Rakaman video seorang kanak-kanak Syria, menunjukkan badan dan mukanya luka berdarah dan diselaputi debu akibat serangan bom, terlalu menyayat hati sehingga menyebabkan seorang penyampai CNN tidak tahan sebak membaca laporan itu di televisyen.
Omran Daqneesh merupakan salah seorang daripada beribu-ribu orang awam yang cedera, terbunuh atau kehilangan ibu bapa selepas tercetus pemberontakan bersenjata menentang Presiden Bashar al-Assad.
Pembaca berita CNN, Kate Bolduan sebak dan bergenangan air mata, dan terpaksa berhenti sejenak beberapa kali.
Dalam klip video laporan itu, Omran yang diselamatkan selepas serangan bom di Aleppo, Syria, kelihatan tenang, duduk diam tanpa sebarang reaksi atau tangisan walaupun seluruh badannya berdarah.
“Omran… bersama ibu bapa, abang, kakaknya di rumah ketika di bom. Siapa yang melakukannya kita tidak tahu. Dia dan keluarganya diselamatkan,” kata Bolduan terputus-putus melawan emosinya.
“Omran ditinggalkan dalam ambulans, seorang diri dalam keadaan berlumuran berdarah, pasukan penyelamat pergi menyelamatkan mangsa lain mungkin masih hidup. Keluarganya terselamat.”

Kate meneruskan laporannya: “Omran… kita menangis, tetapi bukan kanak-kanak ini.
“Kanak-kanak kecil itu dalam kejutan, dia tidak sedar apa yang berlaku. Dia hilang dalam realiti peperangan yang terkucar-kacir. Tiga orang terbunuh dalam serangan bom di kejiranannya.
“Ini Omran, dia masih hidup, dia mahu keadilan.”
Klip video berita itu mendapat perhatian ramai.
Tahun lepas, mayat kanak-kanak Aylan Kurdi yang ditemui terdampar di pantai Turki mencetuskan kemarahan dan kesedihan masyarakat seluruh dunia terhadap nasib kanak-kanak di Syria.
Aylan terkorban selepas bot dinaiki keluarganya karam ketika dalam perjalanan menyeberangi Laut Mediterranean ke Greece.- fmt
Omran Daqneesh — along with four other children, one woman and two men — was wounded by an airstrike ordered Wednesday night in the Qaterji neighborhood by the Russian military or Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces, The Telegraph reported. The dazed child’s photo, which has been widely circulated on Twitter since emerging, shows him seemingly unaware of the large gash in his forehead.
The image offers just a glimpse into the horrors plaguing Aleppo as it continues to suffer from airstrike after airstrike during the country’s gruesome civil war.

Omran’s intense and bloody rescue was captured by the Aleppo Media Center. The footage shows rescuers pulling the unengaged boy from a pile of rubble, remains from a house that now stands in ruin. He is seen sitting with a blank stare while others slowly hobble out of the wreckage.
The child is never seen crying, but at one point reaches up to feel the wound on his forehead. After staring at his small blood-soaked hand for a short moment, he tries to wipe evidence of the pain away on the seat.
According to The Telegraph, Omran was taken to M10 hospital, which has also been the victim of many airstrikes, for treatment. There, his head injuries were treated and the dust plastering his small body was washed away. He was released later in the evening.- theblaze

Abu Dhabi arrests key figure in 1MDB probe...
Tycoon Khadem al-Qubaisi, a key figure in the investigation into 1MDB, has been arrested by the Abu Dhabi authorities.
This comes after reports that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s stepson Riza Aziz and tycoon Low Taek Jho, better known as Jho Low, were summoned to court to defend themselves on Aug 22.
The two are named as defendants in the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuits.
Citing sources, US financial daily The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said the arrest of al-Qubaisi was made in relation to his role in the 1MDB affair.
However, Malaysiakini could not independently verify the report.
Al-Qubaisi was purportedly arrested last week. In April, the tycoon was barred from leaving the United Arab Emirates and had his assets in the country frozen.
According to WSJ, al-Qubaisi hasn't commented on the allegations and his lawyer also declined to comment. Continue reading here...

Khadem al-Qubaisi(far left)
How much longer are you village idiots going to stand by, do nothing and talk rubbish?
Saya faham Bugis itu tak payah cuci pungg*ng sebab Ahli Majlis Tertinggi jilat buntot dia sampai berkilat licin. Betul ke begitu?
But the situation is getting ridiculous. Rosmah's (your boss) son Riza has been asked to appear in Court in the US on 22nd August. Along with Jho Low. You know they will not be attending. I think you know by now where their journey will end.
Now this Qubaisi fellow has been arrested in UAE. He is also going to jail for a long time.
And dont forget the IPIC has taken 1MDB to arbitration court in London for RM27 Billion.
You know what these two events (the US Court hearing and the arrest of Qubaisi) mean? That arbitration in London will take these latest developments into consideration. It is not going to favour 1MDB.
So what are you village idiots doing ? One haramjadah has said that MFO1 is the DYMM Agong ! ! Kurang ajar. Orang Melayu yang cakap macam ini. Bukan Cina, India atau pendatang lain.
Orang macam ini mungkin tak kenal siapa bapak dia kut.
This is the level of thinking among the bangangs.
People are already saying that since the 1MDB scandal it is difficult for Malaysians (who do business overseas or invest overseas) to open bank accounts in other countrues. Other countries are suspicious of Malaysia.
Tapi ngko orang mana faham bisness? Especially international business. Engko orang hidup makan sabsidi, makan dedak dan makan rasuah. What do you know or care about the negative impact of all these negative news on Malaysians who have to venture overseas to do business? Our reputation is now in the dumps. Tahap Nigeria or worse.
Just wait until until they finally issue arrest warrants. Then maybe you will stop jilat buntot.- ostb

RM2.6b.dibalun MO1,SPRM buat dont know..

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