Pemimpin UMNO rompak duit rakyat sebenarnya anti-Melayu...
Yang sebenar-benarnya anti-Melayu adalah pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO yang mencuri wang rakyat, bukannya DAP. Sebaliknya DAP ingin supaya wang yang dirompak dipulangkan dan para perompak dipenjarakan
Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menyerang Parti Bersatu Malaysia (BERSATU) yang ditubuhkan Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin kerana bekerjasama dengan DAP yang dituduh sebagai anti-Melayu dan anti-Islam.
Nampaknya Dato’ Seri Najib Razak akan terus menggunakan tuduhan-tuduhan liar yang berbaur perkauman untuk mengkaburkan krisis utama yang melanda Malaysia hari ini iaitu skandal 1MDB. Sehingga hari ini, Dato Seri Najib tidak mampu memberikan sebarang bukti bahawa DAP telah menentang hak dan kepentingan orang Melayu.

Hakikatnya, pengkhianat Melayu yang paling besar ialah Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan UMNO kerana mereka telah mengkhianati amanah yang telah diberikan oleh rakyat, terutamanya orang Melayu.
UMNO hari ini merupakan contoh peribahasa “harapkan pegar, pegar makan padi”. Kerajaan BN yang diketuai oleh UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Dato Seri Najib telah menyalahgunakan kuasa mereka untuk memperkayakan saudara-mara, kroni-kroni dan diri mereka sendiri.
Malah di bawah kepimpinan Setiausaha Agung Lim Guan Eng sebagai Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, kami telah membuktikan bahawa semua rakyat tanpa mengira bangsa telah dilayan secara adil dan saksama. Misalnya, kerajaan Pakatan di Pulau Pinang telah meningkatkan peruntukan tahunan untuk hal-ehwal Islam daripada hanya RM13 juta di bawah Barisan Nasional pada 2008 sehingga melebihi RM50 juta hari ini.
Yang menjadi ironi, pemimpin-pemimpin MCA pula kini menyerang DAP kerana terlampau berat sebelah kepada masyarakat Melayu dan Islam.

Selain itu, Peguam Negara Amerika Syarikat juga mendakwa rakyat Malaysia telah ditipu oleh pegawai-pegawai 1MDB dan pihak berkuasa di Malaysia sebanyak USD3.5 bilion. Antaranya, anak tiri Dato Seri Najib Razak, Riza Aziz telah menerima USD238 juta untuk menerbitkan filem Hollywood, membeli rumah-rumah mewah di Los Angeles, New York dan London.
Yang paling memalukan Malaysia ialah bahawa beratus-ratus juta ringgit wang 1MDB telah digunakan untuk membayar hutang judi kroni Dato’ Seri Najib, Jho Low dan Riza Aziz.

TV3 Siam keluarkan rentetan peristiwa dari mana MO1 dapat RM 2.6 bilion itu, ianya bukanlah dari Pak Arab Gila, tetapi dari duit rakyat Malaysia dlm syarikat kerajaan iaitu 1MDB. Ada 2 kesalahan besar MO1, yang pertama berbohong kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia bahawa RM 2.6 bilion adalah sumbangan keluarga Raja Arab kononnya utk menentang IS (hangpa jgn gelak nu), kedua, pecah amanah dgn menggunakan wang rakyat yg telah di gubah melalui pindahan wang ke pihak ke 3 ke 4 ke 5 ke 6 ke 7 lalu masuk dlm akaun peribadi MO1 utk tujuan kempen parti UMNO/BN dlm bentuk pemberian wang/barangan dan sbgnya oleh makhluk yang bergelar "Cash is King" Pasai apa rakyat masih buta?
Kesemua perkara yang disebut di atas langsung tidak dinafikan oleh Dato Seri Najib yang juga merupakan Presiden UMNO.
DAP bersama-sama rakan-rakan seperjuangan yang lain telah bekerja berhempas-pulas untuk membongkarkan dan menyebarkan skandal ini supaya rakyat akan mengenali wajah sebenar Dato’ Seri Najib dan UMNO-Barisan Nasional.
Itulah sebabnya Dato’ Seri Najib dan penyokong-penyokong beliau akan terus menyerang DAP sebagai parti anti-Melayu. Mereka akan terus mengkaburkan realiti untuk memperbodohkan rakyat, mempertahankan jawatan-jawatan mereka, terus menikmati rezeki haram yang telah diperolehi dan mengelak sebarang tindakan undang-undang terhadap mereka.
DAP akan terus bekerjasama dengan mana-mana pihak yang mengutamakan perjuangan dasar melawan rasuah, menegakkan keadilan dan membina sebuah kerajaan yang cekap, akauntabel dan telus, termasuklah parti yang baru, Bersatu. – Roketkini.com
Those who plunder public coffers are anti-Malay, not DAP

If that's the case,then,all who serve country must get pension ma...
The authorities seem to have overdone it on how much and in what way those who serve the country must be rewarded.
It is up to the whim and fancy of the minister or government of the day to decide how much and how long and how many rewards are to be given should anyone win or serve up anything for the country.
As much as all of us Malaysians are proud and happy that Pandelela Rinong and Cheong Jun Hoong have managed to clinch a silver in the Rio Olympics, not all Malaysians agree with the way they have been rewarded. It is quite unfair on the duo, for they are made to receive the brickbats, when it is actually the authorities who have no idea on how much and what to give in such wins.
The diving duo not only received a RM300,000 cash incentive in bulk but also have been promised a RM3,000 monthly pension for life.

This has raised the ire of certain quarters who feel that they have done more for the country and yet they are not getting any pension anywhere near such a sum and are left to fend for themselves in their old age.
One of them even filed a police report.
According to Malaysiakini, a disgruntled retired army personnel Rozzeli Pin filed a police report, saying that the contributions of security force personnel who risk their lives to safeguard the nation far exceeds that of the athletes who "only dived from a plank".
"I am a retired army personnel. Many fought for this country, armed personnel and police officers including who lose their legs (while serving in United Nations peacekeeping missions) in Lebanon...why don't they get life pensions?
"Even those who jump from the sky with parachutes don't get lifetime pensions, yet those who dive from a plank are said to have glorified Malaysia and receive pensions.
"The dive does not commensurate with the pensions they are receiving," he was reported to have told Malaysiakini.
Rozzeli lodged a police report over the matter at the Gurun police station over the pensions the diving duo will be receiving.
Some may not agree with Rozzeli and may think his actions may be a bit too emotional, but Rozzeli does speak for thousands of ex-police and ex-military personnel who live on pittance and struggle to make ends meet.
Some may not agree with Rozzeli and may think his actions may be a bit too emotional, but Rozzeli does speak for thousands of ex-police and ex-military personnel who live on pittance and struggle to make ends meet.
This is despite years of serving in the police and army, and risking their lives in the line of duty.
Most of us may have taken a taxi with a former police or army man but how many of us know the sheer sadness of those drivers who once stood on the frontlines, defending the country and us.
Some do not only have no proper decent pension, but also do not have any other qualifications for another job and can only drive taxis. Even then, they now have to fight it out with Uber and GrabCar, with the government also thinking of legalising the latter groups, instead of helping them.
Maybe, just maybe, the government should sit down and devise a proper reward scheme for all who serve the country, be they civil servants or sportsmen, then only the rakyat can say no one is getting the ‘anak tiri’ (stepchild) treatment.
And pensions should be able to provide decent living, for the wages of police and army in the lower ranks will only give pittance if pensions were to be a fraction of them. - theheatmalaysia

Ini Usain Bolt bukan Tok Usin Ceroi...

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