Selebriti yang pernah dikaitkan dengan sindiket pelacuran, Nikita Mirzani, merelakan payu daranya disentuh oleh dua lelaki. Aksi menyentuh payu dara itu dirakam dalam sebuah klip video sebelum ditularkan di media sosial.
Ekoran kejadian tidak bermoral itu menggemparkan pengguna dunia maya, pelakon Perempuan Perempuan Liar itu tampil membuat penjelasan.
“Video itu sudah setahun lamanya. Video itu dilakukan atas dasar kontrak iaitu dibayar Rp800 juta (RM266,477 ribu),” katanya seperti dilapor media tempatan.
Bagaimanapun, janda anak dua itu tetap mempunyai alasan untuk 'menghalalkan' aksi berkenaan. Katanya, dua lelaki yang menyentuh payu dara itu bukanlah "lelaki sejati" sebaliknya dua orang yang gemar berpakaian perempuan.
Atas alasan itulah, Nikita berkata dia memberi kebenaran kepada "dua lelaki" terbabit untuk memegang payu dara miliknya.
“Itukan mak nyah, bukan lelaki asli,” katanya.
Walaupun saat ini video klip terbabit sudah menjadi tular di media sosial, Nikita menjelaskan emosinya tidak tergugat dengan perkara itu.
Akibat 'tersinggung', Nikita mempersilakan dua lelaki tadi melakukan ujian ke atas payu daranya bagi memastikan ia adalah asli.
Nikita sebelum ini pernah ditangkap dan didakwa melacurkan diri dalam serbuan polis di sebuah hotel mewah di Jakarta pada 10 Disember 2015. Turut ditangkap bersamanya adalah seorang model Puty Regita dan dua bapa ayam.
Nikita bagaimanapun menafikan menjual badan sebaliknya mengaku dirinya adalah mangsa pemerdagangan manusia. Selain video, Nikita turut menggemparkan umum dengan imej separuh bogel yang menggiurkan dan beredar di Internet.- mk

Merujuk perjanjian kerajaan negeri Perak dengan firma China Huashi Enterprises Company Limited dalam melaksanakan projek fasa kedua Rumah Mampu Milik D Aman Residensi di Meru Raya, Parti Amanah Negara (AMANAH) mempersoalkan kewajaran itu.
“Kami mempersoalkan apakah kewajaran kerajaan negeri memberikan projek tersebut kepada syarikat asing sedangkan masih banyak pemaju dan syarikat tempatan yang mampu melaksanakan projek tersebut.
“Sedangkan, pembinaan rumah mampu milik bukanlah satu projek yang memerlukan kepakaran tertentu yang memungkinkan untuk memilih syarikat asing sebagai pemaju,” kata Ketua Pemuda AMANAH Perak Hasnul Zulkarnain dalam satu kenyataan.
Menurutnya, projek-projek seumpama itu sewajarnya ditawarkan kepada pemaju tempatan dan ia secara tidak langsung memberi manfaat kepada rakyat di negeri Perak.
Hasnul juga menyoal sama ada kontraktor yang dipilih melalui tender atau pilihan secara mutlak oleh kerajaan negeri Perak?
“Adakah kontraktor daripada China ini menawarkan kos pembinaan yang jauh lebih rendah daripada syarikat-syarikat tempatan?
“Sekiranya kosnya jauh lebih rendah, kami berharap tawaran perumahan kepada rakyat diberikan dengan harga yang lebih rendah dan berpatutan berbanding harga ketika ini.
“Tawarkan rumah yang benar-benar mampu milik, bukan hanya mampu tengok!” katanya. - mk
Standard siswa/wi kita setaraf pelajar2
tercicir Sek.Men.Ren.Denmark
Read full article here and here...
- Harvard profs say M'sia education policies fail to filter down to students
- Msian grads equated to Danish high school dropouts
- Harvard prof Lant Pritchett found Indon similar to M'sia
- grads in Indon same as junior high school dropouts in Denmark
(Ostb : Prof Pritchett has just made the Education Ministry's job even easier. Now they will benchmark our education system against Indonesia !! Well two million Indons work here as house maids and labourers. Yesterday I had a mind freaking time at a construction site with an Indon supervisor. They balanced a four ton back hoe tractor on a half dry cement wall. The wall crumbled. Please benchmark ourselves against the best in the world for example Singapore or Denmark. Please dont benchmark Malaysia with the Indons, the Saudis or the Zimbabwes. That is the easy way out.)
- reason is students leave school without mastering subjects
- they reach tertiary (level), left far behind
- no deep understanding of materials
- rote memorisation, applying theory, regurgitating exams
(Ostb : But they have Hysteria Kits at University Malaysia Pahang. They can build a grave inside a school compound to remind them of death. When they grow up they can have 'Tandas Muslimin'. Even when they reach Oxford or Cambridge they surf porn. Or they can join ISIS. Or they can get jobs at the jabatan agama. Or they can become Cabinet Ministers.)
- real measure of education is mastery of subject with practical application
- system should redefine role of education
- are children emerging from school adequate for 21st century
(Ostb : Well at the MRSM Ulil Al Bab campuses the kids practise shooting arrows from horseback. They want to emulate the early Arabs. This is very 21st century. This will prepare the MRSM Ulil Al Bab kids to become extras in Sylvester Stallone's next film 'Back to Afghanistan Again'. Yup they will be adequate for the 21st century.)
- Harvard Prof Woolcock said big challenge is make system work for everybody
- European system worked well for 200 years
- good traditional practice
- students learn critical thinking skills, apply what they learn
- Woolcock spent 18 months researching Malaysian education system.
(Ostb : After 18 months of serious research, Harvard Prof Woolcock has given Ostb a sneak preview of his research findings on the Malaysian education system. Here it is :
1. Dumb and dumber
2. Idiocracy
3. Bodoh nak mampos
4. Export of labourers to Singapore increasing
End of sneak preview. No 4 is real ok, many Malays are now working as labourers in Singapore. Many Chinese and Indians are working as managers in Singapore.)
- 51% of lower classes, factory workers, cannot read manuals
- cannot do basic procedures
- unable to apply theory or understand English
(Ostb : Never mind. They can become peneroka. UMNO can keep them there as their vote bank. They need the unthinking people to keep voting for this gomen. If they can apply theory or understand too much English then they will become like OutSyed The Box. Can you imagine how much headache and havoc that will cause?))
- English a big barrier
- biggest barriers was English
- Europeans are good at English and native language
- in Iceland everyone speaks Icelandic and English
- They learn English to do deals with Italians, Spaniards
(Ostb : So what? Who gives a sh_t? They dont speak English in heaven. What is the use of learning English if you are going to heaven.)
- Better tracking system
- Malaysia needs system to track why schools perform better or worse
(Ostb : Tamil primary schools are now tops in the country in Mathematics and Science. Chinese schools are producing all round high achievers. They are also tops in Mathematics, Science, English and ethics for their students. Yup Chinese schools have changed tremendously. So what is the solution? Shut down Tamil and Chinese schools. Then the problem is solved. The gomen schools dont have to be embarrassed by the Chinese and Tamil schools.)
Conclusion : The Harvard professors have been studying the Malaysian Education system for 18 months. These are Harvard professors. Do you think the Ministry of Education will read their report or study their research findings or implement their recommendations? I dont think so.
There is no money in such things. They would rather pay Mcshitty another RM1 billion for another education blueprint and makan some kickbacks. Or go to Boston for the Power Point presentation. And sneak out to go shopping. That would be more fun.- ostb

Kalu pembangkang,nyanyi kat tandas pun salah

Forest City rupanya diisytihar ZON BEBAS CUKAI sejak 6 Mac 2016, setaraf Langkawi, Tioman dan Labuan!Status tersebut diumumkan sendiri Najib semasa pengumuman pembangunan pulau buatan manusia di Iskandar Malaysia, Gelang Patah, Johor pada hari sama.Najib juga turut mengumumkan Forest City TIADA SYARAT KEKANGAN EKUITI kepada syarikat asing.Ini bermakna mereka BEBAS MEMBELI apa sahaja bentuk pembangunan yang didirikan di pulau berkenaan tanpa perlu berkongsi peratusan bahagian dengan syarikat tempatan.Hidup Melayu...

Johor akan dipenuhi warga China...


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