Kisah menarik kejayaan anak Melayu dibidang perniagaan yang wajar dicontohi semua... diusia muda sudah memiliki 31unit kondominium mewah bernilai lebih RM15.5 juta..Kesemua unit yang terletak di ibu negara itu telah ‘dibeli’ daripada lima pemaju projek perumahan yang berurusan dengan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) ..pada harga asal antara 200-300K tanpa membuat sebarang pembayaran deposit, ni dapat direalisasikan kerana kedudukan anak Melayu ni yang memiliki pengaruh dan kuasa diDBKL.. Anak Melayu ni kemudiannya menjual kembali unit tersebut pada harga RM500K dan mendapat keuntungan tanpa perlu mengeluarkan sesen pun...Begitu pintar.. anak Melayu ini..wajar dicontohi oleh Melayu yang lain... - f/bk
Datuk Seri yang ditahan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah (SPRM) baru-baru ini kerana dipercayai terbabit dalam kes rasuah dan salah guna kuasa dipercayai mempunyai 31 unit kondominium mewah bernilai lebih RM15.5 juta, lapor Utusan Malaysia.
Semua unit di ibu negara itu dikatakan dibeli daripada 5 pemaju projek perumahan yang berurusan dengan Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL).
Akhbar itu memetik sumber sebagai berkata SPRM menerusi siasatannya mendapati Datuk Seri berkenaan ‘membeli’ unit kondominium berkenaan yang harga asalnya RM200,000 sehingga RM300,000 tanpa membuat bayaran pendahuluan menggunakan nama sendiri dan orang terdekat.
“Suspek ini dipercayai menandatangani perjanjian jual beli (S&P) dengan pemaju tanpa membuat bayaran pendahuluan.
“Apabila rumah siap, suspek dipercayai akan menjual semula setiap rumah pada harga semasa dengan anggaran RM500,000 setiap satu dan mendapat untung atas angin,” katanya dipetik daripada Utusan Malaysia.
Sumber itu berkata SPRM juga tidak menolak kemungkinan terdapat beberapa lagi pegawai dan kakitangan DBKL terlibat melakukan perkara yang sama bagi mendapat keuntungan mudah.
“Setakat ini, siasatan lanjut masih dijalankan dan kita masih lagi mencari orang kanan suspek terbabit bagi membantu siasatan,” katanya.
Pengarah Siasatan SPRM Datuk Azam Baki ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia mengesahkan perkara itu.
Pada 16 Ogos, SPRM menahan reman Datuk Seri berkenaan bersama dua lagi penjawat awam berpangkat Datuk dari jabatan berbeza di Melaka dan Kelantan. Semua yang ditahan masih dalam tahan reman.

Mereka ditahan bagi membantu siasatan dalam kes rasuah dan pengubahan wang haram, mengikut Seksyen 17(a) Akta SPRM 2009.
Azam sebelum ini berkata mereka ditahan dalam operasi serentak pada 12.00 tengah hari dan 2.00 petang.
Susulan penahanan itu, akaun bank milik mereka melebihi RM13 juta turut dibekukan, di samping menyita kondominium mewah seperti penthouse dan banglo, dan kenderaan Maserati, BMW dan Audi.
SPRM turut merampas RM400,000 tunai termasuk mata wang asing dan beberapa jam tangan mewah.
Mingguan Malaysia sebelum ini melaporkan wujud salah guna kuasa segelintir pegawai kanan sebuah pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) di Lembah Klang bagi memperoleh kondominium dan apartmen di lokasi strategik.
Perkara itu berlaku berikutan terdapat pakatan antara pegawai tinggi dan pemaju projek perumahan apabila mereka dikatakan membuat tempahan tanpa membuat bayaran pendahuluan.
Sebaik saja projek itu siap dan mendapat sijil layak menduduki (CF) daripada PBT, pemaju akan mengambil semula unit yang ‘dibeli’ pegawai PBT terlibat dan menjual kepada pembeli sebenar dengar kadar lebih tinggi bagi mengaut keuntungan. - fmt
Ibn Abd Halim - Dah jadi darah daging dari dulu lagi. Bila pembeli jumpa pemaju dikatakan habis dijual. Kalau mahu juga boleh jumpa datuk sekian. Bila jumpa datuk adapun rumahnya, tapi harganya lebihhh!
Harry U Chang - Nothing compared to MOI 2.6b. Ketua pencuri,org lain merompak!
Anonymous_1395464675 - This is nothing compared to what MO1 has done....billions of dollars in his account...dare to touch him?? These suspects are just doing what our head is conducting himself...even some ministers are feeling the pinch now...don't want to declare their assets...
1 M Robber Hood - Is this a gimmick to get rakyat away from "Tangkap MO1"...?
Datuk Seri' suspect allegedly owns 31 luxury condo units

What if a DAP member had said MO1 is the Agong...
Former Langkawi Umno member Anina Saadudin wonders what would have been the result if a DAP member had claimed that ‘Malaysian Official 1’ (MO1) is none other than the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.
Anina was responding to Umno lawmaker Nawawi Ahmad who had apologised to the Agong for his remarks regarding MO1.
“Imagine if such a comment came from a DAP member. The issue will be played by TV3 for at least a month,” she told Malaysiakini.
As such, Anina is of the opinion that the police, as well as Umno, must take action against Nawawi for making such a remark.
And it is also not enough for Nawawi to merely apologise to the Agong, added Anina, who has filed a police report against Nawawi for linking the MO1 to the Agong.
“The Sultan of Kedah is a king in the hearts of Kedahans. If you were to apologise to the king, you must also say sorry to all Kedahans because we were hurt over your statement,” she said.
As a leader, it is more so that he or she should lead by example, opined Anina.
“Nawawi’s remarks had touched on the constitution. You say sorry and that’s it? No.
“If you make a mistake, say sorry and get away scot-free, then the rakyat can do the same thing.
“Anyone from the street then will make comments in relation to the Agong and just say sorry. So, the police should take action, at least open investigation papers,” she said.
What was more surprising, Anina added, was that the remarks had come from an Umno leader. Umno, she added, is a party that supposedly champions the Malay rulers.
“An Umno leader should not be making such a mistake. You say you fight for the Malays, for the rulers.
“You say the DAP is a threat to the rulers, to the Malays and Muslims. Yet, you make statements that contradict your struggle,” she pointed out.
In his apology to the Agong made on Monday, Nawawi expressed regret over the matter and promised to be more careful when making statements on the social media in the future.
Nawawi claimed in an Aug 16 Facebook post that MO1 is none other than the Agong, since His Majesty is the country's head of state.
The Facebook post was subsequently edited to remove the reference to the Agong, four hours later, but not before drawing wide criticism.
The Majlis Kerabat Diraja Kedah ticked off Nawawi, saying that he should not have dragged the royal institution into the matter.
Nawawi had previously claimed that he was misunderstood and that he was not referring to the US Department of Justice’s (DOJ) court filings.
MO1 is an individual alleged by the DOJ to have received at least US$731 million out of US$3.5 billion that was supposedly misappropriated from 1MDB.
The DOJ said it is barred by court rules from naming the official in its civil forfeiture proceedings, but this has only fuelled speculation about MO1's true identity.- mk
Anonymous 2410591459862040 - Wow, if DAP said that. BIG BIG BIG issue. Treason lah, seditious lah, Red Shirt will be out. Nazri will say, A Rahman will say, Bung will say, Azalina will say. Who else?? PDRM will come at 3 in the morning lah. BIG BIG deal.. Cannot say. But UMNO say, quiet only.
Anonymous 1034721438846003 - Red shirt will take this opportunity to bersilat at masjid jamek and chicken chop some coconuts.
Nordin Kcd - Kalau DAP lah yang kata Agong itu adalah adalah Penyangak MO1, dah tentu ramai pemimpin Umno yang mintak kerajaan gugurkan taraf kewarganegaraan pemimpin DAP berkenaan. Tapi oleh kerana yang kata itu adalah orang Umno sendiri malah dia juga adalah rakyat negeri Kedah, maka seorang pun pemimpin Umno tak berani bersuara, apa lagi nak marah pemimpin berkenaan kerana mereka tahu tujuan dia tuduh Agong sebagai Penyangak MO1 itu adalah kerana mahu menyelamat dan mempertahankan maruah Penyangak yang sebenarnya.
Joe Janggut - Jawapnya sampai ke lubang cacing lah kamu akan dicari... 25 jam sehari semalam tv3 akan putaq isu ini... tak cukup mukasurat utusan akan mainkan isu ini... tp kerana yg buat hal ini adalah pemimpin umno, maka tiada apa2 tindakan diambil... inilah malaysia tanahairku... betul lah spt kata anina, jika rakyat biasa yang buat, boleh rakyat biasa sekadar minta maaf dan tiada apa-apa tindakan diambil? boleh? lu ada otak, lu pikiq lah sendiri!
Apa jadi jika ahli DAP kata MO1 adalah Agong?
OSTB: What about Petronas' reserves position? How much cash reserves does Petronas have? Some people say Petronas cash reserves will run out by end 2017. Without reserves and with Malaysia's name stinking to high hell, can Petronas borrow money overseas? Dont say I did not warn you.
The layoffs in the Oil and Gas industry exceeds way above the 1000 staff cut at Petronas. Plenty O&G companies have closed down or laid off staff. The largest group that is affected are bumiputras. I know O&G people who have quit and gone back to the kampong.
The question is Petronas still has 50,000 staff. How efficient are they vis a vis the industry?
That LNG investment in Canada has been a disaster. I have been commenting about it for years now - even without any charts or analysts. But most 100% certainly some people have already become very rich, even from that fiasco.
This is the scariest part :
Net income fell to RM348m in three months through June RM9.1b a year ago, company said Monday Revenue slid 21% RM48.4b
These are very huge drops. That revenue slide is just in three months. At this pace it could reach RM200 billion drop over 12 months.
The question is the Budget is due again soon. Where is the gomen going to get dividend money from Petronas to fund their corruption and wastage? How are the GLCs (the fake economy) going to sustain their "money is not an objection" gomen handout dependent business models ?
The gomen and the GLCs are still dishing out the "feel good" tricks to fool the Malays. That everything is hunky dory fine. This includes the fake 'high income" notions.
Here is the reality folks. In the real world, graduate engineers and architects earn starting salaries of less than RM2000. Even after three years working experience engineers earn about RM3000 or less. The American multi national giant Intel pays fresh electronic engineers about RM1800 starting salary. This is the reality in the real economy.
In the fake economy of the GLCs a fresh graduate (non engineering) was paid RM5000 a month !! A fresh graduate ! ! This is a true story ok. The freshie was given a job travelling to the GLCs overseas offices - which had hired "consultants" who were actually doing the real job. After a while the freshie quit - because there was no real work to do. Then the freshie joined the same 'consultant'.
In a GLC owned "seven star" hospital nurses are paid RM2000. Here is the cake folks, nurses in gomen hospitals are now paid even higher, up to RM3000 per month. Much higher than graduate engineers and architects who work in the real private sector.
Recently an ex Petronas engineer was interviewing for a job in the real private sector.. He was in the RM5000 a month salary range. But he could not answer basic questions about engineering. He complained that he was a 'project manager' and therefore he had forgotten his engineering. This shows you the difference between the GLC economy and the real economy.
This is the feel good, "high income" economy to dupe the Malays into thinking that everything is hunky dory fine. It is also easier to steal from them when the Malays can be lulled into "feeling good". This is the 'crooked mamak' business model too !
There are 1.6 million civil servants, over 90% of whom are Malays. I think all the GLCs employ about 500,000 people or more - also mostly Malays. (Petronas alone employs 50,000 people). So there are over 2.0 million people, mostly Malays who are in the relatively "high income" type jobs, in relation to their economic output.
Here is the question : are their wages proportional to the actual economic output vis a vis the real economy aka the private sector economy?
If yes, then it is very good for the country.
If no, then the disaster has begun already.
I have some feedback about the GST too which I am not going to share. Lets see how much GST the gomen collects this year.
I have said again, again and again the GST is killing the economy. Economic growth has just been killed off by the GST. How long will it take for the morons to figure this out.
The largest consumer base in this country the Malays are mostly wage earners. Monthly salary earners. Why? Because the NEP has NOT created the BCIC (bumiputra commercial and industrial community). So Melayu semua masih hidup makan gaji dari majikan.
The GST has caused price rises of 15% - 20% which has taken away the Malays' purchasing power by about the same amount. Hence business has shrunk all over the country. The Malays / bumiputras are the largest consumer base in the country. You have killed the goose that lays the golden egg.
Here is proof:
Now the gomen says the GDP growth this year is about 4% only ! !
Before they said 4.5% to 5 %.
Now they say 4% to 4.5% !!
From 4.5% down to 4.0% is an 11% deceleration. It is the speed at which the GDP growth is slowing down that is worrying. It is slowing down at a faster pace.
in the case of Petronas their drop in profits has accelerated by 96% ! !
What shall we do? The solutions are easy. That is the best part. There are easy and painless solutions. And everyone can become rich and happy. at least economically. All Malaysians.
But it all starts with getting rid of that monkey.- ostb
Mario Stars In Olympics Closing Ceremony...

Above is a footage of the Rio-to-Tokyo handover show, which begins with a very slick video showing off some of the famous architecture, icons (and nerd heroes) of Japan’s capital before transitioning into Mario’s great animated journey across the Pacific.
Being chosen as your nation’s cultural ambassador in front of the eyes of the world is quite the honour for the plumber. Though for every winner... - kotaku.com

"Lembu pun tahu siapa MO1"...

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