Dalam satu sidang akhbar hari ini selepas ucapan dasar Presiden Umno, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak di perhimpunan agung parti itu, Shahrizat ditanya sama ada beliau turut terbabit dalam keputusan kabinet meluluskan projek NFC.
Shahrizat mengangkat keningnya, menggelengkan sedikit kepalanya serta menggerakkan tangan kanannya tanda beliau tidak mahu menjawab soalan itu.
Sebaliknya, Shahrizat bercakap menyentuh ucapan dasar Najib dan tergesa-gesa meninggalkan sidang akhbar, tanpa menjawab soalan seterusnya dari pihak media.
Semalam, Shahrizat mengecam mereka yang menyerangnya dan keluarganya berhubung projek NFC, yang dibangkitkan dalam Laporan 2010 Ketua Audit Negara.
Projek tersebut telah diberikan kepada syarikat milik keluarga Shahrizat pada tahun 2007 sewaktu pentadbiran Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ketika Shahrizat merupakan seorang menteri kabinet.
Dalam ucapannya di perhimpunan agung Wanita Umno semalam, Shahrizat berkata beliau tidak ada kaitan dengan projek NFC itu.
Pengkritiknya, terutamanya PKR, mendakwa NFC menyalahgunakan pinjaman RM250 juta, dengan membeli kondominium mewah dan membiayai perjalanan ke luar negara.
Hanya beberapa jam selepas itu, PKR membuat tuduhan terbaru terhadap NFC, dengan mendakwa syarikat itu menyalahgunakan dana untuk membeli tanah di pusat pentadbiran Putrajaya dan sebuah kereta mewah.
Mamu Pak Lah: I've no role in NFC fiasco

Abdullah, who was prime minister since 2004 and early 2009, said the project may have been given out during his time.
"However, so many things have happened between then and now. So I cannot be responsible for what happens after that.
"When they want something, they have an argument, they have a basis why approval could be given. So what happens after that has nothing to do with me," he added.
Abdullah, who is affectionately referred to as Pak Lah, said this to reporters during his visit to the special media centre prepared for the Umno annual general assembly.
Asked whether the NFC project was given out by tender or whether there was a bid for it, Abdullah said he had "no comment".
On whether Wanita chief Shahrizat Abdul Jalil should resign as a result of the NFC fiasco, he said he did not want to answer that as it would be speculative.
"It is not fair (to her). Its not her business, it's her husband's," he said.
Where’s the beef?
Shahrizat tak mahu jawab soalan projek lembu
Nasib baik Mami Lembu Feedlot angkat kening....kalau diangkat kainnya habis termuntah orang di dewan....
it looks like dolah mat mata layu was high on some pot!!!
he cannot remember the event during and after his tenure as pm
Even a prostitute has more pride & dignity as they don’t rob & fleece the poor rakyat compared to the corrupt in power.
Like the rest of the corrupt, this unelected woman has no shame to attack the elected MP of the rakyat & such is a typical behavior of Umno leaders foaming in the mouth going on the offensive defending corruption, perpetuating corruption, & even worse, cheered on by followers who have the same corrupt mentality of birds of the same feather flocking together.
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