"I want discussions on Islam between PAS and Umno. Fifty years of quarrelling - what's the benefit? Umno has wasted a lot of time, expertise and funds fighting Islamist movements like PAS. Nothing achieved except endless quarreling," Nik Aziz had said.
His comments were immediately seized on by the Umno-BN media as meaning that PAS was now ready to dump its Pakatan Rakyat partners DAP and PKR to set up a unity government with Umno.
But this what the Star reported........
On Thursday, PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat had asked Umno to sit down with them to end the animosity between the two Malay parties. He urged Umno leaders to think about the need for the two political parties to discuss matters related to religion.
In Kota Baru yesterday, Nik Aziz set down a prerequisite for the proposed unity talks. He said he wanted to discuss why Umno had rejected Islam and why it was fighting with PAS.
“If Umno is willing to discuss or debate these two issues, I am willing to meet them any time and anywhere.
This was Najib's response.......
Najib Tun Razak said he would wait for PAS to state a concrete position on unity talks before responding to the latest offer to end the animosity between the two parties. Expressing caution because of the inconsistency PAS has shown on holding talks on Malay unity, Najib said yesterday: “I don’t know what their real position is on this; their stand on the matter changes constantly just like the weather.
“There were times they agree, then they disagree and later they say the issue is closed.
source: the Star

Kalau macam ini punya standard media gomen dok putaq belit,lebih baik PAS jangan adakan sebarang pertemuan kerana apa saja yang dihasilkan daripada pertemuan itu juga akan diputaq belit oleh UMNO dan pengampu-pengampunya......
Baca di sini.
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