Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh Said Keruak has refused to comment on Sarawak Report's
claim that most of the money deposited into Prime Minister's Najib
Abdul Razak's personal accounts before the 13th general election had
subsequently been transferred abroad.
This, he said, is because the whistleblower website allegedly has their own hidden agenda and their claims are based on purportedly tampered documents.
"I don't want to comment because to me, Sarawak Report has a motive, and it has been proven that some documents in their hands have been tampered.
"How can we comment on documents which have been tampered?" he asked in a press conference after a cycling event in Kuala Lumpur today.
Yesterday, Sarawak Report claimed that US$650 million out of the US$681 million deposited into Najib's personal accounts had been transferred back to Tanore Finance Corporation at Falcon Bank in Singapore after the 13th general election.
Weeks after US financial daily Wall Street Journal reported that billions of allegedly 1MDB funds had been deposited into Najib’s accounts, the government finally admitted the funds were “political donations” for Umno’s use.
Allegations of tampering
Allegations that documents used by Sarawak Reports had been tampered arose after the arrest of former PetroSaudi International employee Xavier Andre Justo in Thailand on allegations of attempting to blackmail his former employer.
Justo had confirmed that Clare Rewcastle-Brown, the Britain-based publisher of the Sarawak Report, was one of the buyers interested in the documents he had stolen from his former employer.
Former Sarawak journalist Lester Melanyi had also released a video confession saying that Rewcastle-Brown had fabricated documents related to 1MDB while he was working for Sarawak Report.
Meanwhile, Rewcastle-Brown had dismissed these allegations.
Salleh also said today that Najib is more transparent than some others, though he did not mention names.
"Najib is very transparent. The RM2.6 billion that went into his account was cleared, he was investigated, a task force was formed and the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission had said that it's a legal political contribution. He has hidden nothing.
"To me, that is more transparent than others, who are more secretive on these matters," he said.
Even regarding reports that former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, one of Najib's fiercest critics, had also received political funding from the Middle East, Salleh maintained that there is nothing wrong with it.
"It's not wrong to receive the funds, but to say we didn't receive any funds, of course that is not right," he explained.
However, he said Mahathir should not be criticising others for something the former prime minister has done himself. - mk
This, he said, is because the whistleblower website allegedly has their own hidden agenda and their claims are based on purportedly tampered documents.
"How can we comment on documents which have been tampered?" he asked in a press conference after a cycling event in Kuala Lumpur today.
Yesterday, Sarawak Report claimed that US$650 million out of the US$681 million deposited into Najib's personal accounts had been transferred back to Tanore Finance Corporation at Falcon Bank in Singapore after the 13th general election.
Weeks after US financial daily Wall Street Journal reported that billions of allegedly 1MDB funds had been deposited into Najib’s accounts, the government finally admitted the funds were “political donations” for Umno’s use.
Allegations of tampering
Allegations that documents used by Sarawak Reports had been tampered arose after the arrest of former PetroSaudi International employee Xavier Andre Justo in Thailand on allegations of attempting to blackmail his former employer.
Justo had confirmed that Clare Rewcastle-Brown, the Britain-based publisher of the Sarawak Report, was one of the buyers interested in the documents he had stolen from his former employer.
Former Sarawak journalist Lester Melanyi had also released a video confession saying that Rewcastle-Brown had fabricated documents related to 1MDB while he was working for Sarawak Report.
Meanwhile, Rewcastle-Brown had dismissed these allegations.
Salleh also said today that Najib is more transparent than some others, though he did not mention names.
"Najib is very transparent. The RM2.6 billion that went into his account was cleared, he was investigated, a task force was formed and the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission had said that it's a legal political contribution. He has hidden nothing.
"To me, that is more transparent than others, who are more secretive on these matters," he said.
Even regarding reports that former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, one of Najib's fiercest critics, had also received political funding from the Middle East, Salleh maintained that there is nothing wrong with it.
"It's not wrong to receive the funds, but to say we didn't receive any funds, of course that is not right," he explained.
However, he said Mahathir should not be criticising others for something the former prime minister has done himself. - mk
Ku Li - Perlu tentera jika mahu 'guling kerajaan'...
Bekas Naib Presiden Umno Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah hari ini tampil membayangkan bahawa tiada sebarang rancangan untuk "menggulingkan kerajaan".
"Kalau (sesiapa) nak buat (jatuhkan kerajaan), kena mesti menerusi apa yang ditentukan perlembagaan," kata Tengku Razaleigh ketika ditemui media di Rumah Terbuka Hari Raya, di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Pagi tadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mendakwa ada seorang pemimpin Umno sedang memainkan peranan untuk "menjatuhkan kerajaan" dengan kerjasama ahli parlimen pembangkang.
Ahmad Zahid juga mendakwa pihak terbabit turut mengumpul sokongan daripada wakil rakyat BN di parlimen untuk mendapatkan majoriti bagi menjatuhkan kerajaan "melalui jalan belakang".
Tak senang hati, kemuka usul
Sementara itu, ketika ditanya pemberita Tengku Razaleigh mengakui beliau bertemu dengan bekas perdana menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Selasa lalu.
Beliau berkata tiada apa-apa yang penting dibincangkan pada pertemuan itu kerana beliau sering bertemu sesiapa sahaja termasuk Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
"Ini perkara biasa. Mana-mana pihak yang rasa tak senang hati dia boleh kemukakan usul. Kalau ada bilangan cukup, berjayalah. Kalau tak ada bilangan cukup, tak boleh," katanya.
Ditanya kemungkinan wujudnya dua kelompok dalam Umno seperti sejarah parti itu sebelum ini, Ahli Parlimen Gua Musang itu berkata, beliau tidak mengetahui mengenai perkara itu.
"Saya tidak tahu, saya tidak ikuti (apa yang berlaku), saya cuma bimbang... rakyat menghadapi masalah sekarang.
"Dengan kerajaan yang baru disusun semula saya harap mereka akan bekerja bersungguh-sungguh untuk membaiki kehidupan rakyat," katanya.- mk
It takes the army to topple gov't, says Ku Li...
Former Umno strongman Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah today dismissed repeated
claims that there is a plot to "topple the government".
"You need the military to do that. Normal people can't topple the government," Tengku Razaleigh told reporters when met at a Hari Raya open house event in Kuala Lumpur today.
"You need the military to do that. Normal people can't topple the government," Tengku Razaleigh told reporters when met at a Hari Raya open house event in Kuala Lumpur today.
Earlier today, Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi claimed that an Umno leader was behind a plot to "topple the government".
He said the plan involved securing statutory declarations from opposition and some BN MPs to state they have the majority in the Dewan Rakyat and "topple" the government through the "back door".
He said that there nothing was insidious about this meeting as he
regularly meets people, including Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
Although "toppling" the government was out of the question, Tengku
Razaleigh said that MPs can act within the confines of the Federal
Constitution and table a vote of no confidence against Najib in
"It can be done. The rules allow for it. That is the only thing that
can be done by any groups," said Tengku Razaleigh in reply to a
"It is not unusual. Anyone who is unhappy can bring the motion (to the
Dewan Rakyat). If the numbers are achieved, then the person will
succeed. If not, then nothing (will happen)."
Reporter: Are u behind the plot to topple Najib?
Tengku Razaleigh: What do you think?
Reporter: There is a claim that an Umno leader is going around obtaining SDs...
Tengku Razaleigh: These are all Umno people [pointing to guests at his home] around here. And here I am.
Reporter: So you are not aware (of the plot)?
Tengku Razaleigh: I dont think so
Reporter: Do you believe there is a plot?
Tengku Razaleigh: There might be (a plot). Maybe not.
Reporter: So it is news to you?
Tengku Razaleigh: Yeah.
When told that Umno appears split in two and that history was repeating himself, Tengku Razaleigh said he was unaware of this.
"I'm not following (what's going on). But I am concerned... The people are facing problems now.
"Now that the cabinet has been reshuffled, I hope they will work hard for the people," he said.
Tengku Razaleigh headed what was then known as "Team B" in an attempt
to oust Dr Mahathir as Umno president back in 1987, which ultimately
resulted in Umno being de-registered as a party.
'Derma' RM2.6b dari orang tak dikenali telah dipindahkan kembali ke Singapura...
Sarawak Report telah maklumkan bahawa lebih daripada AS $ 650 juta (RM2 bilion) telah dipindahkan dari akaun Perdana Menteri, AmPrivate Bank di Kuala Lumpur ke Singapura selepas pilihan raya umum.
Wang itu didepositkan ke dalam akaun atas nama Tanore Kewangan Corporation (BVI) di Falcon Bank di Singapura pada hari akaun AmPrivate Bank Perdana Menteri ditutup, 30/08/2013.
Ini adalah akaun syarikat yang sama yang pada asalnya memindahkan AS $681,000,000 ke dalam akaun Najib Razak yang sama, AmPrivate Bank nombor akaun 2112022009694 awal pada awal bulan Mac.
Maklumat menakjubkan ini menjawab soalan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri, yang ditimbulkan semalam, tentang apa yang telah berlaku dengan baki wang yang telah 'didermakan' kepada Najib Razak cara peribadi, bagi pihak UMNO, oleh orang yang tidak dikenali dari Timur Tengah - kononnya untuk pilihan raya.
Walau bagaimanapun, ia juga menimbulkan persoalan yang serious selanjutnya kepada Perdana Menteri tentang apa hak beliau untuk memindahkan apa yang kononnya dana dari pihak luar negara dan mengapa wang ini nampaknya telah bercampur dengan beratus-ratus lagi yang tidak dapat dijelaskan lebih berjuta-juta dolar dalam akaun yang sama iaitu akaun peribadi Najib Razak 2112022009694?
Penting, masih tiada penjelasan disediakan untuk menjustifikasikan bagaimana sejumlah besar wang rahsia mungkin telah didermakan mengikut undang-undang oleh kaedah demikian dan bagi tujuan tertentu.

Pada 2hb. Julai Sarawak Report dan Wall Street Journal mendedahkan bahawa penyiasat dari pasukan petugas 1MDB bersama (sejak dibubarkan) telah mendapati bahawa sebuah syarikat BVI bernama Tanore Finance Corporation telah membuat dua pembayaran ke dalam akaun peribadi PM,AmPrivate Bank nombor akaun 2112022009694 berjumlah AS $ 681 juta pada 21 dan 25 Mac 2013.
Akaun Tanore Finance Corporation yang digunakan dalam urus niaga adalah berdasarkan pada Falcon Private Bank di Singapura, yang merupakan bank Swiss yang dimiliki oleh syarikat Aabar,Abu Dhabi, yang telah menandatangani satu 'perkongsian strategik' RM18 bilion dengan 1MDB hanya beberapa hari sebelum ini.
Najib mengugut untuk menyaman Wall Street Journal kerana artikel itu. Walau bagaimanapun ia telah disahkan oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia pada minggu lepas bahawa butir-butir pemindahan itu adalah betul, sambil menyatakan ianya dari 'penderma tanpa nama di Timur Tengah.
'Penderma' itu dianggap sebagai pemilik berahsia BVI Tanore Finance Corporation dan apa yang membingungkan mengapa Perdana Menteri menggosongkan akaunnya semula ke dalam syarikat yang sama tidak lama selepas pilihan raya.
Pihak berkuasa kewangan Singapura telah mengesahkan mereka telah membekukan kedua-dua akaun tersebut bergantung kepada siasatan 1MDB, yang dipercayai berada di Falcon Bank.
Bank itu telah mengumumkan bahawa ia akan bekerjasama dengan pengawal selia mengenai perkara itu. Sementara itu, setengah dozen akaun bank yang tidak dinyatakan di KL juga telah dibekukan mengikut perkara-perkara yang berkaitan.
Orang dalam telah mengesahkan bahawa Perdana Menteri Malaysia terbang ke Singapura pada pertengahan bulan Julai untuk lawatan empat hari di Singapura, di mana beliau cuba tetapi gagal untuk mendapatkan akaun-akaun bank yang beku itu dibuka semula.
Sementara itu, bukti2 menunjukkan bahawa wang tersebut sememangnya diedarkan sendiri oleh Perdana Menteri kepada ketua2 bahagian, bukan sahaja sebelum pilihan raya tetapi juga selepas itu, termasuk beberapa bayaran kepada Ahli2 Parlimen.
Wang tersebut telah diedarkan dalam bentuk cek, diserahkan kepada penyelaras parti oleh Perdana Menteri, dikeluarkan daripada akaun AmPrivate Banking yang sama, nombor akaun 2112022009694.

Kebanyakan penerima kini membuktikan diri mereka sebagai pembela 'hardcore' Najib dalam krisis ini.
Mereka termasuklah Pengerusi BBC UMNO,Shahrir Abdul Samad, yang menerima RM1 juta selepas pilihan raya dan Timbalan Menteri Kewangan Ahman Maslan, yang mendapat cek bernilai RM2 juta.
Orang ramai ramai akan bertanya,dalam UMNO sejauh manakah kemurahan hati Perdana Menteri menjadi, memandangkan begitu banyak lebihan wang yang telah dikembalikan ke luar negara oleh Perdana Menteri?
Dan terdapat satu misteri akhir yang perlu diselesaikan. Pemeriksaan dokumen Tanore Finance Corporation di Kepulauan Virgin mendapati bahawa syarikat tersebut sebenarnya telah ditutup pada April 2014.
Oleh yang demikian ke manakah beratus-ratus juta dolar AS yang dihantar itu pergi?
US$650m from Najib's account sent abroad...
Sarawak Report has claimed that US$650 million out of the US$681 million deposited into the personal account of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak was transferred abroad after the 13th general election.
The portal said that the money was transferred back to Tanore Finance Corporation at Falcon Bank in Singapore, the same company that had made the initial deposit into Najib's personal accounts, according to an emailed statement from Sarawak Report.
It said the transfer happened on the same day Najib's AmBank account was closed on August 30, 2013.
It added that Tanore Finance Corporation was subsequently closed down in April 2014, based on the company's documents in the British Virgin Islands.
It is unclear where the money at Falcon Bank is now after Tanore Finance Corporation was closed down.
However, Sarawak Report claimed that the accounts frozen by Singapore authorities in the 1MDB investigation is also related to Falcon Bank.
"Insiders have confirmed that the Malaysian prime minister flew over in mid-July for a four-day trip in Singapore, during which he attempted but failed to get these frozen bank accounts re-opened," said Sarawak Report.
'Money intended for UMNO'
The revelation has raised more questions as Najib and his allies have insisted the massive deposits were a "political donation" intended for Umno.
"However, it also raises serious further questions for the prime minister as to what right he had to transfer what were supposedly party funds out of the country and why this money appears to have been mixed up with yet more unexplained hundreds of millions of dollars in Najib Razak’s same personal account number 211202200XXXX?" said the portal.
Sarawak Report said Najib had distributed some of this funds as political handouts to BN MPs but it also raised the issue for the Umno grassroots.
"This confirms that the money was indeed being used, but raises the question as to how the prime minister ended up with almost as much money after the election in this account as the sum injected into it beforehand from Tanore Finance Corporation?" it said.
Previously, Sarawak Report and The Wall Street Journal had reported that on top of the US$681 million, Najib's personal account also received deposits of RM42 million from state-owned SRC International.
The whistleblower portal claimed that there were two other deposits, one through Abu Dhabi and another through Dubai.
It added that these brought the total sum held in the prime minister's account to over a billion US dollars.- mk

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