I have written that Anwar is insulated and desensitized beyond reach. He just does not bother about allegations, impending court cases etc. he doesn't have to because if PR wins Putrajaya, the tables will be turned. That spells danger for Najib and his administration.
If he behaves as such, that means the UMNO boys have failed to capitalize on the issue of the smut video. They have not handled this issue well. All the 3 people behind the video got were their 10 minutes moment of fame or notoriety depending on how you look at it. They have not done a great service for UMNO. Additionally, if showing the smut video in public contravenes the law, they will get punished.
They failed to inflict maximum damage and instead were looking for 10 minutes moment of fame and glory. Otherwise, how do you explain the bravado and swagger that were clearly shown by the press conference by them? They thought they can impress UMNO and the UMNO president.

Chua Soi Lek's smut video for example, was distributed into letterboxes at homes. Chua Soi Lek didn't know what to do other than `heroically' owning up.
So, Anwar isn't bothered at all. He wants to kick this government out and is zeroing in on Sarawak. If UMNO doesn't bother, then they are dancing to Anwar's tune. UMNO and the Najib administration must bother. To hear it from the mainstream paper boys, they write as if PR and Anwar don't have a rat's ass of a chance. Well, they write so at their own peril.
Read more here.
'Muka macam Anwar, badan macam Najib'
'Disorok, ramai tidak percaya, didedah, sah bukan Anwar'
'Anwar look a-like documentary'
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