nasi kandaq kedai mamak, anak mami juai pesemboq, lepaih baca jangan dok syiok, kalu-kalu SB jengok kot dapoq...
24 May 2020
23 May 2020
Mat Sembab kena kuarantin...
Audio Tun M..Clare kena bayar oleh Hadi.. Kitol kepanasan. Penipuan?

Steady Din...Ini peluang untuk berehat,cuti raya.Jangan risau negatif...
Muhyiddin Yassin menjalani kuarantin di rumah 14 hari mulai hari ini. Ini susulan kehadirannya dalam mesyuarat pascakabinet di Pejabat Perdana Menteri (PMO) di Putrajaya pada Rabu lalu yang dihadiri seorang pegawai yang positif Covid-19. PMO berkata ujian saringan pagi tadi mengesahkan Muhyiddin negatif.
Bagaimanapun, menurut Perintah Pengawasan dan Pemerhatian bagi Kontak Covid-19 (Seksyen 15(1) Akta 342), beliau perlu menjalani kuarantin di rumah selama 14 hari. “Semua ahli mesyuarat tersebut juga telah diarahkan agar menjalani ujian saringan dan kuarantin di rumah masing-masing selama 14 hari bermula hari ini,” menurut PMO.
PMO juga menegaskan setiap mesyuarat yang diadakan di PMO mengamalkan penjarakan sosial dan penjagaan kesihatan yang ketat pada setiap masa.- mk

Kalu betoi memang malapetaka besaq ke atas negara ini.
Sapa2 boleh confirm story ini...
Washing machines of all sizes for effective
money laundering. A family concern...

Celebrate in a different way...
Hari Raya is just around the corner. In past years, this whole place would be a hive of activity as Muslims across the nation were prepared to celebrate the big day. Malls would be packed to the brim with businesses rushing out last-minute promotions to lure customers. But the atmosphere this year is very much different.
The coronavirus has cast a long shadow over the entire planet. MCO has been implemented in this country since March 18 to bring the virus to check. Although we have seen some positive results during the past two months and have successfully flattened the curve, we still see double-digit numbers of daily new positive cases in recent weeks. This shows that the coronavirus threats are still very much alive and we have yet to claim success in our hard-fought battle against the virus. Both the government and the people must not let down their guard despite the festive celebrations, lest all our previous efforts go in vain.
Hari Raya is the most important festive season for Muslims in this country. It is an occasion friends and family members come together and share the joy together. It has become a tradition for Malaysians to go back to their hometowns during the festive season to celebrate with their families, but things are different this year.
Even if the government has earlier announced that cross-state travels would be banned during the festive season, many still take chances trying to drive across state borders to see their families.
On Tuesday, the police stopped a total of 3,212 private vehicles trying to make the cross-state journeys. On Wednesday, 2,412 vehicles were ordered to turn back. In Kuantan police district, as many as 1,300 people were queuing up at the district police headquarters to apply for a permit to go back to their hometowns, while the Johor police revealed earlier between 1,000 and 1,500 cross-state applications were received each day, 70% for Raya celebration.
We can understand the desire of Muslims to go back to their hometowns to celebrate with their families. Nevertheless, threats from the coronavirus have not subsided yet and mass interstate travels will only exacerbate the situation. Lately a pregnant woman from Ampang, Selangor returning to Kelantan awaiting delivery was diagnosed with COVID-19, and this speaks volumes of the risks of interstate travels.
In the latest development, the government has decided to ban all people from traveling back to their hometowns save for emergency. While many Malaysians will feel disappointed with this decision, we should understand the government's intention of containing the outbreak and safeguarding the health of everyone.
In the face of the virus outbreak, it is imperative that Malaysians learn to adapt to the new normal ways of life and celebrate Raya and other festive seasons in a different approach. Although we are not able to go back to our hometowns to see our family members and friends as a consequence of the outbreak and MCO, we can always stay in touch with them by way of communication devices or video-conferencing apps to convey our festive greetings.
Additionally, we must always keep in mind social distancing rules while visiting our families and friends within the same state. Perhaps we are going to celebrate in a very different way this year, the inherent meanings of festive celebration remain much the same, and the festive season is still impregnated with joy, warmth and love, as it always is. - Sin Chew Daily

Untuk kakitangan gomen,tengok kanan,tengok kiri dulu bila komen...

22 May 2020
Cakap Clare boleh dipakai dari cakap Ostad Hadi...
Bukan RM1.4 juta tapi RM14.7 juta
kos Hadi tarik balik saman..
Penyunting Sarawak Report Clare Rewcastle-Brown malam tadi dalam sebuah rancangan perbincangan yang dihoskan oleh aktivis Iswardy Morni, mendedahkan bahawa presiden PAS Abdul Hadi Awang dikenakan bayaran sebanyak 2.5 juta pound (RM13.3 juta) oleh firma perundangan British dalam usaha mengejar tuntutan saman fitnah yang gagal terhadapnya pada tahun 2019.
Jumlah bayaran itu adalah tambahan kepada RM1.4 juta yang dibayar untuk penyelesaian di luar mahkamah sebagai kos biaya undang-undang Rewcastle-Brown, ketika anggota parlimen Marang itu menarik balik saman fitnahnya ke atas laporan portal tersebut yang telah mendedahkan bahawa UMNO memberi sejumlah wang besar kepada PAS sebelum pilihan raya umum 2018. Ringkasnya kos guaman lawyer Hadi £2.5 juta (RM13.3 juta) + RM1.4 juta bayar Kos kepada Clare Rewcastle Brown = RM14.7 juta
Seperti petikan video di atas, Rewcastle-Brown menjelaskan bahawa bertentangan dengan dakwaan Hadi bahawa PAS telah memenangi kes tersebut, padahalnya kes itu tidak pernah sampai di mahkamah pun. Persoalannya kalau Hadi menang, kenapa dia kena bayar Clare?
“Bahkan mereka melarikan diri sebelum sampai di mahkamah. Oleh itu, jika mereka mengatakan bahawa mereka menang kes ini, biarlah orang ramai mengadilinya secara yang waras, "katanya.

Rewcastle-Brown mengulangi bahawa dia menyimpan bukti2 dokumen mengenai transaksi tersebut yang menunjukkan berlakunya aliran dana dari UMNO ke akaun politik PAS.
PAS sehingga selepas pilihan raya umum 2018 menjadi parti pembangkang, sementara UMNO mengetuai gabungan Barisan Nasional yang memerintah. Parti Islam telah menyatakan dalam kenyataan umumnya bahawa ia tetap menjadi parti pembangkang yang menentang UMNO.
Hadi dan PAS telah mempertikaikan dakwaan Rewcastle-Brown, walaupun menurut maklumat2 risikan tempatan menyatakan sejumlah RM90 juta telah disogokkan untuk melunaskan penentangan PAS terhadap UMNO. PAS menipu kata dia tak terima duit dari UMNO?

Nak tutup penipuan punya pasal sanggup keluarkan £2.5 juta (RM13.3 juta) lagi untuk kos guaman selain terpaksa bayar RM1.4 juta kepada Clare Rewcastle Brown. Kalau PAS tak ambik dedak UMNO, kenapa bayar kos SR RM13.2juta? Persoalannya, dari mana datangnya wang £2.5 juta itu? Setakat kutipan menerusi tin Milo saja tak cukup... - f/bk

Ayoh Chik taknak samang ke Acik Clare Rewcastle dgn dakwaan terbaru
Acik Clare pasal Ayoh Chik kena bayor sampai RM14.7juta lebih...

Four states down, three more to go...
Johor, Perak, Malacca and Kedah have fallen. That’s four down. Should anyone be surprised that Negri Sembilan, Sabah and Selangor are on Perikatan Nasional’s next “hit list”? That’s three more to go. 'Tis the season for turncoats and traitors, or frogs or katak, as they are better, and more despicably, known locally.
To me, they are nothing but parasites and low-life politicians who have no business being in the honourable profession we call politics. How did we end up with such miserable, wayward characters in our august legislative chambers? Did we just wake up from a bad dream?
Believe me, PN is hungry for more. I do not have an iota of doubt that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin will now show no mercy. He is no longer the “voice of reason” or the loyal deputy to Dr Mahathir Mohamad we thought he was.
Didn’t we hear Mahathir recalling how, on that fateful day of Feb 24, Muhyiddin told him that “principles are not important, this is politics”? Neither do I think Muhyiddin has any conscience left in him, even as he has conceded that “this is not the government you voted for”.
It has been said that “Power changes people, not necessarily for the better”; and I must add that “it’s for the worst, in most cases”. Muhyiddin, who we now know wanted to be prime minister even before GE14, is such a classic case. He has the coveted job in the bag now and he will do whatever it takes to keep it.
It’s also valid and true, in the Malaysian context, that when some have power, they do not know how to handle it. Ask Pakatan Harapan what the hell happened when they were in power. I hope Harapan leaders have now awakened from their drunken stupor, after being intoxicated with power for 22 months. Isn’t it a real shame that they didn’t even know what hit them?
My fair warning to Harapan leaders
Today, I wish to register my fair warning to Harapan leaders in Negri Sembilan and Selangor as well as Parti Warisan in Sabah. Watch your back. PN daggers are sharpened and ready for the kill. There are traitors in your midst. By now, you should know who they are.
Johore was the first state to fall after the backdoor PN government took office on March 1. This was followed by Malacca and Perak. Kedah was the latest state to be hijacked this past week, with poor Mukhriz Mahathir being shown the door of the menteri besar’s office for the second time in four years.
I hope Negri Sembilan Menteri Besar Aminuddin Harun will be better prepared and learn from the Kedah debacle. On May 18, members of the Negri Sembilan state executive council reiterated their support for him following talk that some Harapan assemblymen were planning to jump ship.

Aminuddin (above) must bear in mind what Mukhriz had revealed in his farewell press conference on May 17: about being deeply hurt after “friends” betrayed him. Mukhriz said the state reps had earlier pledged their support for him to continue as menteri besar until the end of his term in 2023. Didn’t I say previously that, in politics, trust no one, not even yourself!
The domino effect following the collapse of four Harapan state governments over the past three months cannot be ruled out. The fall of the four states was, in fact, a domino effect after the Harapan federal government collapsed in late February. It must be noted that the four states which were toppled were ruled by Harapan with a marginal majority. Kedah and Malacca had only a two-seat majority under Harapan.
Although Negeri Sembilan has a larger four-seat majority, Aminuddin must keep his team on a tight leash. Where there are Bersatu and PKR representatives? Nothing can be as certain as night and day.
The same is true of Selangor. I would think that the DAP and Amanah state representatives are unlikely to jump ship, but the same cannot be said of those from Bersatu and PKR. There is also the Azmin Ali factor in Selangor, which Harapan must be wary of. Selangor Menteri Besar Amirudin Shari got his plum job via Azmin and there is little doubt where his loyalty lies.
Many were surprised that Amirudin decided to stay loyal to Harapan – but it could be because the MB’s post was too big a sacrifice to let go. Or he could just be buying time – for the ultimate betrayal, perhaps. Harapan should do well to keep a close eye on the menteri besar because you will never know when the shrewd and ruthless Azmin will make his move on Selangor.
In Sabah, Chief Minister Mohd Shafie Apdal is also getting the jitters. In a state synonymous with political frogs, the likelihood of crossovers should not be dismissed. As in Negeri Sembilan, Harapan state representatives have also pledged their support and loyalty to Shafie in recent days, an indication that the state government is also on shaky ground.
Then, there is also talk of unhappiness among Sabahans with certain Warisan leaders who were once investigated for corruption. One positive sign on Warisan’s side is that many had also praised Shafie’s stand to stick with his Harapan allies, noting that it was the honourable thing to do as it is in keeping with the people’s GE14 mandate.
These are uneasy and turbulent times for Malaysian politics. After all that had happened since February, nothing in politics should surprise us at all. Will you be surprised if more states are swallowed up by PN? I’ll not be. - Francis Paul Siah,mk

21 May 2020
Mana2 yang lebih afdhal dari Shafie Afdal...

Bab bola kita boleh ceritalah aku minat Tores, aku tak minat Suarez, aku minat Pique, aku tak minat Sergio Ramos, aku minat Sepanyol aku tak sokong England, boleh sembang lah, itu atas pilihan kita sendiri... atas minat kita, perasaan kita sendiri.
Dunia hiburan pun sama... Ikut mu lah nak minat Jamal Abdillah ke, Ibnor Riza ke, Ahmad Jais ke.
Tapi dalam politik tak boleh macam tu.... Kita kena tengok realiti yang ada di depan mata.... Realitinya apa sekarang...? Realitinya, hanya Shafie Apdal sahaja yang punya cukup sokongan MP untuk jadi PM.... Dengan lain perkataan, hanya Shafie Afdal sahaja yang boleh jatuhkan Mahyudin, kalau PH mahu jadi kerajaan.... Selain dari itu, tidak ada jalan.
Berpolitik biarlah realistik dan logik, bukan ikut perasaan dan emosi sendiri.... Kalau ikut perasaan aku, aku nak Salahudin Ayub jadi PM, tapi realitinya Salahudin dari parti Amanah yang cuma ada 11 kerusi di parlimen, parti kecik... Sudah tentu tak cukup sokongan dari ahli dewan rakyat... Kena terimalah hakikat ni.... Tak bolehlah nak keras keng tetap sokong benda yang tak boleh.
Lagi pun, sekarang bukan stage kita sebagai pengundi biasa untuk berpolitik.... Sekarang game Ahli Parlimen, Presiden Parti, dan YDP Agong sahaja...... Kita cuma boleh follow, kita boleh ulas saja.... Tak payahlah nak tunjuk fanatik dan taksub sangat, bukan boleh ubah apa-apa pun.... Stage kita ialah PRU-15 tahun 2023 nanti. - Awang Tranung
Wahai Hadi..! Knp kamu bersekongkol dgn para penyamun dan perompak yg seleweng duit rakyat..? Knp kamu bersekongkol dgn golongan yg kamu tlh anggap kafir dlm amanat kamu dlu...? Sdgkan kamu sndri mngatakan HARAM menyokong, tolong, bersekongkol dan bekerjasama dgn golongan itu sebelumnya...? Hipokrit!!! - f/bk
Malaysia’s ‘theatre state’
- more losers than winners...
18th May 2020 in Malaysia, as the Parliament gathered for around two hours, the country stepped backward into history – as rituals were on display in the short ceremony.
The norm set by Umno president Hussein Onn in 1976 when he became the country’s third prime minister – to call for a vote of the House after a change in leadership – as well as international democratic standard in parliamentary practice was set aside. Hussien, a lawyer by training, understood the importance of the rule of law and how democratic procedures should follow standards for his leadership to be legitimate.
Much can be made over the importance of rituals and spectacle in Malaysian politics. No question, events of the past months have been theatrical to say the least. Depending on the political box you are in, developments have been either a horror show, tragedy, murder mystery or farce.
Whatever your view, one cannot ignore that Malaysia’s democratic institutions and practices are sadly under attack. Some may see recent’s sitting as a meaningless show and point symbolically to the masks on the parliamentarians as silencing their voices, the voices of the people. I contend there was in fact more substance in yesterday’s ritual than it would seem.
First of all, the sitting showed that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s current power comes from the Agong. So far, his Perikatan Nasional (PN) government continues to derive its legitimacy from this powerful Malay institution rather than from representatives elected by the people.
Second, during Malaysia’s ongoing political uncertainty, the role of the Agong has increased and his speech cautioning politicians shows that he is wielding his power.
The Agong made his views of Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s resignation clear – laying blame of Pakatan Harapan’s collapse at his feet. How much of the speech content was that of the Agong or the Muhyiddin government is not clear, but one implication is that this intensifies the battle in Bersatu between Muhyiddin and Mahathir, and also continues long-standing tensions between the royalty and Mahathir.
Third, the sitting arrangements seemed in fact to be in Muhyiddin’s favour. If a vote had been called based on the seats – Muhyiddin would have appeared to have a seven-person advantage with 113 MPs for PN, 106 for Harapan rather than 108, as three MPs are still in quarantine and were not able to attend (two from the opposition, Sarikei MP Andrew Wong [DAP] and Miri MP Dr Michael Teo [PKR], and one from GPS, Kota Samarahan MP Rubiah Wang [PBB].)
This, of course, assumes that what was shown in the sitting arrangements were in fact how individuals would have voted. In ritual events, what is shown in public is not always what is happening behind the scenes. An actual vote could have started the musical chairs or other forms of dancing – something the Agong wanted to avoid. A subsequent statement by MP Masir Kuhat of Sri Aman from Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) claims he was seated in the wrong place – further calling into question the seating arrangements.
Fourth, the problems associated with the opposition leadership remain with Anwar Ibrahim and his party PKR not attending the post-sitting press conference led by Mahathir – this continues to show that the opposition has yet to resolve differences on who will represent the opposition. They are clearly still divided. That theatre show is not wanted and is a bad rerun.
Fifth, attention is focused on political power plays – the drama in the parliamentary spectacle rather than on government or governing – exactly as Geertz noted in his study of Bali. What is actually being done to address the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects continue to be treated as inconsequential.

Losers and winners
There were winners and losers. Most were losers. By opting for the spectacle, Muhyiddin lost an opportunity to show if he actually has the numbers to form government. He came off weak.
The opposition on its part also showed what has been evident - that it also does not seem to have the numbers as well. Malaysia is still caught in its fragmented political divisions in recent months and years of elite-centred polarising politics. Neither side seems to have the numbers to form a stable government.
Malaysians lost most of all because their elected voices were silenced, not just by a lack of a proper parliamentary sitting but by the continued political stalemate that has taken hold. One of the most important criticisms of Geertz’s book was it did not take account of the material dimensions of power – placing inordinate attention to cultural dimensions.
The 18th May sitting was about much more than a ceremony. There are clear groups whose interests are served in this arrangement. The winners are those who have been able to use their numbers to gain positions, secure deals and leverage on the political divisions.
The parties that gained were Umno and PAS – both by being key players in the securing PN’s political fortunes by making up the numbers on PN’s side of the House, but also by having a weakened prime minister at the helm that they can distance themselves from when the time for another ritual comes along – an election.
For now, Malaysians will have to wait another few months until the next parliamentary sitting in July. This makes for theatre, but is not a state that serves Malaysia well.- Bridget Welsh,mk

20 May 2020
Pasai apa Din lambat bertindak ataih penyangak2 UMNO...

TMB Kelantan suruh minum ayaq sungai oiiii..Dia mandi minum ayaq telaga boleh jadi exco lawan UMNO dia kata.. Itu masa dulu...La ni sikit punya dok cium buntut UMNO...

Kalu ada 10 pemimpin gini.Habis kiamat pun belum tentu air di Kelate ni molek. Simple, dodoikan rakyat dengan logik akal mereka, baca sepatah dua hadis, selimuti dgn jubah dan kopiah. Hangpa pikiaqlah sendiri... - f/bk

Kalau inilah nasihat,
baik jangan jadi kerajaan...
Peguam, Syahredzan Johan dalam reaksinya berkata, kenyataan tersebut adalah tidak wajar memandangkan kerajaan ada kuasa untuk melaksanakan skim kawalan harga dan mengambil tindakan.
“Rakyat merungut sebab ayam makin mahal. KPDNHEP lambat bertindak, Menteri entah di mana. Apa nasihat Timbalan Menteri pada rakyat? ‘pilihlah kedai yang murah’”.

“Kalau macam ini, baik jadi NGO pengguna, tak payah jadi kerajaan,” luahnya dalam hantaran di Facebook, hari ini. - roketkini
Walaupun di zaman kerajaan PH dulu tiada masalah harga ayam naik waktu perayaan, tapi sekarang ni di zaman kerajaan tebuk atap dan wakil2 rakyat kera yg melompat, harga ayam naik terlalu tinggi ianya tiada masalah kata guru tok. Skrg ini hukum sekawah gulai ayam dah boleh dicampurkan dgn babi...No problengg, kata guru tok. - f/bk

Malay grand unity:our ultimate destiny...
Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pointed out lately that there was absolutely no way for DAP to destroy the Malays, but the Malays would be destroyed because they would rather choose the robbers to become their leaders.
Umno and PAS have already commanded majority of Malay votes because they successfully instigated anti-DAP fears among the Malays after the 2018 general elections. The rural Malays believed that DAP was controlling the Pakatan Harapan government and as a consequence, Umno-PAS won big in several by-elections. Indeed, such a "national consensus" that they have been trying to market to the Malay community is almost unassailable..
As a matter of fact, Umno and PAS had already promoted the rhetoric that DAP in the government would significantly erode the privileges of the Malays even before the last general elections. The thing is: not many at that time believed PH would win the elections.
That fear materialized and expanded after DAP became a part of the new government. This fearful sentiment sent the PH approval rating plummeting, to an extent that some PPBM leaders began to feel that if the party were to continue working with DAP, it would invariably lose in GE15.
Mahathir revealed that Muhyiddin Yassin had tried to persuade him to get rid of DAP and exit the PH coalition, while Johor DAP chief Liew Chin Tong has said he found Muhyiddin's attitude changed soon after Chinese New Year. To Muhyiddin, if PH was not going to change, PPBM would be thrashed in the next general elections.
It has therefore become a very powerful statement to "abandon DAP and form a Malay grand unity government" which even Muhyiddin and Azmin Ali have subscribed to. No one is bothered to study how real such a rhetoric is, but for power-hungry politicians, it is of paramount importance, and "Sheraton Move" has therefore become justifiable.

After PPBM and Umno-PAS form the Perikatan Nasional government, the Malays' fears have somewhat been dissolved. Of course, such discourse will only gain in momentum following the participation of Umno and PAS in the new government in a bid to prevent DAP from returning to the core of power, and will continue to reinforce the concept that a Malay grand unity government will effectively safeguard the rights of the Malays in consolidating their fundamental support bases.
PPBM, BN, PAS and parties of East Malaysia have drafted a memorandum of understanding on Perikatan Nasional, reiterating that the alliance will protect the well-being of all Malaysians irrespective of race and religion.
Nevertheless, as Umno and PAS are both major components of the alliance, it is widely believed that the two parties will continue to dictate PN's policies. And as a Malay party, it is unlikely PPBM will veto their propositions.
Umno-PAS will take part in the Chini state by-election in Pahang under the "Muafakat Nasional" mechanism. The state seat is under Pekan parliamentary seat which is a Najib stronghold. Its anticipated landslide win is poised to strengthen the legitimacy of "Malay grand unity".
As a matter of fact, the influences of Umno-PAS will progressively expand following PN's takeover of state administrations of Johor, Melaka, Perak and Kedah from the hands of PH. After Umno successfully clinched the MB seats of Johor and Melaka, PAS now gets to helm the Kedah state government, as it wished. Coupled with the three East Coast states and Perlis, Umno-PAS's tentacles have now reached out to almost the entire peninsula.
It is a matter of time PAS is harnessing these state government platforms to promote its own religious ideologies, while within the mind-frame of "Malay government", non-Malay representatives are non-present in the state cabinets of Melaka and Perak. This is akin to vetoing the power-sharing philosophy of BN's 60-year rule.
Even if PH has stated that it will wrest back the power from PN, if it fails to do this in the Parliament, it can only look to the next general elections to unseat the PN government. But given the powerful conservative political overtone now, it is very hard for PH to create another miracle.
With the Malays rallying behind Umno and PAS, PH (including the pro-Mahathir camp in PPBM) can only look to DAP to fight for Chinese support. In view of this, PH parties that adopt a more moderate approach will invariably become the enemy of "grand Malay unity" discourse. Unfortunately the infighting within PKR has undermined the strength of the party's multiracial faction, with those quitting the party now defecting to other Malay parties.
PH can only pin its hopes on internal disputes within the PN alliance when it comes to resource distribution, especially the stalemate over candidacy in Malay constituencies. Additionally, PH will need to institute more extensive political education to boost public awareness and recruit more Malay members in order to counter the powerful clout of Umno-PAS. - Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily

19 May 2020
Nak memperbodohkan orang Melayu kampung...

"Kerajaan Beta" adalah ungkapan yg lumrah digunakan dalam sistem raja berperlembagaan. Sama seperti "Her Majesty's Government' di UK
Masa titah Sultan Perak , Sultan Nazrin Shah baru2 ini di dewan Undangan negeri Perak pun, baginda guna frasa " Kerajaan beta"..
Sapa2 pun jadi kerajaan, YDP Agong atau Sultan akan sebut KERAJAAN BETA, biarpun PM tu dari PKR,DAP,BN,PAS.. cuma YB baru ni, geng ulamak dunia saja mengakui ini Kerajaan tebuk atap yang sah.. - f/bk

Kesana kesini kesana kesini.sekali dgn Nga Kor Ming pun kira sekali.Padanlah goyang 113 vs 109. At least kita tahu 109 tu memang solid berbanding 113 yang macam tali rapoh dan ada pengiraan kata 112-110 pasai timbalan speaker depa letak di blok kerajaan...

PN memang tak ada majoriti...
1) Kira-kira yg dibuat dalam Dewan Rakyat td menunjukkan PN cuma ada 2 majoriti
2) Tapi itu berdasarkan kedudukan kerusi sahaja apabila 1 kerusi di blok PN mengaku beliau tidak menyokong PN. Jadi, PN TINGGAL MAJORITI 1 KERUSI
3) Terdapat 3 MP tidak hadir sidang tadi. Mereka ialah DAP, PKR dan GPS.
4) Semua orang tahu DAP memang tidak akan menyokong PN. Tu dah tolak lagi 1 majoriti yg merupakan majoriti terakhir PN
5) Tinggal antara PKR dan GPS. Ini penentu. Jika PKR ini geng Kartel, maka tinggal GPS. Dan GPS akan ikut masuk PN. Jadi PN selamat.
6) Namun, jika PKR ini geng Kartel, mestilah beliau akan hadir sidang hari ini. Maka PKR ini diyakini bukan Kartel makan beliau tidak menyokong PN. Maka, PN tumbang.
7) GPS yang 1 kerusi itu secara automatik akan menyokong kerajaan baru. - Dr Ariff Kadir Al-Katami

Rampas Selangor,N9 dan Sabah mungkin pelengkap kegembiraan Melayu PN...
Alaa, 2 tahun lagi PRU15. Apa nak heran. Dalam 2 tahun tu mana2 pemerintah tak akan sempat nak buat apa pun untuk rakyat.
Kita izinkan Melayu PN ni gembira dulu. Kerajaan pun tak stabil ni. Pembersihan pengkhianat masih berjalan. Biarkan aje. Tapi percayalah, tak payah tunggu lama, hujung tahun ni aje kita akan nampak kesannya.
Melayu dijangka makin ramai menganggur dan terlibat jenayah mencuri untuk makan. Melayu juga terpaksa pajak barang kemas untuk beli beras, kicap, telur, susu. Tu belum ada GST lagi. Mahu atau tidak, kerajaan PN tiada pilihan selain mengenakan semula GST sebab PN tak de duit. Itu pun jika diluluskan parlimen ya. Jika bersidang pun takut, mcmana nak lulus GST? Tak lulus GST, mcmana PN nak bayar gaji menteri PN?

Tu belum lagi duit nak bayar hutang 1MDB yg berbilion tu. GLC pula dijangka gagal membantu kerajaan dari segi kewangan sebab ketua2 GLC lantikan politik mana nak reti benda2 korporat ni. Kalau mereka reti, tak de nya nak cari makan dalam politik ni.

Kita enjoy aje tgk mcmana pepuak Melayu yg sokong PN ni nak hidup. Tak lama. Bermula hujung 2020 ni berdasarkan perangkaan sekarang. Time tu kita tengok sendiri Melayu benci kat PN, MN, PAS dan UMNO mcm Melayu benci kat BN masa PRU14 dulu. Perut bila dah lapar, mung Melayu kaa, mung Islam kaa dah tak jalan dah. Tgk org curi tabung masjid aje dah laa. Pencuri Melayu Islam jugak yg curi tu sebab perut dah lapar. - Dr Ariff Kadir Al-Katami

Parliament decapitated
out of Muhyiddin’s fear...
If Pakatan Harapan Plus – PKR, Amanah, DAP, Warisan and Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s faction of Bersatu – can hold together without being cracked, Muhyiddin Yassin will likely have to make one of the two following choices:
- First, to go to the polls to seek a fresh mandate which will be detrimental to Muhyiddin and Azmin Ali but to the delight of Umno;
- Second, resign and allow the king to appoint a new government especially if he fails to pass Budget 2021;
I don’t rule out other possibilities such as Muhyiddin repressing parliamentary democracy altogether. But as long as Harapan Plus is holding on tightly, Muhyiddin is stuck and has no room to manoeuvre.
Delaying Parliament sitting from March 9 to May 18 was meant to give him time to “buy” enough MPs to form a comfortable majority. That objective has clearly failed. The Muhyiddin government is now afraid of calling Parliament.
First, Dewan Rakyat’s secretary Riduan Rahmat’s removal and demotion five days before the May 18 crucial sitting is a sign of panic on the part of the government. Riduan, the most senior Parliamentary Service personnel who started his service with Parliament in 1989, was replaced with a relatively junior civil servant from the Prime Minister’s Department.
Second, the government dares not even face any vote in Parliament, not even procedural votes. In the April 17 letter to MPs and the original plan indicated to party leaders, there were supposed to be some procedural votes, such as suspension of the standing order and voting to move the debate of royal address to July.

A procedural vote is of technical nature which supposedly has no political consequences. But why is the government even fearful of such votes? The answer is simple: the government’s numbers are shaky and uncertain.
Perikatan Nasional has a maximum of 113 seats or less. As procedural votes are not of consequence, if any of Muhyiddin’s allies want to cause trouble, it is the perfect time to defeat a vote without the fall of the government.
Third, in fact, while the government can bully the Parliament speaker to not allow the official no-confidence motion to be on the agenda, each and every vote in Parliament is a risk that could demonstrate that the government has no majority.
Which is why I said as long as Harapan Plus is intact, Muhyiddin will continue to fear Parliament whether it is July or September. But the government will still have to present Budget 2021 at some point otherwise there is no money to spend and everything grinds to a halt.
If Muhyiddin still can’t command a comfortable majority in the next two months, the presentation of the 12th Malaysia Plan is likely to be shelved too. The longer he waits the more likely Umno will suffocate Muhyiddin with more pressure.
To give a little more context, essentially, British Westminster-style parliaments have three major functions.
First, to form the government. Parliament is where the majority of a government is formed and tested. It is not that minority government cannot rule. But when the government has no majority, it will have to negotiate each piece of legislation with the opposition. Muhyiddin is still thinking of buying MPs from the opposition and is not prepared to go to Parliament to negotiate his ways as he is afraid that he will lose the majority on the Parliament floor at the first instance.
Second, to make laws and approve spending. So much is needed to be done for the post-Covid-19 new normal. Laws needed to be changed, spending needs to be debated and approved. This function of Parliament has also been muzzled.
Third, to check and balance. Government backbenchers and opposition members are meant to hold the executive accountable through committee inquiries and parliamentary questions. The government is not even allowing written questions.
The Parliament has made major gains in less than two years under Harapan. If Harapan made it back to power, Parliament needs to be further strengthened so that it will never be decapitated in whatever circumstances.

Parliament under Harapan has formed a bipartisan committee to scrutinise appointments. In the future, most GLC appointments can be vetted by the bipartisan committee so that no change of government could affect the officeholders during the contractual period. But, of course, if the opposition such as Umno is not of democratic spirit, such reform is hard to execute.
During Harapan’s time, GLCs or boards appointed mostly professionals and if there were politicians, they were appointed based on credentials and professional experiences.
In the future, the Parliament’s committee chairs should be the coveted posts for senior backbenchers who do not join the frontbench cabinet. This would help strengthen the parliamentary system of checks and balances while enriching the nation as a whole. A lot more could be done when Harapan returns to office. - Liew Chin Tong

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