Tinjauan menunjukkan lebih 50% rakyat Malaysia yakin Putrajaya sembunyi maklumat MH370...
Lebih daripada separuh rakyat Malaysia yang mengambil bahagian dalam satu tinjauan kajian bulan lalu percaya kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) menyembunyikan maklumat mengenai kehilangan pesawat MH370, menurut satu kajian terbaru oleh The Malaysian Insider.
Daripada 1,029 responden dalam kajian yang dijalankan Merdeka Center itu, 54% berkata Putrajaya tidak telus dalam memberi maklumat mengenai pesawat MH370 yang hilang sejak 8 Mac lalu.
Dalam respon kepada soalan sama ada mereka menyangka Putrajaya jujur atau menyembunyikan sesuatu mengenai MH370, 54% daripada responden berpendapat Malaysia menyembunyikan maklumat, 26% berkata kerajaan jujur manakala 20% tidak pasti.
Sejak pesawat Malaysia Airlines (MAS) hilang pada 8 Mac, dakwaan ini dibuat beberapa kali oleh ahli keluarga daripada China bagi 229 penumpang dalam pesawat Boeing 777-200ER itu.
Selepas lebih lima minggu pesawat hilang, ternyata rakyat Malaysia juga cenderung mempercayai Putrajaya tidak jujur berhubung maklumat berkenaan pesawat itu.
Sekali lagi, responden kaum Cina hampir sebulat suara tidak memberi komen yang positif terhadap kerajaan persekutuan yang dipimpin BN.
Angka tinjauan menunjukkan sedikit majoriti daripada responden India dan Melayu juga mempercayai Putrajaya menyembunyikan maklumat.
Kali ini, responden dari kedua-dua kawasan bandar dan luar bandar bersatu dalam mempercayai Putrajaya kurang jujur dalam mendedahkan maklumat berkenaan MH370.
Responden dipilih melalui kaedah persampelan rawak berstrata mengikut etnik, jantina dan umur, serta meliputi semua kawasan Parlimen di Semenanjung Malaysia.
Kajian itu dijalankan dari 24-30 Mac dengan pemilihan responden berkadar dengan penduduk di setiap kawasan Parlimen.
Berhubung prestasi menteri Malaysia dalam menangani krisis MH370, 21% daripada responden berkata mereka sangat tidak berpuas hati manakala 19% sangat berpuas hati.
Walaupun Putrajaya menerima pelbagai kritikan daripada pihak tempatan dan antarabangsa sejak krisis MH370 itu, 51% responden berkata mereka yakin terhadap kerajaan.
Bagaimanapun, 45% responden berkata mereka hilang keyakinan terhadap Putrajaya selepas krisis MH370.
Responden turut ditanya sama ada prestasi Putrajaya dalam menangani krisis MH370 yang menyebabkan mereka lebih/kurang yakin terhadap kerajaan.
Beberapa hari selepas kehilangan MH370, Kementerian Luar China menggesa Malaysia mempercepatkan siasatan dan menyediakan maklumat yang lebih tepat.
Bagaimanapun, kritikan China terhadap penyiasatan Malaysia berhubung MH370 juga turut melepaskan keburukan tentang nasionalisme.
Kemarahan terhadap pengendalian penyiasatan Malaysia meletus di media sosial China, dan juga di jalanan dengan demonstrasi di luar Kedutaan Malaysia di Beijing.
Agensi Berita Xinhua milik kerajaan mereka mengatakan adalah sesuatu " yang tidak boleh dimaafkan " terhadap kekurangan kapasiti, usaha atau ketelusan di pihak Putrajaya.
“Orang Malaysia” menjadi perkataan popular bagi menggambarkan sikap tidak bertanggungjawab dan ketidakpercayaan; penyanyi Cina-Malaysia turut dikecam di internet.
Selepas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengumumkan penerbangan MH370 berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi, ahli keluarga dan saudara mara di Beijing tersentak.
Berdukacita dan marah tentang apa yang mereka namakan sebagai tempoh dua minggu yang penuh dengan "pembohongan dan maklumat mengelirukan " selepas MH370 hilang, ahli keluarga berarak ke kedutaan Malaysia.
Mereka membawa sepanduk dengan perkataan "Malaysia Airlines, anda berhutang penjelasan kepada kami”, "kerajaan Malaysia rasuah" dan "Mama, pulanglah".
Satu lagi perbalahan adalah laporan CNN pada Khamis yang memetik seorang pegawai kanan kerajaan Malaysia sebagai berkata tentera udara melancarkan pencarian jam 8 pagi pada 8 Mac tidak lama selepas MH370 dilaporkan hilang.
Kedua-dua, pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein dan Panglima Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia menafikan laporan itu. Bagaimanapun, CNN berkata ia berpegang kepada laporan itu. – tmi

Najib pengecut politik...
Katanya, ramai tidak puas hati situasi sekarang – satu kenyataan walaupun pahit- mereka mencari alternatif.
“Ada benar-benar berasa terpinggir, terasing daripada masyarakat materialisme yang amat ketara dan kian berkembang maka mereka makin marah pada clique yang menyalah gunakan kuasa politik untuk terus mengaut kekayaan, “ tulis beliau dalam posting terbaharu kolum mingguannya di akhbar Sinar Harian semalam.
Beliau yang juga bekas ahli parlimen Kok Lanas ditahan di bawah ISA di zaman Tun Hussein Onn bersama Tan Sri Samad Ismail dan Abdullah Majid yang dilabelkan sebagai “Tiga Abdul”.
Katanya, selepas persaraan Dr Mahathir Mohamad dan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dibebaskan dari penjara Sungai Buloh oleh rejim “budak tingkat empat” di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan konco mereka di Balai Berita di Bangsar, situasi politik baharu muncul.
“Mujurlah usia pemerintahan budak ini tidak lama kalau tidak negara dan peribumi sudah tentu jadi cagaran jika tidak pun tenggelam,” katanya.
Beliau menambah semenjak pemerintahan 1Malaysia, episod lewat 2003-2008 yang menyedihkan itu tidak disebut langsung kerana episod period itu agak jelik akibat politik egocentric- mementingkan diri sendiri – dan naif amat dominan.
“Rakyat, pegawai kerajaan, orang bisnes dan orang media di bawah telunjuk Ketua Budak dan kroninya,” dakwa beliau lagi.
Dollah Kok Lanas menambah suka duka, Umno-BN terus memerintah.
“Yang berubah hanya perdana menteri sahaja dan pada speaking the form remains, the content varies a bit, that’s all. Kerana bentuk rupa sama, hanya ada sedikit pembaharuan dan perubahan dalam kandungan dan gaya pemerintah maka pengundi, bilangannya meningkat dalam PRU13, nampaknya akan terus meninggalkan parti pemerintah dengan niat tidak akan kembali lagi kepada parti itu,” katanya lagi,
Beliau berkata inilah masalah mesti dihadapi dan diatasi segera oleh Perdana Menteri Najib Tun Razak.
“Kini ramai rakyat sudah pun mulai bercakap dalam nada positif betapa bagusnya Dr Mahathir, berapa lebih selesa lagi bangsa majoriti ketika Tun Razak Perdana Menteri. Justeru bak kata mat salih, “many hanker for a return to either Mahathir or Tun Razak’s era,” katanya.
Dollah Kok Lanas yang pernah menjadi timbalan menteri sains dan teknologi berkata rakyat menunggu kedatangan pemimpin yang juga pencinta negara, pencinta rakyat biasa.
“Mereka menanti, seorang murah hati dan mencuba dengan jujur, telus dan tulus memenuhi aspirasi dan aspektasi rakyat miskin. Seorang pemimpin mempunyai keperibadian mulia, tidak ada sifat mementingkan diri, keluarga dan kroni. Seorang benar-benar ingin memodenasikan bangsa dan watan,” tegasnya lagi. - fmt

Kalau kau masuk Johor mampus kau nanti...
PERISTIWA di Scott Rd , Singapura. 3am
"KALAU KAU MASUK JOHOR MAMPUS KAU NANTI" Inilah kata kata seorang Anak Raja Johor terhadap seorang Pegawai Polis berbangsa Melayu Singapura yang menahan keretanya pada jam 3am kerana disyaki mamandu di dalam keadaan mabuk dan telah melanggar beberapa lampu Isyarat di Singapura.
Setelah diekori dan diberi isyarat untuk SEGERA memberhentikan kenderaan yang dipandu seorang Anak Raja Johor, namun ianya agak lama barulah kereta Ferrari JA*1 berwarna Hitam itu berhenti.
Anak Raja itu menjerit-jerit kemarahan dari dalam kenderaannya dan meminta Pegawai Polis itu menghampiri pintu keretanya segera, " Kau Polis Bodoh, mari sini aku nak tampar muka kau, kau tak kenal aku siapa"..... itulah antara ayat ayat yang terpancul dimulutnya.
Pegawai Polis Singapura, berpangkat Inspektor itu dengan tegas mengatakan dengan berani (Kalau di Msia tak tahu sama ada Polis Msia berani atau tidak) "Awak dah langgar lampu Isyarat dan kalau awak sentuh saya , saya akan TANGKAP awak, Ini Singapura ada Perlembagaan dan Undang-Undang"
Tidak lama kemudian berhenti Pajero dan kereta Pengiring Anak Raja tersebut,. Kira-kira 9 orang mengeliling Pegawai Polis Singapura itu dan seorang dan darinya menperkenalkan dirinya sebagai seorang Pegawai Polis dari Msia berpangkat Inspektor , namanya Inspektor Shah, pada masa itu makian dan jeritan Anak Raja itu tidak henti-henti dari keretanya.
Bagi menyelamatkan keadaan Insp Shah telah merayu bersungguh-sungguh agar Anak Raja itu dilepaskan dari sebarang tindakan dan menerangkan dan "berbohong sunat" bahawa Tunku itu orang baik cuma hari itu sahaja dia minum arak dan mabuk serta meminta "Professional Courtesy" dari Insp Singapura itu.
Mendengar perakuan bahawa Anak Raja itu sedang memandu dengan keadaan MABUK dari Insp Shah, Pegawai Polis Singapura itu berkata dia boleh bertolak ansur dengan syarat Anak Raja itu TIDAK MEMANDU Ferrari itu dan duduk sebagai penumpang sahaja, jika tidak dia akan menahannya.
Insp Shah merayu-rayu bahawa Polis Malaysia sanggup mengiring dengan "Selamat" dan meminta Anak Raja itu dibenarkan terus memandu Ferrarinya itu.Insp Shah menyatakan kesukarannya kerana Anak Raja Johor itu sangat keras kepala dan susah menerima nasihat Polis Msia. Pegawai Polis Singapura itu sempat menegur Polis Msia supaya lebih tegas dan tidak sepatutnya membenarkan Anak Raja itu memandu kerana Insp Shah telah mengetahui Anak Raja itu telah minum Arak sebelum itu. Insp Shah hanya mampu tunduk MALU kerana tidak tahu apakah cara hendak "Mengawal" Anak Raja YANG BONGKAK ITU.
Namun, ketegasan Pegawai Polis Singapura tanpa mengira "Pangkat" TELAH memberi "kata dua" kepada Insp Shah agar tukar pemandu serta merta atau Anak Raja itu ditahan dan dibawa ke Balai Polis.
Dalam keadaan MARAH KE MURKA KERANA MERASA TERHINA kerana tidak dibenarkan memandu Ferrarinya , Anak Raja itu memberi AMARAN DAN UGUTAN "KAU MASUK JOHOR KAU MAMPUS , AKU TAHU NAMA KAU DAN AKU INGAT SAMPAI MATI" - f/bk

Mum wants children's conversion revoked...
When the Seremban High Court granted S Deepa custody of her two children, she had no immediate plans to revoke their unilateral conversion to Islam by her ex-husband Izwan Abdullah.
But now that Izwan has taken away their six-year-old son from her house in Jelebu without her permission, Deepa has resolved to act.
"When they turn 18, they (the children) can choose what religion they want to (follow). I have nothing against Islam, because there are Muslims in my family too," she told Malaysiakini, referring to her mother, Siti Aishah, who is a convert.
Deepa, a Hindu, was responding to Izwan's claims that he has taken away their son in order to protect the child from being turned against Islam.
She said her lawyers are filing a case against Izwan for contempt of court.
Deepa, a clerk, has gone into hiding “before Izwan takes away my nine-year-old daughter” as well.
"She asked who they wanted to be with. Only after that did she decide to give custody to me," said Deepa, 30.
She claimed that this was not the first time Izwan has taken the children away from her. Although she has “lodged numerous police reports”, no action has been taken.
Last Monday, the High Court had granted Deepa a divorce and custody of the children, but she is required to pursue a separate case to revoke the children's conversion.
Izwan, formerly known as N Viran, converted to Islam early last year and then converted the two children to Islam last April without Deepa’s consent.
When Deepa tried to revoke their conversion, religious authorities in the state invited her to convert to Islam as well, she said.
Deepa and Izwan, also 30, have been estranged for a few years. He now works with an Islamic NGO called Kasih Sayang. - mk

Islamic NGOs: Taking away son is 'not kidnap'...
A group of Islamic NGOs from Negeri Sembilan said today that a Muslim convert father who took away his six year old son from the custody of his ex-wife, did so according to a court order by the Syariah Court last year granting him custody of the children.
His Hindu ex-wife, S Deepa, won custody of their two children at the civil High Court last Monday, but the NGOs claim that the civil court custody order did not cancel out the Syariah Court order, which granted custody to Izwan Abdullah, formerly known as N Viran.
As such, they said that the claims that Izwan had "kidnapped" his son from the custody of his former wife, who is a Hindu, “is overboard”.
“Based on the facts, I think what has been said in the newspapers is not 100 percent true. Using the word 'kidnap' is not appropriate to describe Izwan’s actions.
“However, most mainstream papers did state that both parties have court orders granting them custody,” Shamsul Azhar told a press conference in Seremban today.
Affidavit filed
Shamsul also said that Izwan had filed an affidavit today with the High Court explaining why he had taken the son away.
"The affidavit is aimed to answer accusations and negative reports saying that Izwan had kidnapped the son," he said.
Izwan took the boy away from Deepa’s house in Jelebu two days after she was granted custody, injuring her in the process.
Malaysian Syariah Lawyers Association representative Hanif Hassan, who was also present at the press conference, said that the federal government and state governments should enact a stronger law to settle disputes like these.
However, he did not elaborate on this particular case as it is still in court process.- mk

No more pings, but oil slick detected in MH370 in search area...
The head of the Australian agency supervising the search for a missing Malaysia Airlines plane said today that an oil slick had been detected in the search area for flight MH370 in the Indian Ocean.
"I can report that (Australian ship) Ocean Shield detected an oil slick yesterday evening in her current search area," Angus Houston said.
He also said that the autonomous underwater vehicle would soon be deployed, moving the search underwater after nearly six weeks of fruitless searching.
Houston added that although an oil slick was located in the search area on Sunday evening, he was pessimistic about the likelihood of finding any of the floating debris.
"I stress the source of the oil is yet to be determined but the oil slick is approximately 5,500m downwind... from the vicinity of the detections picked up by the towed-pinger locator on Ocean Shield," he said.
It would be a number of days before the oil could be conclusively tested ashore, but Houston said he did not think it was from a search vessel.
"The chances of any floating material being recovered have greatly diminished and it will be appropriate to confer with Australia's partners to decide the way ahead later this week," Houston said.
Searchers are confident they know the approximate position of wreckage of the Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO), some 1,550km northwest of Perth, and are moving ahead on the basis of four acoustic signals they believe are from its black box recorders.
"Despite the lack of further detections, the four signals previously acquired taken together constitute the most promising lead we have in the search for MH370," Houston told reporters in Perth.
"The experts have, therefore, determined that the Australian Ocean Shield will cease searching with a towed-pinger locator later today and deploy the autonomous underwater vehicle, 'Bluefin-21', as soon as possible," he said, referring to the United States navy device designed to detect the tell-tale "pings".
"I can report that (Australian ship) Ocean Shield detected an oil slick yesterday evening in her current search area," Angus Houston said.
He also said that the autonomous underwater vehicle would soon be deployed, moving the search underwater after nearly six weeks of fruitless searching.
Houston added that although an oil slick was located in the search area on Sunday evening, he was pessimistic about the likelihood of finding any of the floating debris.
"I stress the source of the oil is yet to be determined but the oil slick is approximately 5,500m downwind... from the vicinity of the detections picked up by the towed-pinger locator on Ocean Shield," he said.
It would be a number of days before the oil could be conclusively tested ashore, but Houston said he did not think it was from a search vessel.
"The chances of any floating material being recovered have greatly diminished and it will be appropriate to confer with Australia's partners to decide the way ahead later this week," Houston said.
Searchers are confident they know the approximate position of wreckage of the Boeing 777-200ER (9M-MRO), some 1,550km northwest of Perth, and are moving ahead on the basis of four acoustic signals they believe are from its black box recorders.
"Despite the lack of further detections, the four signals previously acquired taken together constitute the most promising lead we have in the search for MH370," Houston told reporters in Perth.
"The experts have, therefore, determined that the Australian Ocean Shield will cease searching with a towed-pinger locator later today and deploy the autonomous underwater vehicle, 'Bluefin-21', as soon as possible," he said, referring to the United States navy device designed to detect the tell-tale "pings".
The US-made Bluefin-21, a 4.93m-long sonar device will now scour the seabed.
The sonar device, which weighs 750kg, can operate at a depth of up to 4,500m – roughly the depth of the ocean floor where the pings were detected.
Houston said that in the hunt for the plane's black box transmissions the last signal was logged six days ago.
"We haven't had a single detection in six days so I guess it's time to go underwater," he said.
The batteries in the plane's black box are now a week past their 30-day expected life and searchers will be relying on sonar and cameras on the Bluefiun-21 to detect the box.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared soon after taking off on March 8 from Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board. – tmi
The sonar device, which weighs 750kg, can operate at a depth of up to 4,500m – roughly the depth of the ocean floor where the pings were detected.
Houston said that in the hunt for the plane's black box transmissions the last signal was logged six days ago.
"We haven't had a single detection in six days so I guess it's time to go underwater," he said.
The batteries in the plane's black box are now a week past their 30-day expected life and searchers will be relying on sonar and cameras on the Bluefiun-21 to detect the box.
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared soon after taking off on March 8 from Kuala Lumpur bound for Beijing with 227 passengers and 12 crew on board. – tmi
Kerajaan dikhuatiri sorok maklumat MH370 jika kotak hitam ditemui


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