Penafian geran kontroversi RM100j tambah keliru...
PKR mendakwa Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) Datuk Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah cuba membuat silap mata melalui penafian pemberian geran kontroversi kepada sebuah syarikat swasta.
Parti itu mendakwa, penafian Abu Bakar, termasuk tindakannya mengedarkan senarai lebih 4,000 penerima geran penyelidikan (R&D) MOSTI, hanya menambahkan kekeliruan.
“Sudah tentulah kelulusan geran RM100 juta yang diberikan kepada NSE Resources Corporation Sdn Bhd ini, yang baru sahaja diluluskan awal tahun ini, tidak tersenarai di dalam senarai penerima geran bagi tempoh 2006 hingga 2010!
“Saya tidak pasti sama ada timbalan menteri itu benar-benar terlepas pandang mengenai perkara ini atau beliau ingin cepat-cepat menutup perkara ini dengan menampilkan senarai penerima bagi tempoh berlainan untuk mengelirukan rakyat,” katanya.
Dalam kenyataannya hari ini, Rafizi berkata, penafian itu juga bertentangan dengan maklumat yang dipaparkan dalam laman web syarikat itu sendiri (atas).
“Kenyataan beliau semalam menimbulkan lebih banyak keraguan dan menunjukkan seolah-olah beliau ingin menyembunyikan sesuatu mengenai perkara ini,” katanya.
Rafizi sebelum ini mendakwa terdapat penyalahgunaan dana awam melalui pemberian geran R&D kepada projek komersial.
Dalam kes NSE, PKR juga mengaitkannya dengan 'arahan' Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak sendiri.
Malaysiakini sudah beberapa kali menghubungi syarikat berkenaan dan masih menunggu jawapannya.- mk
Akuan sumpah Najib, Ewon perlu untuk nafi geran Mosti, kata Rafizi

Hudud Kelantan – Talian hayat untuk UMNO...
Oleh kerana ada yang beranggapan bahawa saya enggan membantu Kelantan dalam isu pelaksanaan hudud selain mendakwa saya berdolak-dalik, saya berasa perlu untuk menjelaskan beberapa perkara yang mungkin kelihatan remeh.
Saya ke Kelantan dua minggu lalu untuk menghadiri mesyuarat jawatankuasa teknikal pelaksanaan hudud yang dipengerusikan oleh timbalan menteri besar.
Bagaimanapun oleh kerana tidak ada siapa yang menunggu saya di lapangan terbang saya membuat keputusan untuk balik semula ke Kuala Lumpur selepas dua jam. Saya menganggap ia sangat ganjil kerana sejak 1996 lagi sentiasa ada pegawai yang menunggu ketibaan saya.
Dalam beberapa kesempatan saya malah dijemput oleh pimpinan atasan seperti bekas Speaker Datuk Wan Rahim Wan Abdullah dan Fatah Haron, bekas ahli parlimen Rantau Panjang. Mungkin saya perlu sebutkan bahawa saya ke Kelantan dengan perbelanjaan sendiri.
Apa yang berlaku itu tidak berbeza dengan apa yang berlaku di Shah Alam dua tahun lalu: majlis forum tentang hudud yang dianjurkan oleh Kerajaan Kelantan yang saya diminta menjadi panelisnya tidak jadi dan dewan lengang tanpa ada sesiapa di situ.
Tahun lalu nama saya dijaja oleh kerajaan negeri kononnya diminta menjalankan kajian tentang hudud sedangkan saya tidak dimaklumkan mengenainya. Dalam pada itu seorang anggota exco Kelantan beberapa kali menefelon saya hendak berjumpa untuk memohon penjelasan mengenai halangan pelaksanaan hudud. Tetapi sehingga hari ini beliau tidak pernah datang berjumpa.
Apa yang terjadi di Lapangan Terbang Kota Bharu itu sebenarnya pernah saya alami sebelum ini pada 2008 apabila saya dijemput untuk memberi pandangan kepada Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat mengenai isu 16 September.
Ia berkisar kepada gerak politik Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim yang mendakwa sebilangan ahli parlimen Barisan Nasional hendak menyertai Pakatan Rakyat.
Saya diminta menjelaskan apakah penyeberangan itu boleh berlaku dalam skima perlembagaan kita. Bagaimanapun saya tidak dijemput masuk ke dalam mesyuarat apabila saya tiba di Pejabat Agung PAS di Kuala Lumpur.
Apa yang menarik dalam kedua-dua episod ini ialah kedua-duanya mempunyai kesan kepada kedudukan Umno. Manakala saya membawa pandangan yang tidak menguntungkan Umno pendekatan yang diambil oleh PAS memberi kesan positif kepada Umno.
Kita semua maklum pada 2008, PAS mengetengahkan gagasan kerajaan perpaduan yang akhirnya menenggelamkan gerak politik Anwar yang dirancang melalui Gagasan 16 September itu.
Pada 2014 PAS, khususnya negeri Kelantan, mengambil pendekatan melaksanakan hudud yang memerlukan penglibatan Umno yang jelas akan menggegarkan Pakatan Rakyat. Baca seterusnya...
Rafizi rips apart deputy minister's grant denial...
A PKR leader has pointed out that Abu Bakar Mohamad Diah referred to grant recipients from a different time period when denying that RM100 million was allocated to a firm purportedly favoured by Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Rafizi Ramli also questioned if this was an oversight on the part of the science, technology and innovation deputy minister or a deliberate attempt to put a lid on the matter.
However, Rafizi said the issue that he raised involved an approval for a grant on Jan 21 this year.
"Of course, the RM100 million grant for NSE Resources Corporation Sdn Bhd this year will not be included in the list of recipients for the period between 2006 and 2010.
"I am not sure if the deputy minister missed this or if he was in a haste to close the matter by providing a different list of recipients to confuse the public," he added.
Rafizi also said Abu Bakar's denial contradicted the information on the Pahang-based firm's website, which states that it had received two grants from the ministry before this.
Malaysiakini has repeatedly tried to get a response from the firm over this issue.
Rafizi challenged that if the government really wants to prove that the evidence he had submitted over the matter is fake, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Ewon Ebin must both make statutory declarations.
"Najib must make a statutory declaration that he had never put in minutes, a letter regarding the grants, and has never seen it. The minister must make a declaration that the Jan 21 letter is false and he never signed it," he said.
"Their refusal to do so will prove that all the documents and letters I have produced so far are true and valid," he added.- mk
Rafizi rebuts deputy minister’s denial on grant given to company favoured by Najib

Isu hudud tak akan memenangi hati pengundi malah PR boleh kalah lebih besar...
DAP hari ini memberikan gambaran bagaimana kekalahan yang lebih besar akan dialami Pakatan Rakyat (PR) dan PAS sekiranya PAS terus berkeras untuk melaksanakan hudud di Kelantan.
Penasihat parti, Lim Kit Siang berkata hudud tidak pernah dan tidak akan memenangi hati pengundi berdasarkan sejarah pilihan raya yang lalu.
“PAS dan PKR menang lapan kerusi Parlimen dan 28 daripada 32 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Terengganu pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-10 (PRU10) akibat penangkapan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan gerakan reformasi.
“Walaupun enakmen diluluskan pada 2001, PAS dan PKR hanya memenangi 1 daripada 8 kerusi Parlimen dan 4 daripada 28 kerusi DUN pada PRU11 2004," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Lim berkata kemenangan PAS dan PKR di Terengganu memenangi 4 daripada lapan kerusi Parlimen dan 15 dari 32 kerusi DUN adalah disebabkan tiada kempen melaksanakan hudud di negeri itu.
Katanya, walaupun “5 Janji Awal Manifesto PAS Terengganu” dan “5 Manifesto PRU13” tidak memasukkan hudud namun ia tidak menyebabkan PAS tewas di Terengganu.
"Apa yang menarik adalah walaupun PAS Terengganu memasukkan pelaksanaan hudud semasa manifesto Barisan Alternatif sebelum 2008, ia tidak menjadikan PAS dan PKR menang lebih banyak kerusi di peringkat DUN.
"Bukankah ini satu petunjuk pengundi di Terengganu meletakkan kepentingan kepada isu lain berbanding pelaksanaan hudud?" katanya.
Ahli Parlimen Gelang Patah itu berkata sekiranya PAS berkeras mahu melaksanakan hudud sebelum PRU13 lalu maka sokongan orang Melayu kepada PR akan berkurangan - TMI

Hudud issue won't win any votes...
If hudud had been a hot,
controversial issue in the last year’s 13th general election, the BN
would not only have regained two-thirds parliamentary majority to
redelineate electoral constituencies at will, but Pakatan Rakyat might
have lost Selangor, while Johore would have reverted to an invincible BN
“fixed deposit” state.
PAS and PKR won all eight parliamentary seats and 28 out of 32 state seats in Terengganu in the general election of 1999 (GE10) because of the backlash against Umno, arising from Anwar’s arrest and the Reformasi movement.
However, despite passing the state Hudud Enactment in 2001, PAS and PKR only managed to retain one out of eight parliamentary seats and four out of the 28 state seats in GE11 in 2004.
Furthermore, PAS and PKR won four out of eight parliamentary and 15 out of 32 state seats in Terengganu in in GE13, without campaigning explicitly to implement hudud in the state.
In fact, according to the ‘5 Janji Awal Manifesto PAS Terengganu’ and ‘5 Lagi Manifesto PRU13’ for GE13, the issue of hudud was not even mentioned. The failure to mention hudud in the state manifesto did not cause PAS to lose any ground in Terengganu.
What is interesting to note is that even though PAS Terengganu included the implementation of the hudud enactment in the Barisan Alternatif Terengganu Manifesto prior to the GE12 in 2008, this did not win PAS and PKR many more votes and seats in the state.
PAS still won only one Parliament seat and managed to increase the number of state seats from four to eight in the 2008 general election. While the BN’s support fell by 11 percent nationwide, from 2004 to 2008, BN’s support in Terengganu only fell by 0.5 percent.
More importance to issues other than hudud?
Is this not an indication that voters in Terengganu were placing more importance on other issues rather than the implementation of hudud?
What if PAS had insisted that Pakatan included hudud as part of its manifesto prior to GE13?
In the first place, DAP would never have agreed to such a proposal.
However, let us conduct a simple exercise and assume that this was the case prior to GE13.
In such circumstances, the increase in the Malay support for Pakatan would have been negligible.
If hudud would guarantee a significant increase in Malay support for whichever party or coalition that proposes it as part of the manifesto, Umno and BN would have considered it as a way to save their own waning support.
But, for the sake of argument, let us be generous and assume that Malay support for Pakatan would have increased by one percent.
The damage for Pakatan in terms of its non-Malay support would have been far more significant. Judging from the 1999 GE, where the non-Malay vote would have otherwise turned against the BN if the BN was not so successful in painting the image that a vote for the then Barisan Alternatif was a vote to support an Islamic state, Pakatan’s support for hudud may have decreased non-Malay support for Pakatan by between 10 and 20 percent.
Under Scenario 1, where Pakatan experiences a 10 percent decrease in non-Malay support versus a one percent increase in Malay support, Pakatan would only have won 70 parliamentary seats or 32 percent of the total seats, compared with the 89 Parliament seats or 40 percent of the seats actually won.
Under Scenario 2, where the non-Malay support for PR decreases by 15 percent, Pakatan would only have won 57 parliamentary seats or 26 percent and under Scenario 3, where the non-Malay support for Pakatan decreases by 20 percent, Pakatan would only have won 46 seats or 21 percent.
Under all three scenarios, PKR would have been the biggest loser, since many of the ethnically mixed PKR seats were won with relatively smaller majorities (compared with the DAP seats).
In all of these three scenarios, Pakatan would have lost out as a whole as the BN would have regained two-thirds parliamentary majority to enable it to redelineate electoral constituencies at will to perpetuate its undemocratic hold on political power.
What about the state seats? How would the number of state seats won by Pakathan have changed in GE13?
Using the same three scenario calculations, Pakatan would have seen a 40-seat, 63-seat and 95-seat decrease in the number of state seats won by Pakatan under Scenarios 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Would hudud have saved the Pakatan government in Kedah? The simple answer is ‘no’. In fact, Pakatan would have lost even more state seats if hudud was part of Pakatan’s GE13 manifesto.
What about Penang and Selangor?
Fortunately, because the majority won by Pakatan in Penang was so large in GE13, Pakatan still managed to hold on to the state government even under Scenario 3 (see Table 4 below). The number of seats won by Pakatan would have decreased to 25 (out of 40) under Scenario 3.
For Selangor, the case is not so positive. Under Scenario 3, Pakatan would have lost control of the state government as it would have only won 21 out of 56 state seats. PAS and PKR would have lost the most number of seats under Scenario 3 (compared with DAP).
Pakatan achieved an important breakthrough in the BN ‘fortress’ of Johor by winning five Parliament seats and 18 state seats in GE13, up from one Parliament and six state seats in GE12. Pakatan fell one state seat short of denying the BN a two-third majority in the Johor state legislature.
But if hudud had been part of Pakatan’s manifesto in the 2013 general eletion, this breakthrough would not have occurred. According to the figures in the table below, Pakatan would have just won eight state seats under Scenario 1, seven state seats under Scenario 2 and a mere four state seats under the disastrous Scenario 3, which would have been a worse performance if compared with the 2008 general election.
PAS would have been denied any state representation in the state assembly under Scenario 3.

Tapi, cuba tonton video berikut...

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