Dalam kejadian di Taman Rainbow itu, suspek cuba meragut rantai leher tetapi setelah Teresa menjerit, dia melarikan diri tanpa berjaya mendapatkannya.
Mangsa dan dua anak saudaranya berumur 11 dan lima tahun tidak mengalami sebarang kecederaan.
Teresa membuat laporan polis di balai polis Sentul pada tengah hari semalam.
Menurut polis, setakat ini tiada tangkapan dibuat dan pihak berkuasa menyeru sesiapa yang mempunyai maklumat mengenai kes ini supaya tampil menyalurkannya.
Polis juga berkata akan menambah kekerapan rondaan dan tindakan pencegahan di sekitar kawasan berkenaan.- mk

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Snatch thieves target Teresa outside family home...
CCTV footage of the incident shows the motorcyclists approaching the trio from behind. In the ensuing struggle, Kok fell to the ground.
However, she was able to run away from her assailants while shouting for help. The pillion rider got off the motorcycle to chase Kok but left when two men stopped to help the victims.
Kok lodged a report at the Sentul police station yesterday afternoon.
According to the police, no one has been arrested yet.
Those with information on the case are urged to contact Sentul police.
In a press conference at Taman Rainbow today, Kok said her spectacles were broken when she fell down.
“All this happened swiftly, I think it was within 30 seconds... one of the thieves spotted my necklace and tried to grab it.
“As I got up and ran away, I was worried that my neck would be injured if he managed to take the necklace away... until another two Indian men walked past and this frightened the thieves and they fled eventually,” Kok (right) recalled.
She said she was glad that her nieces and herself did not suffer any injuries from the misfortune, but her five-year-old niece seemed to have been traumatised and fell sick subsequently.
Quoting her own experience, the DAP vice-president pointed out that the crime rate in the country is alarming and there is no reason for the government and police to ignore such an issue.
“Until you face it, then you know the kind of shock and fear at the moment, and the harm that could have happened to me, so it’s alarming,” she stressed.
Asked why lodged a report on the next day but not immediately, Kok said she needed one day to retrieve the CCTV footage and hand it over to the police at the same time, to facilitate investigation.
However, Kok revealed that she was unable to identify the duo as they were wearing full-face helmets, adding that the police now could only rely on the footage.
Kok added that the police seemed to be paying high attention to her case, and the case is being investigated under section 395 of the Penal Code for gang robbery.- mk

'Rujuk terjemahan salah, kemudian hentam saya'...
Bernama semalam melaporkan Najib membidas kenyataan Anwar yang dikatakan mampu menyelesaikan misteri kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines itu dalam sesaat.
"Bernama membuat terjemahan yang salah dalam laporan akhbar China Sourthen Weekly.
"Apa yang saya katakan adalah saya akan mengambil masa satu saat untuk mengambil keputusan tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk keselamatan rakyat bukannya menyelesaikan.
"Kerajaan BN telah merekayasa satu kenyataan dan menyerang dengan tidak merujuk kenyataan sebenar," katanya dalam sidang media hari ini.
Dalam pada itu Anwar mencabar Najib dan kabinet beliau untuk menjawab pelbagai persoalan yang masih lagi timbul selepas lebih 40 hari pesawat itu hilang.
Bekas menteri kewangan itu mahu Najib menjawab mengapa sistem radar Marconi bernilai ratusan juta ringgit di Kedah dan radar tentera gagal mengesan kapal terbang yang berpatah balik merentasi lima negara termasuk Malaysia sebelum hilang di Lautan Hindi.
"Najib gagal jaga keselamatan negara.
"Mana-mana pesawat dan helikopter yang tidak mendapat kebenaran sepatutnya disiasat atau diiring tentera," kata beliau.
Anwar turut mengaskan bahawa alasan bahawa MH370 merupakan pesawat komersil yang disifatkan tidak berbahaya tidak boleh digunakan kerana setiap pesawat yang memasuki ruang udara negara tanpa izin perlu diiring keluar.
“Kalau ikut SOP, kalau kita dapat kesan melalui peralatan yang canggih itu, isyarat lampu merah akan berkelip dan dalam tempoh tiga minit dimaklumkan ke ruang TUDM berdekatan, kapal tentera akan berlepas untuk iring keluar pesawat keluar dari ruang udara. Ini tidak berlaku.
“Pimpinan Umno-BN terlalu sibuk dengan projek dan komisyen kekayaan mereka sehingga mereka lupa keselamatan negara terancam kerana kecuaian,” tegas Anwar.
“Masa kejadian 11 September yang berlaku dahulu pun menggunakan pesawat komersil,” katanya lagi.
Anwar turut mempersoalkan mengapa kerajaan dan pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Hussein masih tidak mendedahkan daftar kandungan kargo pesawat yang masih misteri kerana didakwa membawa empat tan manggis dari Muar.
Beliau berkata kerajaan sepatutnya memberi maklumat agar rakyat dan media tidak membuat spekulasi bukan-bukan mengenai hal ini.
"Bukan kita tak hargai mereka yang bertungkus lumus bertugas mencari dan menyelamat tapi apa tugas kita kalau tak jaga keselamatan negara. Kita bukan TV3 dan Utusan sahaja. Rakyat harus dapat maklumat.
'Najib tak jawab apa-apa melainkan isu satu saat itu sahaja," kata beliau. - mk

Anwar disgusted as PM 'manipulates' comment...
Anwar Ibrahim has hit back at Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak for "manipulating” a comment made to Chinese daily Southern Weekly.
At a Finance Ministry meeting yesterday, Najib had attacked Anwar (right)
for reportedly saying that he could have solved the Malaysia Airlines
Flight MH370 mystery “in one second if he was prime minister”.
Today, Anwar said that the quote attributed to him had been wrongly translated.
He claimed to have said that he would have taken "one second to take immediate action and ensure flow of information".
"I am disgusted with Najib for manipulating my statement. They created a fake quote attributed to me and attacked it," Anwar told a press conference at PKR headquarters today.
Anwar also criticised Najib for remaining silent on the MH370 crisis and refusing to take questions from the media.
“He chooses not to answer questions but he can manipulate my statement,” he said.
Anwar also questioned the government’s refusal to release the cargo manifest from MH370.
“Why is a cargo manifest a national secret?” he asked.
Anwar said that the claim that four tonnes of mangosteen was the in flight cargo also did not add up as this is not the season for mangosteens.
“This is not even the season for mangosteens. Not only in Malaysia, but also Thailand, across this region it is not the season for mangosteens,” he said.- mk
Perak vs JDT

Empat penyokong Perak ditahan polis kerana merusuh dengan membaling batu, suar, mercun dan pelbagai objek ke dalam padang serta penyokong Johor Darul Ta'zim (JDT) selepas menyaksikan pasukan mereka tewas 1-0 dalam saingan Liga Super di Stadium Perak, di sini malam tadi.
Kekecohan itu turut mengakibatkan jurugambar NSTP Supian Ahmad dan beberapa penyokong JDT turut cedera akibat dibaling objek keras termasuk batu.
Difahamkan, dua anggota polis termasuk FRU turut cedera pada mata dan kepala akibat dibaling batu oleh penyokong terbabit.
Kekecohan dikatakan mula tercetus di bahagian tempat duduk penyokong pelawat apabila sebahagian besar penyokong tuan rumah menyerbu dan membaling pelbagai objek.
Simpanan Persekutuan (FRU) terpaksa menyembur air untuk menyuraikan penyokong Perak di luar stadium.

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