Anwar memasuki mahkamah pada 10.02 pagi and perbicaraan bermula pada 10.30 pagi.Seorang daripada peguam Anwar, Ramkarpal Singh Deo, berkata Saiful memberikan keterangan dalam pemeriksaan utama oleh Peguamcara Negara II Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, yang mengetuai pasukan pendakwaan.
Saiful, 25, bekas pembantu peribadi Anwar, adalah saksi pertama yang memberi keterangan apabila kes itu bermula semalam di hadapan Hakim Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah.
Lazimnya dalam kes-kes rogol,pihak pendakwa akan memohon kepada hakim agar keterangan mangsa dibuat secara tertutup. Tapi, dalam kes sodomi II ini,peguam tertuduh pula minta supaya keterangan mangsa dibuat secara tertutup.
Jelaslah,kadar mahkamah mengator agar kes ini dibicara secepat mungkin serta menolak segala permohonan Anwar bagi mendapatkan bukti-bukti lanjut adalah satu helah pendakwa yang menerima arahan daripada UMNO bagi memalukan ketua pembangkang ini seperti mana yang dilakukan dalam kes sodomi I dulu.
Soalnya apakah perbicaraan liwat adalah benar atau semata-mata sebagai satu 'show-case' bagi menjatuhkan imej Anwar? Mungkin tak lama lagi pilihanraya bagi DUN Perak akan diadakan dan ini adalah 'prelude' untuk UMNO menjatuhkan Pakatan Rakyat?
Sama-sama kita tunggu dan lihat.......
Meanwhile,although Anwar Ibrahim's sodomy trial entered its second day today, the defence team has yet to obtain the witness list from the prosecution. Normally, in a criminal trial the witness list is given latest by the first day of the trial.
Even in civil cases, the witness list is normally prepared or agreed before the matter goes to trial. One of Anwar's lawyers, Sankara Nair said they will file an application on Monday at the High Court, should they fail to get the witness list tomorrow.
"The prosecution is not playing the trial on a level field as they are not even supplying the witness list to us. The Federal Court in rejecting our appeal, has said the witness list can be given upon the commencement of the trial.
"Now the trial has commenced for two days, and we have yet to receive the witness list. We need the list to prepare our case," he said.
"With the list being held by the prosecution, it will be like a trial or prosecution by ambush," he told reporters outside the Jalan Duta court complex.
On July 16, trial judge Justice Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah had ruled and instructed the prosecution to hand over documents and evidence including the witness list to the prosecution, in line with provisions under section 51 and section 51A of the Criminal Procedure Code. However, the decision was quashed by the appellate court and the Federal Court on Jan 29 dismissed Anwar's appeal last week when it ruled there will be no extra evidence to be given to the defence before the trial including the witness list.
And here what Ku Li got to say.........
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