Read this interesting piece by blogger Aspan Alias(edited).........
Firstly I wish to congratulate Kamalanathan for his win in this hard and strenuous fight in Hulu Selangor ‘buy election’.
The one thousand over vote’s majority is considered to be the most expensive votes in the history of any election that one can reminisce.
All in all there were about more than 200 million spent and pledged to gain this a thousand over majority, among which 35 million ringgit just for one Chinese School; and that swung 20 percent of the Chinese votes in the whole of Hulu Selangor.
The hefty cash offer of fifty thousand ringgit each family to Sg Buaya settlers came up to be the most effective strategy for BN and it was an obvious and serious encroachment of the election printed regulations.

By that unethical election conduct, BN won with just over a thousand votes that makes up to be the most expensive vote purchase in our by or buy election in this country.
Now as Zaid Ibrahim has been saying in the past days he is fighting on uneven playing field, but what can we do? This is our democratic recipe in Malaysia.
Where can we go? We can’t be fleeing the country, just because there is an unfair election process. We stay and die here and from now on just let everything happens as it likes.
That is already an accepted practice in Malaysian politics; money, money and money. We can’t think of anything but don’t worry; they are experts in creating election technology. They know what and how to do the magic through big funds and they know exactly how to play that magic.
I hope Zaid and his followers won’t be disheartened by this well designed defeat and just accept it in good spirit even though you and everybody know why you lost; You went through a genuine by election while your opposing party went through ‘buy election’.
MACC is closemouthed about it and if the 1Malaysia PM doesnt care..............

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