ‘pendakwah’ to have done the unthinkable; an act that is sacrileges. He not only shamed the Armed Forces from where he was trained and served, but more importantly to desecrate the office that he now holds i.e. Minister in the PM Department in charge of Islamic religious affairs.
unlike the Japanese and Korean people where shame is unacceptable to them. To such people, it is more honourable to take their own life than to face shame. And having paid back the money does not absolve them of their sin. - Mohd.Arshad Raji
Sanggupkah si Jamil Khir terima 4 tahun penjara dan disebat sebanyak 3 kali?
Ha! ha!ha! Menteri Agama yang biol pasai agama...
Patut rejam dalam selut dikhalayak ramai!!!
When he acted wrongly against Anwar,under Shariah laws, God act in mysterious ways...
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