Seorang kanak-kanak berusia 4 tahun maut apabila van yang dinaiki mangsa melungsur masuk ke loji tumbahah di Taman Universiti, di sini. Beliau dikenali sebagai Muhammad Azri Aqif Azhar.
Siasatan awal mendapati bahawa pemandu van meletakkan kenderaan itu untuk menaikkan pelajar-pelajar Tadika Kemas Kaisara Taman Universiti.
Ketika kejadian, terdapat enam pelajar.
Van itu kemudian dipercayai melungsur dan terlanggar pintu kawasan kumbahan dan terjatuh ke dalam kolam kumbahan.
Ketua Polis Johor Baharu Utara, Mohd Khamsani Abdul Rahman berkata mangsa meninggal dalam perjalanan ke Klinik Kesihatan Taman Universiti.

Mayat beliau dibawa ke Hospital Temenggong Seri Maharaja Tun Ibrahim, Kulaijaya untuk dibedah siasat.
Lima penumpang yang lain telah dibawa ke Klinik Kesihatan Taman Universiti sebelum dipindahkan ke Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bharu untuk rawatan lanjut.
Mereka ialah Nur Aima Razak, 5, Muhammad Hadif Syauqi Samsol Akamal, 5, Danial Asyraf Abdullah, 5, Danial Aiman Hakimi Md Gefri, 6, dan Sakinah Roslan, 5.
Sementara itu, pemandu van berusia 40-an ditahan bagi membantu siasatan.-f/bk

Jakim ticked off for telling Muslims to accept GST...
PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution is far from pleased with the Islamic Development Department of Malaysia (Jakim) for its sermon last Friday urging Muslims to accept the controversial goods and services tax (GST).
Ironically, Saifuddin said, the text of the same sermon had also urged Muslims not to get into debt.
The government's justification for bringing in GST from next April is based on the need to clear its huge debt to GDP, which stands at 48 percent.
"The Friday sermon is not only for the rakyat but for leaders too...
"Jakim only tells the rakyat not to get into debt but it is (Prime Minister) Najib Abdul Razak who is accumulating all the debt for the country," Saifuddin told a press conference at the PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya this afternoon.
He claimed that the total debt accumulated by all five previous prime ministers was almost the same as the amount accumulated under Najib's administration alone.
"This means Najib's fiscal discipline is very poor. Yet, Jakim totally ignored this aspect," Saifuddin said.
Saifuddin said Jakim did not appear to be aware about the realities about GST but was eager to back the government.
He pointed out that only 2 million of the 12 million work force in the country were paying income tax at present as many had too low wages to be taxed, but GST would affect everyone.
He added that Jakim should instead take note of the leakages highlighted in the recent Auditor-General’s Report 2013.
“Jakim should not only be telling the rakyat what to do... it should also have the courage to criticise the government,” he said.- mk
PKR tegur khutbah GST 'ironi' Jakim
Zahid backs IGP's refusal to act in Deepa's case...
Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is backing Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar's refusal to act against a Muslim convert father accused of kidnapping his son from the Hindu mother.
has been stated by the inspector-general of police is an official
stance of the Home Ministry," Zahid told journalists in Kuala Lumpur
when asked if the police would act on the complaint.
The mother, S Deepa, has complained that her ex-husband Izwan Abdullah assaulted her and took away her son after the High Court in Seremban on April 7 granted her custody of her six-year-old son and nine-year-old daughter.
However, there is also a contradicting syariah court order issued last year granting Izwan custody of the children, whom he converted to Islam without Deepa's knowledge.
Khalid said police will not act due to the conflicting orders of the two courts and urged the estranged couple to "talk it out".
Scant details on kidnapping
The mother, S Deepa, has complained that her ex-husband Izwan Abdullah assaulted her and took away her son after the High Court in Seremban on April 7 granted her custody of her six-year-old son and nine-year-old daughter.
However, there is also a contradicting syariah court order issued last year granting Izwan custody of the children, whom he converted to Islam without Deepa's knowledge.
Khalid said police will not act due to the conflicting orders of the two courts and urged the estranged couple to "talk it out".
Scant details on kidnapping
On a separate matter, Zahid said the authorities are negotiating to
reduce the ransom for a Chinese tourist and Filipino worker kidnapped
from Semporna, Sabah, on April 2.
However, he declined to reveal further information, citing the safety of the hostages.
"The police are working with a number of parties that are capable of negotiating directly with the kidnappers.
"The kidnapping is solely for profit and it is dangerous for the police
or me to reveal about our moves to save the hostages," Zahid said.- mk

Terima Kasih BN/UMNO...

Baik punya news, sebab...

Tapi bos, bukan dah ada projek RM250...Oops semua habis disapu licin...

Pooooorah...cakap saja besaq...
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