Possible MH370 debris coming in since May...
Debris that might be from the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 had
been spotted at Reunion Island since May according to beach cleaner
Nicolas Ferrier.
He said he spotted a blue seat in early May but did not think it was of any importance.
"It wasn't until Wednesday that it hit me what it could have been. It was probably part of that plane," Ferrier said, as reported by The Telegraph yesterday.
On Thursday, a piece of a wing was found washed up on the coast of Reunion Island, an island on the east of the Indian Ocean.
Investigators scrambled to inspect the aircraft piece, with the Malaysian Deputy Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi saying it is "almost certain" that the piece was from a Boeing 777, the same model as Flight MH370.
They had also found a badly-damaged suitcase close to where the plane debris was found.
Ferrier said that in May, he had also found some suitcases washed ashore, but again did not realise their significance.
"I found a couple of suitcases too, around the same time, full of things.
"I burnt them. That's my job. I collect rubbish and burn it. I could have found many things that belonged to the plane and burnt them, without realising," he added.
Even the part of the wing that washed up had been spotted by Ferrier in May before, though it was crusted with barnacles then.
When it washed ashore again on Thursday, the barnacles were dead.
"Like the seat, I didn't know what it was. I sat on it. I was fishing for macabi (bonefish) and used it as a table. I really didn't pay it much attention, until I saw it on the news," he said.
said he did not report seeing these items in May because he worked
alone, unlike the team of beach cleaners who found the wing on
"Even now I can't quite understand it. For me, it was something totally normal. I see it all the time.
"I can't really say if it was the first time or the last time I saw bits like that, because I never pay attention. From now on, I will look more closely," he said.
The piece of wing had been transported to France for investigators to analyse more closely.
Discovery of the debris may finally confirm that the plane crashed into the sea, after 16 months of futile searching.
Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai had said on Saturday that more Malaysian officials will be going to Reunion to look for more debris.
Ferrier thinks they might be successful.
"There was a lot of evidence on the beach (in May). But the sea took it away. I think they'll find more though.
"I've seen quite a lot, and I wasn't even looking," he said. - mk
He said he spotted a blue seat in early May but did not think it was of any importance.
"It wasn't until Wednesday that it hit me what it could have been. It was probably part of that plane," Ferrier said, as reported by The Telegraph yesterday.
On Thursday, a piece of a wing was found washed up on the coast of Reunion Island, an island on the east of the Indian Ocean.
Investigators scrambled to inspect the aircraft piece, with the Malaysian Deputy Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi saying it is "almost certain" that the piece was from a Boeing 777, the same model as Flight MH370.
Ferrier said that in May, he had also found some suitcases washed ashore, but again did not realise their significance.
"I found a couple of suitcases too, around the same time, full of things.
"I burnt them. That's my job. I collect rubbish and burn it. I could have found many things that belonged to the plane and burnt them, without realising," he added.
Even the part of the wing that washed up had been spotted by Ferrier in May before, though it was crusted with barnacles then.
When it washed ashore again on Thursday, the barnacles were dead.
"Like the seat, I didn't know what it was. I sat on it. I was fishing for macabi (bonefish) and used it as a table. I really didn't pay it much attention, until I saw it on the news," he said.
"Even now I can't quite understand it. For me, it was something totally normal. I see it all the time.
"I can't really say if it was the first time or the last time I saw bits like that, because I never pay attention. From now on, I will look more closely," he said.
The piece of wing had been transported to France for investigators to analyse more closely.
Discovery of the debris may finally confirm that the plane crashed into the sea, after 16 months of futile searching.
Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai had said on Saturday that more Malaysian officials will be going to Reunion to look for more debris.
Ferrier thinks they might be successful.
"There was a lot of evidence on the beach (in May). But the sea took it away. I think they'll find more though.
"I've seen quite a lot, and I wasn't even looking," he said. - mk

MH370: Pintu Pesawat Ditemui Terdampar...
Sebuah objek yang dipercayai pintu pesawat milik pesawat penerbangan Malaysia (MAS), MH370 dijumpai terdampar di Pulau Reunion, dekat Perancis di sini hari ini.
Perkara tersebut dimaklumkan oleh sumber terdekat kepada portal berita antarabangsa, Sky News sebentar tadi.
Menurut wartawan Sky News, David Bowden, objek tersebut ditemui terdampar di lokasi berbeza dengan penemuan sayap pesawat beberapa hari lalu yang kini sedang menjalani ujian di Perancis.
Sebelum ini, seorang pakar penerbangan Perancis, Xavier Tytelman mendakwa telah menemui serpihan milik pesawat MAS yang hilang pada Mac, tahun lalu selepas dihubungi oleh seorang penduduk tempatan.
Susulan itu, satu pasukan khas telah dihantar untuk mengesahkan penemuan serpihan berkenaan.
Dalam perkembangan yang lain, Timbalan Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi seperti dilapor Sinar Harian Online kelmarin mengesahkan bahawa bahagian sayap atau 'flaperon' yang ditemui di Pulau Reunion adalah sah milik pesawat jenis Boeing 777. - md

MH370 : 'The door' found on Reunion...
A second piece of suspected plane debris has washed ashore on the Indian Ocean island of Reunion, after a wing part suspected to come from the missing flight MH370 was found on Wednesday.
The object, believed to be the door of an aircraft, was discovered just south of the city of St Denis.
It is said to have writing on it and possibly some illustration.
The Malaysia Airlines plane from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared last March with 239 people on board.
The first piece of wreckage has gone to France, where investigators in the city of Toulouse will seek to establish if it came from MH370.
It is believed to be a wing flap from a Boeing 777 - the same type of aircraft as the one that vanished.
Fragments of a suitcase found on the same beach in St Andre are also to be examined.
Investigators will begin work this Wednesday.
An Australian-led search effort for the plane has been focused on a vast area of the southern Indian Ocean about 4,000km (2,500 miles) to the east of Reunion.
Authorities believe MH370 veered off course on the way to Beijing and crashed into the sea - but they do not know why.
Its estimated last location was based on "pings" sent from the aircraft that were detected by satellite.
However, no physical trace has been found.- bbc.com.news
Investigators will begin work this Wednesday.
An Australian-led search effort for the plane has been focused on a vast area of the southern Indian Ocean about 4,000km (2,500 miles) to the east of Reunion.
Authorities believe MH370 veered off course on the way to Beijing and crashed into the sea - but they do not know why.
Its estimated last location was based on "pings" sent from the aircraft that were detected by satellite.
However, no physical trace has been found.- bbc.com.news
Oleh kerana gua masih mempercayai teori MH370 dirampas dan bukan terhempas seperti didakwa banyak pihak, gua cari asas untuk membuktikan bahawa penemuan terkini serpihan dan barangan penumpang yang didakwa dari MH370 adalah suatu yang dirancang rapi.
Perkara pertama yang berlegar dalam otak gua ialah kewujudan penduduk Pulau Reunion. Carian google mendapat Pulau Reunion adalah sebuah pulau yang berpenghuni seramai 843,617 orang menurut statistik 2015.
Diandaikan bahawa penimgkatan penduduk dalam setahun adalah 10% maka bermakna pada waktu MH370 didawa terhempas di situ terdapat 758 ribu penduduk.
Persoalan pertama yang wujud dalam pemikiran gua, mungkinkah MH370 terhempas tanpa mengeluarkan bunyi sehingga tiada seorangpun penduduk Pulau Reunion menyedari kejadian?
Jika terhempas di laut?
Lihatlah demografi Pulau Reunion. Sebahagian besar Pulau itu dipenuhi gunung berapi. Penduduk tinggal di kawasan pinggir pantai. Maka tiadakah nelayan?

Pengkalan tentera udara Perancis
Penkalan tentera udara Perancis berada di sebelah lapangan terbang St Denis, Pulau Reunion. Pengkalan tentera udara Perancis tak ada radar ke?
Jarak antara Diegi Garcia dengan Pulau adalah 1149 batu. Satu jarak yang sangat memungkinkan serpihan MH370 disebar Tentera Laut Amerika bagi menutup perbuatan jenayah negara mereka terhadap kemanusiaan.

Teori bahawa MH370 dileraikan di Diego Garcia adalah sangat praktikal kerana tiada siapa dapat menyiasat kepulauan tersebut walaupun Tentera Laut China cuba menggunakan teknologi jarak jauhnya semasa mencari MH370 di kepulauan India Timur.
Satu tahun lima bulan kemudian muncul cerita penemuan serpihan MH370 di pula itu. Dari mana datangnya serpihan-serpihan tersebut?
Mungkinkah dihantar manusia menggunakan kapal perang atau kapal dagang bagi menamatkan teka teki dan menutup sebarang teori penglibatan penguasa beberapa negara dalam skandal rampasan kapal terbang paling unik ini.
1. Radar TUDM tak dapat kesan MH370 kononnya kerana pegawai bertugas alpa
2. Pertukaran juruterbang pada saat akhir
3. Siasatan ke rumah juruterbang kononnya juruterbang melarikan MH370
4. Boeng tidak dapat mengesan pesawatnya sendiri.
Dan banyak lagi perkara menunjukkan ada sesuatu yang dirahsiakan daripada pengetahuan umum.
Suatu yang dapat membuktikan MH370 terhempas di situ adalah penemuan badan induk MH370 itu sendiri.. Jika hanya bukti-bukti kecil seperti disebarkan media antarabangsa tidak mencukupi untuk mempengaruhi masyarakat dunia akan kebenaran MH370 terhempas di situ.
Berhentilah main game. Kembalikan penumpang MH370 yang tak berdosa kepada keluarga mereka. - gendang perang@lusuka.com

"Ini bukan duit rakyat" - tmi
Apa perasaan anda bila baca ayat di atas ? Ada tak macam ni - Ooooooo ..... patutlah 1MDB diorang buat macam duit mak bapak diorang punya !! Bila rakyat tanya2, diorang marah balik.
Sebab dalam fikiran diorang, rakyat takde hak nak ambil tahu, sebab itu BUKAN DUIT RAKYAT
Serius beb, ikut hati memang nak maki jer ni ..... tapi takut admin blog ini tak lepaskan pulak. Ayat satu baris pendek itu saja sudah cukup untuk menjelaskan SEGALAnya tentang kemelut 1MDB, tentang kenapa Najib dan 1MDB tidak pernah merasakan keperluan untuk menjawab dengan jelas segala persoalan yang di ajukan tentang pengurusan kewangan 1MDB.
Najib turut menyalahkan pengkritik yang menggagalkan penyenaraian IPO 1MDB seterusnya menyebabkan wujudnya ketidaksepadanan yang menyebabkan masalah aliran tunai.
Tak sia2 juga Najib lantik Zahid gantikan tempat Muhyiddin sebagai TPM. Pantas Zahid pun back up sama !
Dari Malaymailonline -
1MDB didn't use the government's money or allocations. A lot of the deals are between lender and borrower, so in this case, here will definitely be repayments and a payment schedule must be made.
1MDB tidak pakai duit atau peruntukan kerajaan.
Bagi saya, senang je - Apa saja yang berkaitan dengan kerajaan, maknanya ada kaitan dengan rakyat. 1MDB milik penuh kerajaan, bermakna ia milik penuh rakyat.
Jika 1MDB kantoi hutang, siapa yang kena bayar hutang ? Apakah Najib nak kata yang pemberi hutang terpaksa lupakan hutang itu begitu saja ? Bukankah kerajaan juga yang akan tanggung ?
Kerajaan dapat duit nak gantikan hutang itu dari mana ? Kalaupun kerajaan banyak duit, hak siapa duit itu ? Kerajaan sekadar pegang amanah dari rakyat jer untuk uruskan duit itu. Banyak lagi yang boleh digunakan duit kerajaan itu demi rakyat daripada dibelanja hanguskan atas nama 1MDB !
Itu hujah berkait, bagaimana pula hujah yang direct - RM950 juta standby kredit yang diberikan kepada 1MDB itu apa? - din turtle
cky - It's people's debt because the MOF borrowed the money and stood guarantor. It is not under your personal name. Only that money went into your personal accounts. Any answer? How to explain? In the first place,why the MOF borrowed this money to do "business" when it is not its business to be involved in this business.
Pill10 - 1MDB is owned by the Ministry of Finance and thus the Government. No other shareholders. Most of 1MDB's borrowings are guaranteed by the Government in one way or another. It is only legally or otherwise sensible to say it is funded by Malaysian taxpayers or rakyat. How did Najib arrive at a different conclusion. Baffles me that we have such a PM.
Calling 40 MPs from BN for a new coalition gov't...
Will there be some 20 Umno MPs and 20 BN MPs from Sabah and Sarawak prepared to join with some 80 MPs from DAP, PKR, and Gerakan Harapan Baru (GHB) to form a new coalition government with a new prime minister with new policies to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state?
It is becoming a popular refrain from top government circles in the past few days alleging that there is an international conspiracy plotting to topple a serving prime minister by “criminalising” him, as if the Najib government is preparing the ground for a new dragnet of arrests, using Section 124 of the Penal Code on the new-fangled crime of “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” which can send a person convicted for the offence to jail for up to 20 years.
The latest person to join in this government chorus is none other than the new attorney-general Mohamad Apandi Ali who, in his fourth day as the top law officer of the government early morning of July 31, dismissed the purported draft of a corruption charge sheet against the Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak by former attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail, published on whistleblower website Sarawak Report, as false.
Apandi went on to declare that the alleged draft corruption charge against Najib points to “a conspiracy to topple a serving prime minister by criminalising him” and warning “stern action against the perpetrators” as “the full force of the law will be applied without exception on any that are found guilty”.
In fact, more than a dozen names have been circulated in the social media in the past few days of persons from the press, parliament, the ‘special task force’ on 1MDB which is a multi-agency constituted by Bank Negara Malaysia, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Royal Malaysian Police, and the Attorney-General’s Chambers, alleging that they are going to be picked up in the crackdown on these plotters of the international conspiracy to “criminalise” Najib and to topple the elected prime minister of Malaysia – and it really surprises me that the inspector-general of police who have been issuing all sorts of warnings to various quarters in social media seems to be blissfully unaware of such sites and their activities.
Brink of dark times
This is why in the past two days, I had specifically asked whether Malaysia is on the brink of a “new Dark Age” and another round of attacks on the independence, integrity, and professionalism of the national institutions which had suffered and had not fully recovered from the earlier round of attacks on the national institutions in the country.
The allegation that there is an international plot to topple the elected prime minister of Malaysia by violent or unconstitutional means is most far-fetched and ludicrous and exists only in the wild imaginations of those who want to concoct it to hatch a plot to remove Najib’s critics in the prime minister’s many scandals, and in particular the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal.
If truth be told, there is not only no such international plot and conspiracy to topple the elected prime minister by violent or unconstitutional means, we in DAP, PKR, and GHB would prefer to have Najib lead Umno/Barisan Nasional into the 14th General Elections (GE14).
This is strictly from the party political point of view, for Najib would be the weakest prime minister the Umno/BN coalition could offer, with the volume of political and financial scandals he is chalking up under his premiership, all of which overshadowed by the mammoth and monstrous RM42 billion 1MDB scandal – with 1MDB indisputably standing for “1Malaysia Disaster Bhd” or “1Malaysia Malapetaka Bhd”!
I cannot to speak about PAS as I have just read that the prime minister is singing praises for PAS president Hadi Awang for his understanding and sympathy for Najib over the 1MDB scandal!
In fact, if there is a vote of no confidence in Najib as prime minister in Parliament, I would not be surprised if Hadi and his MPs would not vote in support of any such motion.
Happy for Najib to remain
From the purely selfish party political viewpoint, DAP, PKR and GHB MPs would be quite happy to see Najib continue as PM and lead the UMNO/BN coalition in GE14, and lead to Umno/BN coalition to defeat and the opposition benches - a prospect predicted by none other than former prime minister Mahathir.
Muhyiddin Yassin has been sacked as Deputy Prime Minister not only because he articulated grassroots concerns about the 1MDB scandal but his fear that Umno would lose if general elections are held now.
My old parliamentary pal, the former MP for Sri Gading who is now Johor State Assembly Speaker Mohamad Aziz, had publicly warned that the sacking of Muhyiddin as deputy prime minister and Shafie Apdal as minister for rural and regional development would destroy Umno.
He asked whether it was wrong for an Umno deputy president to talk about an issue that has been worrying the rakyat, posing the very pertinent question: “What is more important – 1MDB or the survival of Umno?”
The time has come for all Malaysians, including Umno leaders, activists, and members to go beyond the canvas and issues raised by Mohamad Aziz, and ask the bigger question: “What is more important – the survival of UMNO or the survival of the nation?”
Before I came to the dinner, I read of Umno Youth and Puteri leaders in Johor who have quit their posts in protest over Muhyiddin’s sacking, who felt that the top Umno leadership has deviated from the original struggles of the old leaders and that “those who speak the truth would be removed, and those who fight for the people would be fired".
Clearly, they have given their answers to the key question of the time: “What is more important – survival of Umno or survival of the nation?”
Not good for M'sia
While Najib would be the best choice for DAP, PKR, and GHB to lead Umno/BN in GE14, as it would likely be most advantageous to us politically if there is no change of Umno/BN leadership, this is not good for Malaysia as a whole as the nation is hurtling towards a failed state in 2020 and not a fully developed nation.
The 1MDB debacle raised questions about the government’s transparency and its ability to govern effectively, particularly when it comes to its own finances.
It is also bad for the investment climate and business environment in the country.
Malaysia is facing a number of substantial economic challenges, the ringgit tumbling to levels not seen since the Asian Financial Crisis, making it Asia’s worst-performing currency as well as a rout in commodity prices, particularly lower energy prices.
Will it be in Malaysia’s best interests if Malaysia’s crisis of confidence is resolved beforeGE14 in another two years’ time.
Is this possible?
This will depend on whether there are some 20 Umno MPs and 20 BN MPs from Sabah and Sarawak who are prepared to join with some 80 MPs from DAP, PKR and GHB to form a new coalition government with a new prime minister with new policies so save Malaysia from becoming a failed state.
DAP has 38 MPs, PKR 29, and assuming GHB can muster 10 MPs, a new coalition with more than half of the 222 MPs could be formed if there are some 20 patriotic and like-minded Umno MPs and 20 BN MPs from Sabah and Sarawak who agree that the top national priority is to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state because of rampant corruption, socio-economic injustices, and the collapse of good governance.
This is not a national or international conspiracy to topple the elected prime minister by violent or unconstitutional means but a patriotic endeavour using democratic and constitutional means to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state – to allow Malaysia to become a country of “endless possibilities” to leverage on the wealth and diversity of Malaysia’s human talents and natural resources to become a truly great nation.
The question is whether such numbers of MPs could be cobbled together with a new coalition, a new prime minister, and new policies to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state. - LKS,mk

Najib said,"3 million UMNO members back me to stay"...
but 20 million rakyat want you to step down!!!

Mereka ditahan oleh pihak berkuasa atas arahan pihak yang takut pada kuasa rakyatnya...

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