Nur Dhabitah Sabri menerima kucupan tahniah drp kedua ibu bapanya.
Dalam pertandingan akhir itu beliau telah berjaya menduduki tempat ketujuh dikalangan penerjun terbaik dunia di mana ia adalah memori indah yang tidak dapat dilupakannya.

Namun untuk mencapai tahap ini bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah, beliau melalui laman Facebooknya telah berkongsikan sekeping gambar menunjukkan dia dan rakan-rakan penerjun yang lain perlu melalui latihan keras untuk mengejar sesuatu kejuaraan.

“Macam inilah bagaimana pasukan terjun Malaysia berlatih. Seperti yang saya katakan sebelum ini, sangat sukar untuk berlatih dan menjadi atlet bertaraf dunia. Kerana itu, saya sangat menghargai segala sokongan dan galakan yang telah diberi anda. Tolong jangan berhenti memberi sokongan dan tolong jangan mula membenci saya. Saya mencuba sebaik mungkin untuk menjadi yang terbaik.” tulisnya di laman Facebook bersama gambar berkenaan.
Gambar berkenaan menunjukkan tubuh mereka akan ditindih dan kaki perlu dikangkang luas bagi mendapatkan aksi terjunan terbaik.-

SPRM tahan Tan Sri...
Mujaheed Abdullah - Aku takut ini semua drama SPRM sahaja, sampai hari ni tiada siapa pon kena di tudoh di mahkamah. Kalau AG Pandi nak buat tudohan, jangan harap. Ini semua drama arahan Najis Ros production.
Azman Azman - Patut sebut saja nama malaun berkenaan. Sbb itu org suka title datuk ke tan Sri ke. Semua bkn boleh harap. kebanyakkan penyamun. Mcm MO1. Itu ibu segala penyamun. Depan ckp mcm ia2. Blakang dia Kira lain. Cari jln nak rembat harta rakyat. Yg bodoh ahli umno dan penyokong. Bagi dedak BRIM habis hati. Bodoh sungguh org Melayu UMNO. Dari Zahid Hamidi ke bawah. Baghal.
anakraja - MACC is just trying to show wayang, so that to divert the attention from MO!. In this way MACC is NOT actually doing its job. Whay MACC hiding the Tan Sri name. Release the name to the public, let public decide. When the name released we can decide who to who. MACC you are loosing the shine by doing sandiwara. Malaysians open your eyes and your mind.
Funny 1M - Only 1 million in Bank? Must be a poor Tan Sri. Datuk Seri also got more than 2.6b. Datin handbag is more than 1 million
Just go get lost - Somehow it seems dubious.No names.Tak apa MO1 bila tangkap???
along - Esok gua kasi lu olang tau sapa 'tan sri' tu dan dari bank mana...

France, Germany, Europe, Thailand, Indonesia Reject "TPPA", tapi Kaum Bodoh Kita Pula Pi Sign Buta...
The US - European version of the TPPA is called the TTIP. Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
The TTIP is now dead. France and Germany reject this unfair trade deal.
Massive US-EU Trade Deal Falls Apart Says German VC .The collapse of Obama trade pact is major defeat for politico-economic globalism and trade negotiations between EU and US fallen apart.
- EU reticent to open agricultural industry to low-cost American “frankenfruits”
- Concern over depletion of labor standards.
- Worries that unelected cabal will dictate policy over sovereign countries.
(TTIP) stagnated years ago. 14th round of nego. in July finally hit a death knell.
US last ditch effort to clear deal before end of Obama presidency
German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel confirmed negotiations failed.He said "nobody is really admitting it."
- secretive deal, for which EU leaders cannot even access a copy of pact
- become political anathema in both EU and US
It fall apart in May when France block deal.President Hollande said he would "never accept" deal that abridges sovereignty of France and Europe. It disproportionately favoring US agro-business
We will never accept questioning essential principles for our agriculture, our culture and for the reciprocity of access to public markets," Mr. Hollande said in May.
France says, ‘No'
- Concerns include America’s lower food and drug standards
- place EU agriculture at disadvantage against US genetically modified produce
- across the board reduction in labor standards
- international arbitration allows companies to gain compensation from taxpayers if health and safety laws of a country reduced economic profitability
Germany Economy Minister, said: "negotiations with US have failed."

OSTB : In our country the kaum bodoh went ahead and signed the exact same version called the TPPA. One monkey was allowed to play a game of golf with Obama, the other monkey was allowed to take pictures with Obama in the White House and they sold our country - not even to the highest bidder.
President Holland, the German Vice Chancellor and even our neighbours Indonesia and Thailand have refused to sign this really stupid trade pact with the US.
I was called to attend a few meetings over this TPPA. To pull the wool our eyes the gomen had town hall meetings. There were also other smaller "interest groups' and "media" meetings with the Minister over the TPPA.
At all these meetings I spoke up and asked the following question : "What is it that Malaysia has already achieved up till now or cannot achieve in the future if we dont sign the TPPA?" There was no answer.
Will the TPPA enable us to achieve the Vision 2020 (for example) in double quick time? No answer.
Then there is the obvious threat over not just sovereignty but making the Malaysian public pay compensation (using taxpayers money) for US companies.

Special tribunals (TPPA courts) that may be located outside Malaysia can decide these cases.
Say a US company cannot sell its food products here without a halal sticker. Or it has to incur extra costs to attach a halal sticker, then the company can sue the Malaysian people (the Malaysian taxpayer) in special TPPA tribunals to "recover" the lost profits, compensation etc.
The other more glaring example is requiring cigarette companies to put those ugly pictures on cigarette boxes as a health warning. Under the TPPA the US cigarette companies can sue the Malaysian taxpayer for the extra costs and lost businesses from these type of health warnings. Not in the Malaysian Courts but in special TPPA tribunals !!
But the strangest part was that the TPPA deal was done in secret. We do not know the details of the agreement. The devil is always in the details.
And it is too much to read. Plus it is in English.
Kaum bodoh mana nak faham baca omputih. Lagi senang main golf, lagi senang raba punk*k wanita, lagi senang kahwin bini muda, lagi senang pi shopping guna duit tabung, lagi senang beli krim hilang 'ugly'.- ostb
Innalillahi Wa Innalillahi Rajiuun
Pemilik Lembu Kondo N/Johan Ratu Universiti Malaya...

Janganlah putaqbelit fakta Jib ooi...

Hangpa ingat dak dah berapa Selasa...

Tunjuk bukti perjumpaan dgn penderma Arab tu...

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