“Don’t point the finger at Umno or anybody. We have always been very responsible……Don’t say that these attacks were motivated by Umno. That is a very scurrilous statement that you have just made. You are alluding to it. Please stop that,” he said.
There was not a single word of apology, regret or condolence from the Prime Minister who claimed to represent all Malaysians. Only Najib, his kawans in the cabinet and UMNO members will believe him. Would the attacks have occurred if Najib had been tough with the racist elements within UMNO who have been making noises over the High Court’s decision to allow the Christian publication Herald to use to term ‘Allah’ in the first place?
Less than 24 hours earlier, Najib was quoted in Malaysiakini saying that “the government cannot stop people from gathering at mosques tomorrow to protest.” Isn’t this “endorsement” by the Prime Minister as good as telling the protesters to go ahead and take “action” against the Christians?
As the leader of the country, Najib should nip the problem in the bud instead of letting it foster and grow like a tumor. He should have told the protesters in no uncertain terms that anybody who took part in the protest will be arrested or detained under the ISA immediately.
This is the first time in the history of Malaysia that a place of worship has come under such flagrant attack. Are we becoming another Sulawesi or Ambron where Muslims torched churches and massacred Christians openly in the streets? It is downright disappointing that Najib still has the mood to defend his party at such a crucial juncture when racial tensions are at a all-time high due to irresponsible leaders in the ruling coalition playing the race card in order to appeal to their political support base.
The signs have been on the wall for quite some time ever since Najib took over as Prime Minister from an equally inept Badawi last year. From the “kaum pendatang” remarks made by Ahmad Ismail to the cow-head protests, the situation was allowed to spiral out of control due to the reluctance of Najib and his ministers to take firm action against the perpetrators out of fear of losing support of the Malays.
Najib’s inability to rein in the racist warlords within UMNO is hampering his efforts to reach out to the ethnic minorities in Malaysia. If Najib cannot even command the respect of his own members within UMNO, how can he claim to be the Prime Minister for all Malaysians. That the attacks should coming after he has unveiled “1Malaysia clinics” for the rakyat is nothing but a tight slap on his face.
For the last few months, Najib’s administration has been promoting the “1Malaysia” concept to woo the Chinese and Indian community, especially the former which flocked to the opposition during the 2008 elections, dealing a blow to Barisan Nasional’s electoral fortunes. While Indian support for Barisan Nasional has climbed up to 70 per cent, support among the Chinese continues to hover around 25 per cent. With this unfortunate episode, Najib’s credibility in the eyes of the people is completely demolished. We now know that “1Malaysia” is nothing more than a slogan bereft of any meaning or substance.
In the aftermath of the bloody racial riots in the May 13 incident in 1969, then Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman was forced to retire to take responsibility for it. Najib and his cousin Hishammudin have lost the moral authority to continue as leaders of the country and should follow the example of the Tunku Abdul Rahman and stepped down. Institutionalized racism in Malaysia which began during Dr Mahathir’s tenure as Prime Minister has come to a head under his protege’s reign.
This country has gone to the dumps. Either we abandon the entire ship or we change its captains altogether. If churches are attacked today, how can we be sure that other places of worship will not be the target tomorrow? Can we trust Najib, who once swore to wash the blood of the Chinese with his keris and his cousin – “kerrismuddin” to continue leading Malaysia? Will “1Malaysia” turn out to be “1Malaya” for the “bumiputras” only while the other races end up as “squatters” in their own country of birth?
Knowing how thick-skinned these two jokers are, it is impossible to expect them to even apologize for the fiasco let alone resign. Malaysians must all make their voices heard come 2013 and vote Barisan Nasional, led through the nose by the racist UMNO out of office to prevent them from raping our beloved homeland again, again and again.
Enough is enough! If we really want our children to live in a country without any racial or religious conflict, we have to put in the right leaders who will care for the interest of all Malaysians regardless of their race or religion.
source: temasekreview
The target is Selangor, the jewel in Pakatan Rakyat’s crown. Najib wants back Selangor and he wants it back this month. So Umno has to do something in order to put back Selangor in his stable this January 2010.
Yes, create 'huru hara' here and there....throw home made bombs,burn places of worship and create a situation that demands the Federal gomen to intervene.
Then declare emergency in Selangor, blamming the Selangor PKR gomen cannot curtail the 'happenings' and need the Federal gomen to have a 'coup de tat' ala Kelantan or Perak style....
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