Not only was the physique of the broad-shouldered man much bulkier than the slim and fragile 63-year old Anwar, a shot that showed part of his face gave away the plot.
The 1.46-minute snippet of the 21-minute video was entitled Papa Nurul Izzah Part II. It was uploaded at 1.30pm on YouTube but has since been removed for its sexual content. It is believed the clip shows the final portion of the tape.
Ini rupa macam Anwarkah?

The facial features were different, the cheeks were too puffy and the man's neck was too thick, with rolls of flesh not evident in Anwar's.

Only the hairline was somewhat similar.

This guy(below) is not wearing a belt or sudah hilang?

Here's Anwar with his belt on

source:malaysian chronicle,bloglist-malaysia
Gempar! Hantu muncul dalam video seks part 2 !
Membongkar Misteri Orang Ke-3 Dalam Video Seks Part 2 !
Video Seks Anwar Ibrahim bahagian kedua!
Isu video seks dsai : 10 soalan umno perlu jawab.
1 comment:
Now that the truth is out, the last card the plotters resorted to is the SUMPAH !!
Batch of idiots, to say the least !
Just don't vote for the present ruling party Barison National .. with leaders full of evil intents and corruption by the $$millions !!
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