'Bomoh bubu' mahu pergi Australia...
Pengamal perubatan alternatif Ibrahim Mat Zain yang mencetus kontroversi melalui upacara perbomohan untuk mencari pesawat MH370 mengumumkan beliau akan berlepas ke Australia.
Ibrahim melalui satu video di Youtube berkata beliau akan menggunakan kaedah perbomohan Melayunya bagi membantu operasi mencari pesawat berkenaan.
"Pada pandangan saya, sebagai seorang raja bomoh, mereka masih hidup. Ia (pesawat) mungkin di udara, di pulau tetapi bukan di lautan,” katanya lagi dalam video berkenaan. - mk
Now 'raja bomoh' is heading down under...
Since his last 'raise the dead' ritual on Pulau Sembilan late last month didn't get any clear signals from the afterworld, self-styled 'Bomoh King' Ibrahim Mat Zain is now saying passengers on board MH370 may still be alive.
In his latest offering, Ibrahim says he will go to Australia so that Malay traditional methods can work hand-in-hand with “science and technology” methods now being used in the search operation.
"In my view, as a raja bomoh, they are alive. It (the plane) can be in the air, on an island somewhere, but surely not in the ocean," Ibrahim says in a YouTube video uploaded by Suara TV above yesterday. - mk

Tegur bini kau dulu tu Bung....
Pakaian digayakan seorang MP DAP Teresa Kok
hari ini menjadi sasaran bantahan MP Kinabatangan Datuk Bung Moktar
Radin yang mendakwa ia tidak sesuai untuk dipakai oleh ahli Dewan semasa
persidangan.Bung yang mencelah semasa ucapan Datuk Ismail Mohamed Said meminta yang dipertua Dewan itu menjelaskan sekiranya pakaian seperti itu dibenarkan dalam persidangan.
"Skirtnya (singkat) sehingga paras lutut, saya boleh lihat lututnya, bagaimana pakaian ini boleh dibenarkan?,” soalnya.
Kenyataannya itu menyebabkan Kok bangun dan meninta beliau menarik balik kenyataan tersebut.
"Bajunya seperti baju-T, semuanya warna merah. Ini bukan cara berpakaian di Parlimen,” kata Bung Moktar lagi.
Tidak berpuas hati dengan kenyataan itu, Kok seterusnya membangkitkan bahawa Bung Moktar juga bersalah kerana memakai tali leher berwarna kuning.
"Awak tidak ada kerja lainkah?,” soalnya kepada Bung Moktar.
Bung yang enggan beralah berkata, pelajar sekolah yang mengunjungi Parlimen juga boleh menganggap “boleh memakai pakaian sesuka hati” jika Kok dibenarkan berpakaian begitu.
Ismail yang menamatkan pertengkaran berkenaan seterusnya berkata beliau tidak memandang berat perkara tersebut memandangkan hari ini merupakan hari terakhir persidangan bagi penggal ini.
"Tak apalah, saya benarkan (Kok berada dalam Dewan),” katanya.
Kok dalam satu kenyataannya menyebut, beliau meminta dua orang jurugambar merakam gambarnya di luar Dewan selepas itu.
"Saya minta mereka tolong ambil gambar saya. Tengok, apa salahnya baju saya? Tak cantik ke?
"Gila ahli-ahli Parlimen lelaki BN ini," katanya lagi. - mk
"Bajunya seperti baju-T, semuanya warna merah. Ini bukan cara berpakaian di Parlimen,” kata Bung Moktar lagi.
Tidak berpuas hati dengan kenyataan itu, Kok seterusnya membangkitkan bahawa Bung Moktar juga bersalah kerana memakai tali leher berwarna kuning.
"Awak tidak ada kerja lainkah?,” soalnya kepada Bung Moktar.
Bung yang enggan beralah berkata, pelajar sekolah yang mengunjungi Parlimen juga boleh menganggap “boleh memakai pakaian sesuka hati” jika Kok dibenarkan berpakaian begitu.
Ismail yang menamatkan pertengkaran berkenaan seterusnya berkata beliau tidak memandang berat perkara tersebut memandangkan hari ini merupakan hari terakhir persidangan bagi penggal ini.
"Tak apalah, saya benarkan (Kok berada dalam Dewan),” katanya.
Kok dalam satu kenyataannya menyebut, beliau meminta dua orang jurugambar merakam gambarnya di luar Dewan selepas itu.
"Saya minta mereka tolong ambil gambar saya. Tengok, apa salahnya baju saya? Tak cantik ke?
"Gila ahli-ahli Parlimen lelaki BN ini," katanya lagi. - mk
Bung Moktar sees red at Kok's dress, knees

"We have sent our team to discuss with the so-called reported middle person," Zahid was quoted telling reporters in Kuala Lumpur.
The hefty ransom demand is a new development, for earlier this week Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom) director-general Mohammad Mentek said the kidnappers contacted the victims’ families but stated no ransom.
Esscom had also said last week that it has identified the location where the victims were kept, in Southern Philippines.
Zahid rapped by Sabah reps
The minister’s disclosure of the ransom demand, however, was seen as unwise by Sabah leaders.
“Not sure whether (it is) appropriate for the minister to reveal the (ransom) demand - it makes the crime sounds lucrative.
“The minister should instead emphasise that crime does not pay!” Sabah tourism, culture and environment minister Masidi Manjun said on Twitter.
In the incident that took place about 10.30pm last Wednesday, a group of seven armed men - believed to be linked to the Abu Sayyaf militants - charged into the Singamata Adventures Reef & Resort and abducted Gao, 29, and Dayawan, 40.
The kidnapping was a blow to the Malaysian government, which has poured millions of ringgit into beefing up security along the notorious Sabah east coast after the bloody Sulu incursion in Lahad Datu early last year.
In November last year, a Taiwanese tourist was shot dead and his wife kidnapped by armed men in Pom Pom Island, also near Semporna. She was later rescued by Philippines security forces in the southern Philippine island of Sulu.- mk

MH370 - New signal possibly detected...
Investigators got new information that may help them narrow the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 on Thursday as new details shed light on the doomed flight's final moments early March 8 as it flew from Kuala Lumpur toward Beijing.
A search plane has detected a possible signal -- the fifth so far -- from the locator beacons from the missing jet's so-called black boxes, the Australian agency coordinating the search announced.
The acoustic data from the possible signal, detected by an RAAF AP-3C Orion aircraft on Thursday afternoon, were being analyzed at RAAF Base Edinburgh near Adelaide, according to a source with the Australian Defense Force. The source said the signal was detected by sonar buoys that had been deployed by the aircraft earlier.
The data show "potential of being from a man-made source," said retired Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston, the agency's chief coordinator.
A senior Malaysian government official and another source involved in the investigation divulged Thursday a number of details about the flight:
• Malaysian air force search aircraft were scrambled about 8 a.m. March 8 to the South China Sea and the Strait of Malacca, soon after Malaysia Airlines reported that its plane was missing, Malaysian sources told CNN. The aircraft took off before authorities corroborated data indicating that the plane turned back westward, a senior Malaysian government official told CNN.
• But the air force did not inform the Department of Civil Aviation or search and rescue operations until three days later, March 11, a source involved in the investigation told CNN.
• Flight 370's pilot, Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah, was the last person on the jet to speak to air-traffic controllers, telling them "Good night, Malaysian three-seven-zero," Malaysian sources told CNN. The sources said there was nothing unusual about his voice, which betrayed no indication that he was under stress. One of the sources, an official involved in the investigation, told CNN that police played the recording to five other Malaysia Airlines pilots who knew the pilot and co-pilot. "There were no third-party voices," the source said.
• Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared from military radar for about 120 nautical miles after it crossed back over the Malaysian Peninsula, sources say. Based on available data, this means the plane must have dipped in altitude to between 4,000 and 5,000 feet, a senior Malaysian government official and a source involved in the investigation tell CNN.
"The real issue here is it looks like -- more and more -- somebody in the cockpit was directing this plane and directing it away from land," said CNN aviation analyst and former National Transportation Safety Board Managing Director Peter Goelz. "And it looks as though they were doing it to avoid any kind of detection." - cnn news

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