Merujuk kepada apendiks Belanjawan 2010, Pengarah Strategi PKR Rafizi Ramli berkata, ia jelas menunjukkan bekas perdana menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berbohong dan terus berbohong dengan menafikan perkara itu.
"Kalau pun Tun Mahathir meragui dokumen-dokumen rasmi dari Bank Dunia, beliau tidak boleh menafikan dokumen rasmi kewangan negara yang dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan Malaysia dan diluluskan di Parlimen," katanya.
Berdasarkan belanjawan 2009 yang dibentangkan Datuk Seri Najib Razak pada 23 Oktober 2010, kerajaan menerima bantuan untuk sektor sosial daripada institusi global pada 1999.
PKR today pointed to government records which show that Malaysia had indeed taken loans from the World Bank in 1999 to weather the impact of the financial crisis.
Referring to the appendixes of the 2010 Budget, PKR chief of strategy Rafizi Ramli said that this clearly shows former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had lied and is continuing to lie by denying his government had ever obtained loans from the World Bank.
"He can question the veracity of the World Bank documents (we produced) and I have written to the World Bank to verify the authenticity of the documents uploaded on its website.
“But (Mahathir) cannot deny official financial documents produced by the Malaysian government," he said.
According to the 2010 Budget presented by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on Oct 23, 2009 in Parliament, the government had obtained a social sector loan from the global institution in 1999.
"The interest rate noted is 7.4 percent in 2008 and as of Dec 31, 2008, Malaysia still owes RM701,040.14 of the RM60 million borrowed in 1999," he said.
“This is a document endorsed by his government at a time when (Mahathir) was foreign minister.”
‘Just apologise for the big lie’
Rafizi was answering Mahathir, who yesterday insisted that no such loans were made and that it would have been ridiculous for him to authorise such a thing after railing against the global body.
The former PM had in the past decade painted his then deputy and finance minister Anwar Ibrahim as being a “foreign agent” for supporting a bailout package drawn by the International Monetary Fund.
Mahathir had taken over as finance minister upon Anwar's sacking and imprisonment in 1998, resulting in a 12-year public spat between the two.
Anwar had last week revealed that Mahathir’s government had in fact obtained several loans from the World Bank despite saying that this “enslaved” Malaysia to foreign funders.
The former PM yesterday also questioned why PKR is raising the issue now, alluding that the party was merely trying to score political points ahead of the general election.
“Things are different today compared to in 1999. Now, all official documents are publicly available on the internet... you can easily corroborate (facts). He lied, we checked and found these documents,” Rafizi (above) said.
Rafizi added that instead of prolonging the political ping pong, the octogenarian should “accept the fact that he is wrong and apologise” for the “big lie” that he told the people of Malaysia.
source:malaysiakiniMahathir berbohong bukan saja pasal dia lupa berkawan Mr.Correct,Correct,Correct,atau pasal dokoumen pinjaman bank dunia itu, tetapi Mahathir juga pandai kelentong mengatakan mata Anwar lebam kerana Anwar tumbuk matanya sendiri.
Pasai dia pandai kelentonglah dia boleh jadi PM selama 22 tahun. Agaknya apa rahsia yang masih ada yang belum dapat dibogelkan?
Orang Melayu yang berada di bawah tempurung macam pecacai UMNO percaya apa saja yang Mahathir katakan, kalau Mahathir mengatakan lembu kondo boleh terbang orang UMNO akan percaya.
Tetapi bagi orang Melayu yang tahu akan kelontong nyiur Mahathir ini akan ketawa mendengar penafian Mahathir yang sterotype itu.
Jadi saya tidak hairan kalau Mahathir menafikan apa yang didedahkan oleh dokumen itu. Dia akan melakukan apa saja.
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