Selepas seumur hidup berkhidmat kepada negara, kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang akan mengiktiraf sumbangan Karpal Singh dengan mengadakan upacara pengebumian penghormatan negeri.
Bendera Pulau Pinang akan dikibarkan separuh tiang sehingga selesai majlis pengebumiannya pada Ahad ini.
Ketua Menteri Lim Guan Eng berkata, bendera juga akan menutupi keranda Karpal.
"Kita tidak boleh mengadakan pengebumian negeri kerana itu di bawah bidang kuasa persekutuan jadi kami hanya boleh memberi mendiang upacara pengkebumian dengan penghormatan negeri," kata Lim pada satu sidang media ringkas di rumah Karpal di Jalan Utama petang ini.
Orang ramai katanya, juga akan dapat memberi penghormatan terakhir kepada Karpal di Dewan Sri Pinang pada pagi Ahad bermula jam 9:00 pagi hingga 11:00 pagi.
Lim berkata hal ini diputuskan oleh exco kerajaan negeri dan dipersetujui oleh keluarga Karpal.
Karpal, bekas pengerusi kebangsaan DAP yang dihormati dan diberi jolokan “Harimau Jelutong”' meninggal dunia dalam kemalangan kereta awal pagi ini di Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan berhampiran Kampar, Perak.
Beliau ketika itu sedang dalam perjalanan ke Pulau Pinang dari Kuala Lumpur bagi menghadiri perbicaraan kes bunuh di Mahkamah Tinggi Pulau Pinang apabila keretanya melanggar sebuah lori. Beliau meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian.
Pembantunya, Michael Cornelius Selvam Vellu juga meninggal dunia manakala anak Karpal, Ramkarpal dan pemandu mengalami kecederaan ringan.
Mayat Karpal akan dibakar mengikut adat Sikh pada pukul 11 pagi Ahad di krematorium Batu Tergantung.
Anak-anaknya, Ahli Exco Pulau Pinang, Jagdeep Singh Deo dan Ahli Parlimen Puchong, Gobind Singh Deo, mengucapkan terima kasih kepada kerajaan negeri kerana memberikan kepujian negeri kepada bapa mereka.
"Saya amat yakin dia akan sangat bangga menjadi anak Pulau Pinang dan dianugerahkan penghormatan negeri," kata Jagdeep.
Mereka juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang ramai dan pemimpin politik di atas simpati dan ucapan takziah mereka.
Mayat Karpal tiba di rumahnya di Pulau Pinang kira-kira jam 3:35 petang hari ini dari Ipoh.
Terdahulu petang ini, Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Pengerusi Barisan Nasional Negeri Teng Chang Yeow berada di rumah Karpal untuk memberi penghormatan mereka. – tmi

Penang to give Karpal official send-off...
The Penang government will provide veteran lawmaker Karpal Singh an official send off.
All state agencies will fly the Penang flags at half-mast for three days until the funeral on Sunday, said Lim.
He added that a public ceremony at the Dewan Sri Pinang will be held on
Sunday from 9am to 11am for the public to pay their respects.
Lim said that the state exco had decided this during an emergency meeting today.
He stressed that the state honour funeral is different from a state funeral, which is under the federal government's jurisdiction.
He added that the decision was made after consultation with family and as a mark of respect to a statesman.
He stressed that the state honour funeral is different from a state funeral, which is under the federal government's jurisdiction.
He added that the decision was made after consultation with family and as a mark of respect to a statesman.
Exco has appointed Chow Kon Yeow to handle and coordinate the funeral
and Penang state financial officer Mokhtar Mohd Jait will be in charge
of matters involving government machinery.
Karpal, 74, and his long-time aide Michael Cornelius Selvam Vellu, 39, were killed in a road accident about 1.10 this morning near Kampar in Perak.
The former DAP chairperson's sudden departure has shocked the nation, and elicated a flood of eulogies from both sides of the political divide.
Meanwhile, Lim also expressed gratitude to Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and others for paying respect to Karpal today.
Earlier, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim also paid his respects to Karpal and was accompanied by Penang legislative assembly speaker Law Choo Kiang and a few PKR leaders.
This was followed by a PAS delegation led by Penang PAS leader Mohamad Sabu and his predecessor Salleh Man.
Anwar said the Reformasi 2.0 rally in Seberang Jaya tonight will proceed
as planned but DAP will not be taking part because the party has
postponed all party functions.
He said organisers will be adjusting the programme for the event to include a tribute for Karpal.- mk

Pengakuan Dr Mahathir : Karpal Banyak Menyumbang Kepada Negara

Pada awal tahun 80an dahulu, UMNO telah mengharamkan pemakaian purdah oleh para muslimah.Arakian seorang muslimah bernama Hajah Halimatus Saadiah yang bertugas sebagai kerani di pejabat SUK Perak telah DIPECAT oleh kerajaan UMNO dan BN kerana memakai purdah....Walaupun purdah itu hukumnya hanya sunat, tapi UMNO tiada hak untuk mengharamkan pemakaiannya.mendiang Karpal Singh jauh lebih baik daripada Melayu yang menjadi macai belaan penyangak dan penyamun UMNO munafikun itu.

K'jaan mahu sorok maklumat kotak hitam...
“Mereka bimbang dengan penjagaan kotak hitam. Ini yang menarik...
“Pada saya, dalam kes ini, sesiapa sahaja boleh membaca kotak hitam... Jadi anda boleh rasa (tindakan) menyembunyikan maklumat, tetapi (untuk) mempertahankan apa?,” katanya.
Mengikut perjanjian antarabangsa, negara tempat pendaftaran sesuatu pesawat akan mengetuai penyiasatan dalam kes kemalangan udara yang berlaku di perairan antarabangsa.
Bagaimanapun, negara tersebut boleh mewakilkan tanggungjawab itu kepada negara lain, dengan persetujuan bersama.- mk

Anwar: Are they trying to 'protect' the black box...
Attorney-general's Abdul Gani Patail's trip to the UK to determine the ownership of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370's black box arouses suspicion that Malaysia is out to ensure it does not fall into the hands of foreigners.
"They are worried about protecting the black box. This is interesting," he said, during a recent interview with Malaysiakini.
He said acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein had dismissed the importance of the custody of the black box, saying there was “no question” information in the black box would be released.
"To me, in this case, anyone should be able to read the black box... So you can sense this concealing of information, but protecting what?”
Putrajaya had led slip that Abdul Gani (right) had went to the UK last week to confer with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) on the ownership of the black box.
Currently, the plane is believed to have ended its journey in the Indian Ocean and Australia has been tasked with finding it. This has sparked questions about the ownership of the black box and its valuable data.
Malaysia's responsibility for the investigation was based on the Chicago Convention of the ICAO.
When an accident or incident takes place in international waters, the country where the aircraft is registered is in charge of the investigation, although it can delegate this responsibility to another country, with mutual consent.
International scrutiny needed
Meanwhile, Anwar also called for the formation of an independent international commission to immediately investigate the plane’s disappearance, stressing that this was necessary as current investigations led by Malaysia had “lacked transparency."
"First it was incompetence, now ineptitude, which I think relates to the opaque system of government. There should be an independent international commission so we can get the truth."
But Anwar said there was no reason to delay the appointment of the international committee, which would go some way to restoring the credibility Malaysia lost over the initial bungling of the investigation and search.
"To regain the lost trust and confidence in the country, and to show we have a leadership that is competent and willing to make the necessary adjustments and changes, they should appoint an international commission."
Anwar is sceptical of what Malaysian investigators would find, and said different forms of investigations proposed domestically had been rejected by the government, including a Royal Commission of Inquiry, Parliamentary Select Committee, and even a debate in Parliament.
"They are having ministerial investigations which will be nothing. Probably they will choose some fall guy, some director, and that will be it.
"But it involved MAS, KLIA, the air force, the Transport Ministry, and of the course the prime minister and how he dealt with it."
Opaque system
The sporadic, and often inaccurate, release of information surrounding the investigation had fuelled speculation the government was deliberately hiding something, Anwar said.
The failure to release the cargo manifest was just one instance of the government withholding, or concealing, information vital to the search and rescue operation.
"It is so essential in the search, but it is not a national secret, it is not a security matter."
Even the Australian government had not been given the details of the cargo on board MH370, Anwar said.
"Frankly, under this system which is opaque, which is corrupt, I don’t think they can come out with anything substantive. I have absolutely no confidence in the system.
"But they continue; they don’t care. Dictators never learn." - mk

Lawak bodoh daripada 2 ekoq spesis badut...
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