Despite euphoria on the part of the three-party opposition coalition, the end of the trial doesn't mean that Anwar's troubles are over. One political observer in Kuala Lumpur told Asia Sentinel that Umno, the lead party in the ruling national coalition, will probably do its best to discredit him in other ways. Although he was declared not guilty, the image of the opposition leader as a sexual deviant has probably been planted in a lot of Malaysian minds.
Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, Anwar's accuser, appears to have no intention of going away. He has asked the attorney-general to appeal the acquittal and is tweeting and texting his outrage and innocence to anyone who will read them. Umno could well put him on the trail to demand denied justice at every campaign stop.

That isn't to say the snap poll won't come off. But there are headwinds. The party held its annual general assembly in December and was expected to come out fighting.
There was plenty of harsh rhetoric that made it sound as if Umno is besieged on all sides by threatening foes from both inside and outside the country - particularly from Christians, and particularly Chinese ones.
Najib himself concluded the conclave by pounding the war drums in stark terms, outlining a dark future if the opposition were to win, saying that:
"This is the fate that will befall us if Umno loses power. Who will uphold the symbol of Islam? Who is capable of protecting the rights and agenda of the Malays? Who will continue to honour our Malay rulers?"

Umno assembly derailed by NFC scandal
Almost simultaneously with the annual general assembly, however, Umno found itself in a massive scandal involving the family of Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, the head of Wanita Umno, the women's wing of the party and minister for women, welfare and community development.

As some observers have pointed out, it is also damaging because it involves agriculture, and particularly cattle - something Umno's rural constituency can understand in all of its ominous implications.
The matter involves the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC), which was given RM250 million in a government soft loan and was established to slaughter as many as 60,000 cattle a year by halal, or religiously accepted, methods.
However, NFC has never slaughtered 10 percent of the projected total and has since scaled back its target to 8,000 head but hasn't been able to meet that target either.

None of Shahrizat's family had any experience in cattle production or beef supply prior to the establishment of the company.
It appears that much of the money - as much as RM131 million - was poured into things that had nothing to do with feeding cattle but instead into cars, condos and travel, among other things.
The matter has been seized upon with a good deal of glee by the opposition. One Malay businessman source said "there may be other revelations as to how the money for cattle was used which may implicate the number 2 guy." That is Muhyiddin.
"This thing has been a lifeline for the opposition who are sitting on a thumb drive full of info which they are revealing in bits and pieces," he said.
Graft allegations against PM and DPM aides
Intermixed with this are reports that both Muhyiddin's and Najib's private secretaries have been accepting funds of at least RM10,000 per month from private parties for reasons that are unclear.
The allegations against each - complete with pictures of checks - are suspected of having been leaked by the Muhyiddin and Najib factions against each other. There reportedly is yet another massive scandal waiting in the wings, involving hundreds of millions of dollars in connection with the Iskandar project in Johor.
Documents are believed to have been made available to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that are said to implicate former lieutenants of former PM Abdullah.

Continuing allegations of corruption have cost the country four places in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, dropping it to a still relatively respectable 60th. But it is the third straight year the country has slipped in the perceptions index - all three occurring on Najib's watch.
Part of the problem for Umno, a party source says, is getting divisional warlords to make way for winnable candidates in races that have become competitive now that the opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition has become a genuine movement rather than a ragtag group of parties cobbled together by Anwar. These are old hands that refuse to give away to younger, more attractive and educated candidates.
It is a longstanding problem borne out by the fact that Rais Yatim, the information minister and an Umno Supreme Council member, said after the December conclave that those not selected must refrain from sabotaging the party.
It is significant enough that the Mahathir wing of the party is contemplating demanding that party members sign a loyalty oath. A Penang district member, Musa Sheikh Fadzir, proposed the establishment of a General Election Disciplinary Committee to take action against those who go against the party in the upcoming polls.
The face of moderation
Added to this are concerns that the party isn't appealing strongly enough to young, urban Malays, turned off by infighting and corruption, who have been drifting towards PAS, which has rebranded itself, and to a lesser extent to Anwar's PKR.
The biggest of the three opposition parties, PAS is continuing to work to appeal to urban voters. It is a dramatic illustration of the change in Malaysian society.
As evidence of the racial divisions in the country, a poll by the Merdeka Centre taken last year said 61 percent of ethnic Malays believe the country is going in the right direction as opposed to only 31 percent of Chinese.
Ethnic Indian approval of the way the country is going, at a high of 66 percent, has fallen dramatically as well, to 39 percent despite Najib's assiduous efforts to woo Indians back to the fold.
Najib, Rais and others have pointed to the decision to acquit Anwar as evidence of the judiciary's independence, which is probably stretching the truth considerably.

Opponents regard these changes as cosmetic. The ISA is likely to be replaced by something akin to the Patriot Act, which was jammed through a panicked US Congress in the wake of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC.
The government appears to have shot itself in the foot with the passage by the Parliament, of a Peaceful Assembly Act that opposition lawmakers, human rights activists and the country's lawyers say was about as bad as the law it replaces as it bans street demonstrations and requires assemblies, meetings and processions to be held only on designated compounds.
Whatever strength Najib has within Umno and whatever hold Umno has on the ethnic Malay electorate, the BN appears almost certain to have to simply write off the Chinese vote, and perhaps an unknown portion of the urban Malay and Indian vote as well.

Formula to win Putrajaya
According to one analysis, overall 50 percent of parliamentary seats are Malay majority, 25 percent are Chinese majority and mixed seats - i.e. seats in which no ethnic group has a majority - 25 percent are from Sabah and Sarawak.
To win Putrajaya, either the BN or Pakatan must secure at least half of the Malay-majority seats - 25 percent of the total parliamentary seats.
For BN, the winning formula is: 25 percent Malay-majority seats, 5 percent Chinese or mixed seats and 20 percent from Sabah and Sarawak. For Pakatan, the winning formula is: 25 percent Malay-majority seats, 20 percent Chinese or mixed seats and 5 percent from Sabah and Sarawak.
The other BN component parties are in considerably worse shape than Umno. The nearly moribund MCA is enmeshed in a scandal over the development of the Port Klang multimodal port facility, which has the potential to cost the country RM13 billion if all loan commitments are to be met.

They appear to have abandoned the party wholesale for the DAP, which has been termed a Chinese chauvinist party.
Although East Malaysia appears solidly in the BN camp, if the state election held in Sarawak held on April 16 is any harbinger, the results indicate a clear abandonment of BN by Chinese voters.
DAP won 12 of the 15 seats it contested, doubling its share of seats in Sarawak since the 2006 state elections. PKR, led by Anwar, won three seats, including a rural one.
Thus the outcome appears to depend on how much PAS, having abandoned its Islamic goals, can make inroads among the Malay population, and particularly the urban Malay population. That 72 percent urban preponderance starts to look interesting indeed.

That doesn't mean the opposition is faring much better. Pakatan coalition continues to be beset with defections and arguments between the three component parties.
One of the things militating for an early election is increasingly sour economic forecasts. Second-half gross domestic product growth edged lower to 4.0 percent year-on-year as domestic demand weakened.
Najib and his troops have been hitting the campaign trail assiduously. But whether that means an election is imminent remains to be seen. Mahathir, the party's stormy petrel, counsels waiting until all of the ducks are lined up.
But he also counsels that the BN keep up the pressure to make the opposition believe the national polls could happen sooner - forcing them to spend money, time and energy to try to keep up with the government parties. - Asia Sentinel
Read article here.
Anwar di BBC- Kenyataan yang disembunyikan oleh TV3suku dan media massa gomen...
Media-media tunggangan UMNO/BN TV3 suku, Utusan Meloya dan Berita Harian menyiarkan hanya sebahagian dari temubual tersebut untuk memperlihatkan seolah-olah DS Anwar Ibrahim menyokong golongan gay.
Wartawan BBC bertanya Anwar sama ada beliau bersedia untuk menolak idea anti-diskriminasi hak golongan gay yang menjadi kebimbangan di mana beliau berkata “kami akan kaji semula undang-undang lapuk ini.”
“Kami masyarakat Islam dan bukan Islam di Malaysia secara keseluruhannya percaya dan komited untuk menyokong kesucian perkahwinan antara lelaki dan wanita tetapi kami tidak harus dilihat sebagai menyusahkan dan menganggap undang-undang lapuk sebagai relevan.” kata Anwar kepada BBC.
Anwar terus berkata pandangan Pakatan Rakyat adalah “kami tidak menggalakkan homoseksual di domain awam dan kami tidak perlu meminta maaf.”( “we do not promote homosexuality within the public domain, and we do not need to make apologies for that.”)
Ayat di atas jelas membuktikan Anwar tidak menyatakan sokongan terhadap gay dan homoseks.
Tetapi ayat kenyataan terakhir itu sengaja ditinggalkan dalam laporan TV3 suku,Utusan Meloya dan B.Harian.
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