30 November 2023

Just b'coz of Siti doesn’t mean other PhD holders are like her...

I am not sure how the Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Khalid Nordin is going to tighten the conditions for those aspiring to do their doctorates (PhDs) in local universities.

Just because PhD holder in Kepala Batas MP Dr Siti Mastura Muhammad made some preposterous statements about family ties between leaders of different generations, these do not necessarily invalidate PhDs obtained by others.

As I have said before, there is virtually explosion of those getting their PhDs both from private and public universities. PhDs are awarded to candidates after course work and submission of research findings in the form of thesis or dissertation.

Before the candidates are awarded their PhDs, their dissertations must be approved by internal and external examiners. Obtaining PhDs means specialising in particular areas of research.

PhDs are meant for those intending to teach in universities or keen to engage in research. However, at present, the glamour of having “Dr” in front of their names has led to the proliferation of those acquiring their PhDs.

The question is how to control and ensure that those who obtain their PhDs are truly qualified candidates. Apart from the strict discipline imposed by the senior staff in universities, the entry requirements of those wanting to do postgraduate degrees must be enforced.

However, such entry requirements already exist in universities. Maybe these requirements can be reviewed and made tighter. Beyond that, there is nothing much universities can do.

It is difficult to control and manage the awarding of the PhDs simply because of the wide methodological differences that exists between the sciences and social sciences.

By the way, the appearance of a swallow does not make summer. Similarly, just because Siti Mastura made some inappropriate remarks, it doesn’t mean that other PhD holders are on the same level as her.

The appearance of one black sheep among the ranks of the PhD holders doesn’t invalidate the hard work of others. Siti Mastura’s inappropriate remarks unbecoming of a PhD holder might be an aberration. It should not cast aspersions on the others who have slogged to obtain their PhDs.

Since the issue of PhD has cropped up, perhaps Khalid can initiate some measures not only to improve the quality of the PhDs awarded but also the degrees awarded at the lower levels. Siti Mastura’s remarks provides a good excuse for the authorities to see how the quality of academic degrees can be improved in public universities. – Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy

 Kenapa aku buat tak bole,
ko buat bole?...

Walaun tuduh aku pertahankan konsert Coldplay... Sedangkan aku sekadar menjelaskan fitnah yang mereka cipta. Bukan pertahankan konsert tu.Yang gigih mempertahankan perkara mungkar tu walaun sendiri. Macam konsert di Bachok, walaun bersungguh kata tak ada orang Islam yang pergi.

Hakikatnya Exco sendiri mengakui pakaian artisnya tak senonoh dan orang muslim pun ada pergi. Dah terbukti walaun menipu untuk bela kemungkaran. Exco kata, penganjur gagal mematuhi peraturan. Eh itu baru berapa orang datang. Takkan ramai tu pun Kerajaan Negeri dah tak mampu nak kawal?

Elok lagi konsert Coldplay walau jumlah kehadiran mencecah 85,000 orang. Tak ada pun perbuatan tak elok dan mencolok mata macam yang di Bachok.Nampak? Ia bukan masalah konsert. Tapi masalah kawalan. Kalau boleh dikawal, konsert yang 85,000 orang hadir pun aman. Kalau tak dikawal, yang tak berapa ribu pun ada berlaku kejelikan.

Disebabkan tak ada kejadian yang memalukan di konsert Coldplay macam di Bachok itulah walaun terpaksa mainkan cerita dajjal dan LGBT. Sebenarnya konsert di Bachok tu, kalaulah walaun tak buat pasal serang Madani dengan fitnah jahat dan sentimen palsu, benda tu takkan jadi hal pun.

Tapi walaun macam biasa, bodoh berpolitik. Sebab sendiri celupar, akhirnya sendiri dapat malu. Bukan sekali walaun kena macam ni. Berbelas kali dah. Tapi kan, kalau disuruh pilih antara Coldplay atau Loy Krathong di Bachok tu, aku akan pilih pergi ke Loy Krathong tu. Tau kenapa?

Sebab konsert Coldplay banyak lebai dan walaun doakan berlaku bencana. Tapi Loy Krathong tu tak ada pun yang doakan macam tu. Direstui oleh para lebai. Jadi baiklah pergi ke konsert di Bachok tu. Guane boh? - Raja Gelap II 


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