majoriti - 1725
undi rosak - 731
peratus mengundi - 75%
Jika dikaji undi PKR sebenarnya meningkat dan kalahpun jika ditolak undi pos(undi deposit BN/UMNO) baru 1725-767 = 958. Itulah majority sebenarnya. Jangan lupa juga, sabotaj daripada pemimpin dan ahli PKR tempatan seperti Dr.Halili, adalah antara punca PKR gagal meraih undi Melayu.
“This journey was built on our desire to seek truth and justice. If BN is desperate enough to do whatever to win, does that mean we should do the same? No! We fight with dignity"-Fauziah Sa
lleh PKR election coordinator.
BN has nothing to celebrate. PKR did not lose in Hulu Selangor. BN began with an advantage of over 6,000 votes from all three state seats it won in the parliamentary area during the last general election. What with the amount of corrupt money, racial campaign and lies through the Malay media especially, Umno should be ashamed it won only by about 1,700 votes. PKR still managed to get more than 40 percent Malay votes although Umno expected to harness more than 70 percent. There was increase of support for PKR in the Felda areas.- Syed Husin Ali, PKR deputy president
Orang Melayu Felda dan orang India Hulu Selangor hidup miskin bak zaman 60'an dan mahu kekal sedemikan selama2nya. Itulah pilihan mereka, kita boleh buat apa? Adakah RM1000 boleh menampung hidup buat selama-lamanya? Lu pikiaqlah sendiri.
Macam mana tak menang, seluruh jentera gomen pusat dipandu oleh Najib 1Malaysia vs Zaid Ibrahim. Najib 1Malaysia ramal BN menang dengan majoriti 8,000 undi,sedangkan timbalannya kata 6,000 undi majoriti. Tapi dengan jentera 1Malaysia itu hanya sekadar dapat majoriti 1725 saja, kodilah sikit.
Kepada Zaid Ibrahim dan PKR nothing is lost, kita cuba lagi di lain hari. Lawan tetap lawan........
Failure is the “mother of all success”.... best of luck next time.
As a malay, I am terribly ashamed that the Malays in Hulu Selangor are so short sighted (stupid) easily bought, and are prepared, as muslims to defend a corrupted regime.
My regards and appreciation to the chinese community.
Well, the Malays feel they are satisfied with what they have. To them RM1000 given by UMNO can last till the next GE. Same goes with the Indians.If BN/UMNO can provide them their needs, can Hindraf do better?
To PKR,there's nothing to weep about.U lose some and win some.Work harder and U will be rewarded later.
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