He said that the opposition party was forcing people to go to another by-election with the resignation of former Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin as the Penanti state representative.
"The resignation is politically motivated and a political game just for their own purposes and self-interests," he told reporters in Klang.
Meanwhile, Anwar Ibrahim returned fire at UMNO president Najib Abdul Razak over his lashing that the enforced Penanti by-election was 'a waste of public resources' by suggesting that Barisan Nasional gave a walkover to Pakatan Rakyat.
"We will heed the call from the Prime Minister (Najib) that we shall not waste public resources. "So I call upon the BN and UMNO leadership not to field any candidate against PKR in Penanti by-election and give us a walkover.
"It will not only save the taxpayers' money, time and energy, but also will be consistent with the premier statement," Parliamentary Opposition leader Anwar said when addressing some 500 party members in his Permatang Pauh parliamentary constituency tonight.
He also fired a broadside at Najib for suggesting that PKR was playing a political game by forcing the Penanti by-election, taking a swipe at Umno-engineered coup to usurp the Perak goverment early this year.
"Isn't that a political game?" he asked at the crowded hall in Yayasan Aman, Penanti.
Anwar justified Fairus' resignation as 'proper and correct' given the circumstances that he was entangled in graft investigation by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
"He may not be charged, but the party and public interests must come first.
"I respect his wish to resign and the party will surely protect and safeguard his interests.
"We will provide the legal defence for his case," he said.
Mohammad Fairus tendered his resignation as the elected representative yesterday, paving way for a by-election to be held within the next 60 days.
source: malaysiakini

Let this by-election be another referendum on Najib, to see whether;
1. the Malays has returned to UMNO in droves as claimed by UMNO & it's leaders.
2. the rakyat really accepts the “1 Malaysia” slogan and the Cabinet appointments.
3. the rakyat and Perakians accepts the courts decision on the application of MB Zambry and the three turncoat members of the Perak Legislative Assembly for a declaration that Speaker V. Sivakumar’s order, that clearly had gone against the Constitution of Malaysia which is the supreme law of the land.
Namun yang jelas kedudukan sekarang ialah 4 - 1 in favour of Pakatan Rakyat. Mungkin Najib tidak mau UMNO belanja berjuta-juta RM untuk projek-projek 'mee segera' dan suapan-suapan haram yang sudah tentu tidak akan membawa apa-apa kepada UMNO.
Kalau tidak mahu bagi saja walkover, habis cerita. Jelas UMNO/BN akan ditolak oleh rakyat.
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