I call on you to do this in order to teach Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud a lesson in democracy. Taib is one of the most powerful people in Malaysia because of his phenomenal wealth and he has plundered the wealth of Sarawak for over 30 years.
This election is the perfect time to let 'people's power' to overwhelm Taib's 'money power'. We have to learn from the lessons of people's power in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and the rest of the Arab world. In any democracy, the people reign supreme over money politics. Sarawak is the richest state in natural resources, but after three decades of Taib's rule, we are one of the poorest states in terms of socio-economic development.
After 30 long years of rule by Taib and his cronies, the youths of Sarawak have to go to Peninsular Malaysia and abroad o look for jobs and decent pay. Our dear motherland Sarawak has been turned by Taib into hell on earth for the dispossessed.
This state election is the most important opportunity for us to right the wrongs of the past. We all have a duty to go to the polling station on April 16 and cast our votes for Pakatan Rakyat. I make this special appeal to give your full support to See Chee How for I have known him personally, and trusted him completely, for many years.
I came to know See when he was only 18 years old. He supported my party, DAP, and campaigned ardently against Taib's excesses. He took part in the 1982 general election as a frontline campaigner, and produced most of the DAP flags and banners for me personally.
He began his political career as a full-time party worker. Soon after, I appointed him as my personal secretary to further help the party and my parliamentary office in Kuching. He was dedicated to the welfare of the people and was an exemplary party worker in all ways. Upon my retirement from politics in 1995 due to illness, See took up law and later qualified as a lawyer.
He has formed a long working partnership with Sarawak PKR chief and lawyer Baru Bian, and they are both leading figures in the indigenous people's fight for the their land rights. Both See and Baru have taken up over 150 native land rights cases. I support them fully in their cause.
Baru is the candidate for the constituency of Ba'Kelalan, and I too call on the voters of Ba'Kelalan to give him their full support.
Money and Power
Politics in our part of the world is often seen as dirty. That is because most Malaysians who go into politics are in it for money and power.
But See and Baru (left) are a different brand of politicians. They champion the aspirations of all honest Sarawakians. They are in politics to see justice done for the dispossessed people in our society.
This is probably the most important election in the history of Sarawak. It gives us a chance to change the bitter history of our beloved state.
All members of the PKR and DAP must combine forces to put a check on the corruption and he abuse of power that have grieved Sarawak for decades. This is the time we can show the true power of the vote to the Barisan Nasional.
We all love our Land of the Hornbill. But unfortunately, Sarawak has been pillaged by corrupt politicians for too long. In this general election, we must regain justice for the people by giving back power to ordinary Sarawakians.
We must release the hornbill from the bondage of money politics. -Sim Kwang Yang.
(Sim Kwang Yang was MP for Bandar Kuching,Sarawak 1982-1995)
Election gimmicks colour DAP’s Sarawak campaign

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