Dalam tulisan di Facebook, yang disunting empat jam kemudian, ahli parlimen Langkawi itu, berkata, berdasarkan Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Yang di-Pertuan Agong bertanggungjawab terhadap kerajaan.
"Menurut perlembagaan negara, kerajaan negara ini dibentuk dari tiga entiti utama yang berasingan dan independen (bebas) - badan kehakiman diketuai oleh Ketua Hakim Negara, badan perundangan parlimen oleh Yang Dipertua Dewan, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin (Mulia) dan badan ekskutif (yang) diketuai oleh perdana menteri.
"Semua ketiga-tiga badan ini bertanggungjawab kepada Agong.
"Maka, mengikut perlembagaan, MO1 ialah Agong," katanya.

Dalam versi yang disunting, baris terakhir dalam posting telah digantikan dengan perkataan, "Maka, mengikut perlembagaan MO1 bukan (Perdana Menteri) Datuk Seri Najib (Razak) kerana dia (adalah sama ada) MO2, MO3, atau MO4."
Dalam komennya kemudian, Nawawi berkata, beliau tidak bercakap mengenai MO1 dalam konteks saman mahkamah DOJ, tetapi sebaliknya dari segi perlembagaan.
Malaysiakini telah menghubungi Nawawi untuk mendapatkan penjelasan mengapa dirinya menyunting tulisan asalnya itu.
MO1, menurut DOJ adalah seorang pegawai awam kanan yang didakwanya menerima AS$ 731 juta dana yang disalurkan dari 1MDB.
DOJ juga berkata MO1 mempunyai pertalian dengan anak tiri Najib, Riza Aziz.
Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan berkata bahawa hanya orang bodoh tidak tahu siapa itu MO1, manakala pembangkang menuding jari kepada Najib.
Najib, bagaimanapun, menafikan dakwaan menyalahgunakan dana awam, dan mendakwa tuduhan seperti itu adalah sebahagian daripada plot untuk menjatuhkannya. - mk
Pikiaq2 mai... MP Langkawi 'IR NAWAWI' dakwa MO1 adalah YDP Agong...
Jika Agong adalah MO1... adakah...
1) Agong ada jawatan 'authority with 1MDB' ?
2) Agong seorang 'public official' dlm kerajaan ?
3) Agong ada hubungan keluarga dgn anak tiri Najib, Riza Aziz ?
4) Agong juga pernah dapat 'derma' AS$681 ke dalam akaun peribadi tuanku ?
HAKIKATNYA... betoi kata Rahman Dahlan "Hanya orang bodoh tak tahu siapa MO1" - f/bk

UMNO MP adds royal twist to 'MO1' saga...
In a Facebook comment, which was edited four hours later, the Langkawi MP said based on the Federal Constitution, it is the Yang di-Pertuan Agong who is responsible for the government.
"According to the Federal Constitution, Malaysia's government was formed with three separate and independent entities, the judiciary headed by the chief justice, the legislative led by the parliament speaker, and the executive directed by the prime minister.
"All three entities are responsible to the Agong.
"Hence, according to the constitution, MO1 is the Agong," he explained.

In the edited version, the last line in the comment was replaced with the sentence, "Hence, according to the constitution (Prime Minister) Najib (Abdul Razak) is not MO1, as he is either M02, M03, or MO4."
In his comments later, Nawawi said that he was not talking about MO1 in the context of the DOJ lawsuit, but rather in terms of the constitution.
Malaysiakini has contacted Nawawi to get an explanation as to why he edited the comment.
MO1, according to the DOJ, is a high-ranking public officer whom it claimed received US$731 million of siphoned 1MDB funds.
The DOJ also said that MO1 is a relative of Najib's stepson Riza Aziz.
Umno supreme council member Abdul Rahman Dahlan has said that only an idiot would not know who MO1 is, while the opposition has pointed the finger at Najib.

Najib, however, has denied allegations of misusing public funds, and claims such accusations are part of a plot to topple him.
Nawawi's remarks have caused a stir, with former Langkawi Wanita Umno member Anina Saadudin saying it was an insult to the Agong, who is currently Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah.
"MO1 is a criminal, don't link him to our ruler... Nawawi has insulted the Kedah royal institution.
"I urge him to apologise to His Majesty and the rakyat. If he doesn't, the public can apply pressure so that all the titles bestowed upon him by the Kedah royalty is retracted," she said in a statement. - mk

A former soldier speaks out...
When you join the army, it is about precision, honour and respect. In the army, going up the rank doesn’t only mean only compulsory passes in the competency assessments. It is all about fitness, wits and intelligence which will guarantee your survival in the battlefield. In other word, it is all about sweat and blood.
From there, you will earn your respect through the medals on your chest, amongst which are the Seri Perkasa and Pingat Gagah Berani. These are awards of extraordinary bravery proven in the battlefield and awarded only by the king. Only a few kinsmen with these are alive now.
And sadly, even when they are around as our late hero Kanang ak Langkau once lamented that medals don’t warrants you a front seat next to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong when the country celebrates its Independence Day.

These are a few of the sad stories our fighters who strived to keep our country peaceful and stable when a few of us would jump into the bandwagon condemning an army pensioner for filing a report over the award given to our diving queens for their excellent performance in the Rio 2016 Olympics.
And little do we realise that many of these soldiers had served their nation without reaching the compulsory 21 years of service. They are paid only a mere gratuity, but not the monthly pension they deserve. The ranks and files are needed to serve their nation for 21 years whereas officers can serve till the age of 60 like those in the civil service.
The reason is that active duties need tip-top physical fitness. However, a police sergeant could still run up a bad guy at the age of 50 and even US SEALS in their 50s are still hunting baddies in the mountains of Afghanistan.
They have put the nation before themselves. What they are asking for is life support for them and their families from the country they had sworn to protect and serve without question.
As I said, I had failed being a soldier. To get the pip pinned on your shoulders, it is about endurance and fitness and honoured by the king. As Malaysians, we all failed too. We didn’t recognise our soldiers who waded through the darkness of the night to keep the enemies at bay. Some of them may be away months and years from their families.
Give them respect and honours they deserve. They are asking for their right. They have answered the nation’s call. Will their calls be answered too? - Adillah Joni is a reader who served as a soldier.

Sarawak Report keluarkan kenyataan kepimpinan tertinggi PAS terima dedak RM 90 juta dari Najib pada hari Sabtu 6-8-2016. Pada 8-8-2016 iaitu 2 hari kemudian Tim Pres. PAS umum nak saman SR. Pada 14-8-2016 Presiden PAS umum nak saman SR dlm sebulan lagi. Hari ini 17-8-2016, masih lagi belum ada apa2 tanda. Rakyat akan memberi masa hingga 5-9-2016 utk PAS buktikan dakwaan nak saman mereka, jika tidak, hmmm... Rakyat dah faham dah memang benarlah apa yang SR sebut itu,PAS dah diberi dedak...f/bk

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