The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) raided National Feedlot Corporation's (NFC) office today over the cattle project scandal involving cabinet minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's family.
Eight enforcement officers from the MACC arrived at the office at upmarket surburb, Solaris Mont Kiara, in Kuala Lumpur at around 2.50pm and entered its premises.
The officers were in plainclothes, while the leader was dressed in formal wear although his MACC tag was under his jacket.
Around 30 reporters who had been camped at the premises an hour earlier, waited outside.
MACC had announced yesterday the setting up of a special team to look into the scandal, led by investigation director Mustafar Ali.
When asked if MACC's visit was a raid, Mustafar replied with a terse, "Yes".
NFC, run by Shahrizat's husband Mohamed Salleh Ismail and their children Wan Shaninur Izran and Wan Izzana Fatimah Zabedah, has been in the spotlight since the Auditor-General's Report 2010 described the Feedlot project's accounts as being in a "mess".
NFC has been accused of abusing a RM250 million government loan for the cattle project for various unrelated expenses, including the purchase two luxury condominiums in Bangsar.
The officers, led by MACC operations officer Wan Abdul Rahman Wan Mohd Salleh left the premises at about 5pm.
Abdul Rahman refused to reveal what was confiscated but officers were seen leaving with a central processing unit (CPU) and several documents in four envelopes in the two-hour raid.
When queried by reporters, Abdul Rahman declined to comment but stated that they had interviewed some of the NFC’s staff.
“We met several NFC staff and they had all cooperated,” he said.
Despite being swarmed by reporters, he refused to disclose further information or how many people had been questioned, hurriedly leaving the premises.
The NFC’ office, housed on the fourth floor of an eight-storey office block, oversees a Meatworks outlet which also allegedly belongs to Shahrizat’s family.

Pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menyerbu pejabat National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) hari ini berhubung skandal Fidlot yang membabitkan keluarga menteri kabinet, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
Enam pegawai penguatkuasa dari SPRM Putrajaya memasuki pejabat di Solaris Mont Kiara pada sekitar 2.50 petang, dengan disaksikan oleh petugas media yang berkumpul di situ.
Pegawai berkenaan dilihat keluar daripada premis berkenaan kira-kira dua jam kemudian.
Semalam, SPRM mengumumkan penubuhan pasukan khas untuk menyiasat skandal tersebut yang diketuai pengarah siasatan SPRM Datuk Mustafar Ali.
Projek NFC yang diusahakan suami Shahrizat, Datuk Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail dan juga anak-anak mereka, meraih kontroversi apabila projek berkenaan ditimbulkan dalam laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2010.
NFC didakwa menyeleweng pinjaman mudah RM250 juta itu untuk perbelanjaan tidak berkaitan, termasuk membeli dua unit kondominium mewah di Bangsar.source:malaysiakini
Satu lagi sandiwara daripada SPRM, dulu beria-ia kata "no case"...
Semua maklumat dalam CPU dah pun dipadam dan dokumen2 yang dirampas hanyalah umum saja,sedangkan yang asal bersabit dengan projek lembu semuanya dah dishred!!
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