Timbalan Pengerusinya Datuk Wira Wan Ahmad Wan Omar berkata, sekarang ini SPR bekerjasama dengan Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) untuk membersihkan nama mereka yang sudah meninggal dunia.
“SPR sejak dulu lagi memberi perhatian yang serius membersihkan daftar pemilih ini,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas program Taklimat Pengurusan Pilihan Raya kepada pegawai pengurus, penolong pegawai pengurus dan pembantu pilihan raya negeri Terengganu di sini hari ini.

EC deputy chairman Datuk Wan Ahmad Omar said the commission was working with the National Registration Department to remove the names of deceased from the roll.
“The EC has always given serious attention to cleaning up the electoral roll.
“It is a daily process,” he said after a briefing session for those involved in the election process in Terengganu here yesterday.
Wan Ahmad said the number of register- ed voters in the country was about 12 million.
He advised people who have yet to register to do so now so they could vote in the next general election.
'Balai Polis Kerinchi' pengundi di Lembah Pantai
Even PR 'applicant' on electoral roll...
1 comment:
Phantom voters, postal voters with names like Balai Polis Kerinchi and lately, illegal immigrants from Indonesia and Bangladesh, have been given the right to vote.
Thats what SPR being doing all night long!!!!
Now he comes out and say...daftar bersih...p**i!!!!!
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