EC must answer on Idris' 'redelineation to help BN win...
"When hundreds of thousands of Malaysians hit the streets in the series of Bersih rallies, Umno claimed they had never made a tool out of the democratic machinery including the Election Commission.
"But as they are being exposed now, Idris has shamelessly shown his and the Umno leadership's true colours.
"I challenge the EC chairperson to state this stance on this," he said in a statement today.
Yesterday, Idris while attending the Tangga Batu Umno delegates' meeting which was officially opened by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, proposed two additional state seats to the parliamentary seat of Bukit Katil, which he said would increase the Malay population from 53 percent to 67.5 percent.
This he said, would help BN win. He also propose similar changes to the parliamentary seat of Kota Melaka.
"Was this announcement done with the EC's blessing? If it is true, it is a violation of democracy for Umno's greed which is in denial tha the voters of Bukit Katil had rejected them," he said.
Shamsul also warned Idris not to use the EC as Umno's and BN's lifeline in Malacca and to play fair. - mk
SPR jawab cadangan Idris tambah kerusi DUN...
Dua tindakan di AS, tapi Najib masih tak saman WSJ...
Sebaliknya dua saman sivil telah dikemukakan ke atas beberapa orang yang dikaitkan dengan beliau dalam skandal 1Malaysia Development Berhad.
Akhir Julai lalu, Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika (DoJ) kemukakan saman KARI (Kleptocracy Assets Recovery Initiative) ke atas lima orang termasuk anak tiri Najib, Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz, di Los Angeles.
Riza Aziz,Husam Musa dan Mathias Chang
Kemudian, pada 13 Ogos media massa atas talian melaporkan yang dua orang rakyat Malaysia – peguam Matthias Chang dan wakil rakyat Husam Musa – telah juga mengemukakan saman ke atas Riza dan gengnya di New York. (Baca di sini)
Kedua-dua saman sivil ini bertujuan menghukum dan mendapatkan balik duit 1MDB yang disyaki dicuri dan digunakan untuk kesenangan peribadi oleh yang dinamakan.
Chang adalah bekas Setiausaha Politik Tun Dr Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Husam, Ahli Dewan Undangan Salor, Kelantan.
Mereka mengemukakan apa yang dipanggil “class action suit” yang bertujuan mendapatkan ganti rugi ke atas kecurian duit milik negara itu dan merampas harta benda yang dibeli dengan duit curi tersebut.
Saman class action adalah sejenis saman di mana salah satu pihak yang terlibat adalah sekumpulan orang yang mewakili anggota kumpulan mereka. Ia berasal di Amerika Syarikat tetapi telah berkembang ke Eropah, Australia, New Zealand, Kanada, India dan Argentina.
Chang and Husam menamakan pengasas bersama syarikat perfileman Red Granite Pictures iaitu Riza dan Christopher Joey McFarland sebagai defendan.
Turut dinamakan adalah sahabat akrab keluarga Mohd Najib, Low Taek Jho atau lebih terkenal sebagai Jho Low, peguam cukainya, Debra Whelan Johnson dan bekas eksekutif kanan kumpulan kewangan Goldman Sachs, Timothy Leissner.
Juga dinamakan adalah Goldman Sachs and firma milik Johnson - Metropolis IX Capital Advisors LLC.
Husam dan Chang mengemukakan saman itu bagi pihak rakyat jelata Malaysia.
Hakikat mereka memfailkan saman itu pada hari Selasa cukup bermakna kerana Mohd Najib pun berjanji akan saman WSJ pada hari Selasa. Bezanya Selasa Mohd Najib sudah lebih setahun berlalu dan dia belum saman. (Kalau berminat boleh baca di sini)
Menurut kertas mahkamah, Chang dan Husam mendakwa defendan secara sedar menggunakan duit yang dicuri daripada 1MDB untuk faedah peribadi termasuk mengadakan majlis suka ria untuk bintang filem Hollywood, Leonardo DiCaprio dengan tujuan mengambil hati beliau.
DiCaprio memegang watak utama dalam filem “The Wolf of Wall Street” yang dibiayai oleh syarikat filem anak Rosmah Mansor.
Mereka mengemukakan enam tuduhan dan tuntutan ke atas defendan.
Tahniah dan terima kasih kepada Husam dan Chang kerana susah payah, pengorbanan dan risiko yang mereka tanggung mengemukakan saman sivil itu.
Mereka adalah patriot dan wira rakyat. - A.Kadir Jasin
Two US suits over 1MDB but still no suit from Najib against WSJ

Just How Stupid Do You Think Malays Are...
If we look at recent events, we can see an unpleasant picture. While the country is in the grip of a financial scandal of a potentially crippling magnitude the Malay heartland is being fed with ridiculous ideas.
A university lecturer actually argued that the American Department of Justice cannot be trusted because they are infidels. And the Chief Minister of Melaka chipped in by saying that the DOJ report is akin to the Americans attacking Malaysia similar to their attack on Iraq.
Suddenly an investigation into corruption by a government who are perfectly within their rights to do so on their own territory becomes something of a Holy War between the infidel and good Malaysian Muslims.
Just how stupid do these people think Malays are?
And if they are not making the lamest excuses to try to cover up this shameful incident, they are raising non-issues to distract. Pokemon Go becomes something worthy of a fatwa. A concert is deemed sinful. And the list goes on.
To make matters worse, we have a new party who are supposed to be saving the country from a corrupt government. This party is created to win over Malay votes from the ruling party. And they say that the only way to do this is to make sure that the party is open only to bumiputra.
Therefore, if we look at all these developments we can see that those in positions of influence think that the Malay voter can be convinced that there is no corruption in the country as long as those doing the investigations are not Muslim. They also think that the Malay voter is easily distracted by stupid issues. And finally they think that Malays are only able to look at politics through a racial lens.
It is very depressing that the Malay is seen as an ethnic group that can be swayed by such ridiculous thinking. It is more depressing to think that this may be correct.-Azmi Sharom

Untung jadi rakyat Malaysia, anak #Malaysian Official 1 main judi Las Vegas
sampai berhutang pon rakyat boleh tolong bayar langsaikan hutangnya...

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