"Ianya bercanggah dengan prinsip yang terima dalam keadilan sejagat," katanya.Param berkata, taktik yang digunakan oleh pihak pendakwaraya itu, dalam perbicaraan kes ini, harus dihentikan.
Karpal Singh, seorang lagi peguam Anwar, bersetuju bahawa perjalanan perbicaraan kes liwat Anwar adalah tidak adil kerana walaupun sudah seminggu berlalu, pihak peguambela masih belum memperolehi senarai saksi.
"Mengapa pendakwaraya merahsiakan senarai saksi? Pihak peguambela perlu tahu siapakah saksi-saksi.
"Sepanjang 40 tahun menjadi peguam, ini adalah kali pertama di mana senarai (saksi) tidak diberikan oleh pihak pendakwaraya," kata Karpal (kiri).
Seorang lagi peguam, Sankara Nair berkata dokumen-dokumen harus disediakan awal bagi mengelakkan penangguhan untuk pihak peguambela mendapatkan pandangan pakar.
"Sehingga hari ini, kami dihalang memperolehi lebih banyak bukti walaupun hakim (Datuk Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah), telah mengarahkan pihak pendakwa berbuat demikian," katanya.
Pada 16 Julai lalu, Hakim Mohamad Zabidin mengarahkan pendakwaraya menyerahkan kepada pihak peguambela, senarai saksi, bukti, rakaman CCTV dan laporan perubatan berhubung kes tersebut.
Bagaimanapun, keputusan itu dibatalkan selepas pihak pendakwaraya mengemukakan rayuan. Selepas itu, Mahkamah Persekutuan juga menolak rayuan Anwar.
Cuba namakan sebuah negara di mana kes sodomi atau rogol tanpa penetrasi diteruskan perbicaraannya, kecuali di 1Malaysia.......pasai sistem kehakiman 1Malaysia kita world class bottom up...
Laporan hospital yang dibuat oleh doktor tak boleh pakai? Doktor tak terlintas nak bawa kes ni ke mahkamah?
The problem is that our Judges whilst claiming to be Muslims are no longer putting Islam to practice - they no longer saw the need to be adil - they are comfortable with being zalim; they hardly benefit from their prayers, if they pray at all; (how could they pray to Allah? what would they say when they sujud before Allah? No, I dont think these Judges pray at all) nay they do not even consider/think that they have to appear before Allah eventually. Actually they are quite pitiful to me, notwithstanding the grand titles before their name.
It is a clear cut conspiracy to check anwar's team is taking over the leadership of this country. What can we do to help this poor man when our hands are tied. To let it be and wait for next GE, but can this evil leader be topple when the GE is bound to be unfair?
What is happening in this country is non-domestic affair anymore because it will affect the foreigner who has dump in billion for business. Will they trust this evil leader to safeguard their investment? I don't think they can sleep sound now with this crap going on uncheck.
First step has been initiated by the aussie and by asking to drop the case completely is a very stern warning! So watch your ass najib and gang cause your days are numbered!
Whoever is in power can set a system what is right and what is wrong or visi-versa.As a good citizen you have to just toe the line or else you will be subjected to scrutiny.We chose the Law Makers and we have to bear with them.
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