Sdr.Iswardy Morni,political analyst from Sarawak...
dengaq coretannya dan hangpa buatlah tafsiran sendiri...
Dekat 2 tahun kerajaan PH melalui Lim Guan Eng dan Tommy Thomas berhempas pulas dapatkan balik duit 1MDB, akhirnya PM pintu belakang ni puji Menteri Kewangan dan AG sekarang? Ke sana ke sini claim hasil orang lain. Tak tau malukah...
Terima duit tapi dapat bala...
1. Pemulangan AS$300 juta (kira-kira RM1.3 bilion pada kadar tukaran semasa) kepada Malaysia adalah prerogatif kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.
2. Ini adalah duit 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) yang dicuri oleh pelbagai orang, termasuk Jho Low dan Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz (anak tiri Mohd Najib Abdul Razak/anak Rosmah Mansor dengan suami pertamanya).
3. Wang ini dirampas oleh Jabatan Kehakiman Amerika (DoJ) di bawah inisiatif KARI (Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Initiative). Dalam bahasa yang mudah ia adalah daya usaha dapatkan balik duit negara yang dicuri oleh pemerintahnya sendiri.
4. Siapakdan pemerintah kleptokrasi yang curi duit negara itu? DoJ melabelkannya Malaysian Official 1 (Pegawai Malaysia 1). Bekas menteri Kabinet Najib, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, mengesahkan bahawa MO1 ada Najib sendiri.
5. Oleh sebab duit curi 1MDB itu telah dipulangkan dan Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin dengan rasmi menerimanya, maka rasmi jugalah hakikat bahawa kerajaan mengakui duit itu duit curi.
6. Apabila ada duit yang dicuri tentulah ada yang mencurinya.
7. Maka dengan menerima balik duit curi yang dipulangkan oleh Amerika itu, bertambah kukuhlah kes terhadap semua orang yang terlibat mencuri dan menerima duit itu.
8. Walaupun kerajaan Perikatan Nasional yang Muhyiddin kepalai adalah kerajaan tanpa mandat - kerajaan tebuk atap kata Abdul Hadi Awang - namun ia wajib menghormati kebebasan Kehakiman.
9. Dalam Kehakiman pula dikatakan keadilan yang lambat dilaksanakan adalah keadilan yang dinafikan (justice delayed justice denied).
10. Perbicaraan Najib sudah berlangsung tujuh bulan. Kalau tanam padi sudah lama dituai. Bukan Najib saja berhak kepada keadilan. Rakyat jelata pun berhak juga.
11. Dalam kita bergembira dapat balik duit RM1.3 bilion dari Amerika itu, kita jangan pula lupa yang kita sudah kena tipu.
12. Kalau kita lupa dan alpa kita mungkin akan kena tipu sekali lagi. Sebab itu kita kecewa dan bimbang apabila sidang Dewan Rakyat ditangguhkan. Macam ada benda yang hendak disembunyikan atau dinafikan daripada kita. - a.kadir jasin

DOJ pulangkan duit rakyat
Malaysia, sebab apa...
Apabila DOJ Amerika Sykt memulangkan semula duit rakyat Msia sejumlah AS$ 300 juta, berkokoklah macai dan walaun menyatakan itu bukti Najib tidak bersalah dan tidak terlibat dengan skandal 1MDB. Mereka tidak baca habis apa yang yg sebut oleh Jab Kehakiman Amerika Sykt.
Kalau itu bukan duit rakyat Msia yang dirompak dan diselewengkan, mengapa begitu bodoh sekali DOJ mahu beri kepada Msia? Kita berterima kasih kepada kerajaan PH kerana bertungkus lumus untuk mendapatkan semula hak rakyat Msia yg dirompak itu dan sebahagiannya telah kita perolehi sebelum ini, manakala kerajaan pintu belakang sekarang ini hanya meneruskan usaha kita sebelum ini. Bayangkan kalau kerajaan kleptokrasi dulu masih memerintah selepas PRU14, rasa2nya dapat atau tidak duit itu kembali atau lagi bertambah duit itu hilang?
Najib tiada kaitan dengan 1MDB? Jangan tolol sangat. Anda tahukah siapa penasihat dan orang paling berkuasa di dalam 1MDB? Kalau tidak tahu, cuba tanya PM pintu belakang sekarang, siapa perompak sebenar dalam skandal 1MDB ini. Cari kat Youtube, taip saja "muhyidin 1 MDB." Dengar apa kata Muhyidin tentang 1MDB. Dia dipecat dari TPM dulu pun kerana isu inilah.
Jangan lupa, kerajaan pintu belakang sekarang ini turut berada di dalamnya "hero-hero" yang ada kaitan dengan skandal terbesar ini. Inilah kerajaan pintu belakang yang memerintah sekarang yang disokong pula oleh lebai dan seorang dua ugamawan dedak. - Wfauzdin Ns

DOJ pulangkan RM1.3 bilion aset 1MDB. Maknanya kisah kleptokrasi dan skandal 1MDB bukanlah rekaan. Pengiktirafan usaha LGE dan AG sblm ni. Tu pun walaun2 dan macai2 UMNO/PAS tak percaya yang Najib balun duit dan adalah Penyamun Kleptokrat No.1,dok juai aset2 negara dengan cara menipu,dapat duit pi enjoy sakan lepas tu bila hutan sangkut,gagau duit LTAT,KWAP etc dan juai lagi aset gomen kpd China Komunis untuk cover balik bayaran hutang2 bonds tu hinggakan sampai sekarang Malaysia akan terus kena bayaq hutang tersebut dlam berbilion2 RM setiap tahun sehingga 2036.
Lepas tu dok kalut tudoh PH dan Guan Eng jual aset gomen dan TH,padahal itu transaction jual beli yang dibuat oleh professionals dalam Khazanah dan TH bagi cairkan aset yang dibeli dulu semasa Bossku beli yang tak menguntungkan langsung kepada gomen dan jika depa juai pun bukan masuk akaun peribadi Guan Eng atau Dr.Mujahid pun.Semua hasil jualan tu masuk balik ke akaun Khazanah dan TH semula.Itu pun tak tak boleh beza dan tak erti bahasa. - f/bk
Lepas tu dok kalut tudoh PH dan Guan Eng jual aset gomen dan TH,padahal itu transaction jual beli yang dibuat oleh professionals dalam Khazanah dan TH bagi cairkan aset yang dibeli dulu semasa Bossku beli yang tak menguntungkan langsung kepada gomen dan jika depa juai pun bukan masuk akaun peribadi Guan Eng atau Dr.Mujahid pun.Semua hasil jualan tu masuk balik ke akaun Khazanah dan TH semula.Itu pun tak tak boleh beza dan tak erti bahasa. - f/bk
Din jumpa Anwar atau
Anwar jumpa Din...
Anwar jumpa Din...
Lawaknya tajuk Harakah.. Perjumpaan Ds Anwar dengan Muhyidin tanda ds Anwar ,PH iktiraf Muhyidin..kononnya kita iktiraf kerajaan tebuk atap.. Kenapa tak kata dulu, Bila Ds Anwar ,PH minta bertemu Najib ketika dia jadi PM, sebagai pengiktirafan Kerja menyamun 1MDB ?
Tak suka macam mana pun kita dengan Najib dulu..kita hormati kedudukan dia sebagai PM ,sebab dia dipilih oleh rakyat.. kalau kita bantah sekadar ruang yg dibenarkan Undang2 dan Perlembagaan..
Itu menandakan politik matang Ds Anwar.. Ada keutamaan yg lebih besar dari Politik kepartian..Iaitu kepentingan rakyat.. kami menghormati Undang2 dan hak dalam perlembagaan..menghormati Federalisma..
kami bukan seperti kelompok Khawarij.. yang sentiasa berpolitik sehingga sanggup melanggar prinsip jatuhkan Kerajaan yang sah dipilih rakyat..
Kami hari ni pun duduk dirumah.. minta diberikan bantuan ekpada Rakyat.. bukan sebab kami patuh dan iktiraf Muhyidin walaupun dia dok berucap Stay At Home..
kena faham molek beza Kerajaan dan Parti.. tu sebab hari ini depa faraid GLC kerajaan, sebab tak dapat beza Kerajaan ngan parti..- Ahmad Muslim Badawi

Surely Din understands corruption?....
Surely TSMY aka Din understands corruption? Surely Din knows what “jobs for the boys” mean? Surely Din, of all person, has seen the rot and abuse of political power under Umno? And yet he persists with these nefarious acts that tell us that he himself is corrupt. That he himself is powerless against the greed and avarice of MP’s who will trade their loyalty for cash…insane amount of cash! We are now warned. Din wants to hold on to the government at any cost. He will pay any price, do any evil deed, use every political means at his disposal to advance his own political agenda.
Din looks at all that he is now doing as being the elixir to his political survival. I say no Tan Sri…all this that you do will not save you politically. What you are now doing will damm you into a political pariah if that “back door” silap mata that you pulled recently have not already done so. You are now the Deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car approaching at the speed of light. You are now the train speeding relentlessly towards a solid wall without any hope of stopping the train in time to save, not only youself, but also the others who have been your conspirators to that “back door” silap mata thing that you pulled recently.
Nothing will save you Din. To your left you have Umno. To your right PAS. Facing you squarely and itching for a fight is Tun Mahathir and Anwar…and most worrying of all…behind you is Azmin and Zuraida. Tell em Din, what are your options? NONE. Political death awaits you. Pak Lah and Kepit Man knew that from the day they took office. Anwar knew that he would never be PM even as he dared hope that he will be. And now Din…work out your options and your chances of survival given that all around you are not friends….but E N E M I E S.
Din I am a friend…or at least I use to be a friend who admired your “courage” to stand up against Kepit Man and Umno….but today Din I am among those who await your political demise, not on the never never time frame, but a political demise that will surely come when Umno tires of you. And that Din, is already a Work in Progress. Allah help you Din for you know that Umno, PAS, Mahathir, Anwar, Azmin and Zuraida never will! -Hussein Abdul Hamid aka st47.

A cabinet of misfits...
In the Indian Parliamentary elections in 2014, one-third or 185 of the 542 winning candidates had criminal cases against them. They (never attempted to hide them) declared that they had been charged for among others murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, crimes against women, and communal disharmony. They occupy both sides of the divide in the House.
The same cannot be said about our members of Parliament. All had been declared “clean” by the police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). The definition of “clean” in this context is that he or she has not been charged or convicted for any criminal offence.
There are some MPs and even cabinet ministers who under a cloud – investigations into their lapses are ongoing. And if the MACC is allowed to proceed with the prosecution, those involved will fall by the wayside. I know this for a fact because I have personal knowledge and had helped the authorities in their investigations.
It is said that to get into politics, there is no entry point or qualification. To rise in the political arena, one must be loyal to the party elders and undertake overt and covert operations on the instructions of the boss. From “getting the boys” to being a “bag carrier” and from getting posters printed to getting them stuck on lamp posts, he or she must have done it all. In short, he or she must be a lackey or for want of a better word, crony. The rewards – not necessarily monetary – are immeasurable. To even be the cheerleader for the incumbent is a privilege accorded to a few as events over the years have shown.
Hence, the quality or lack of it can be seen in the Dewan Rakyat and sometimes in the Dewan Negara. Some are there for the sake of creating the din and noise and to a certain extent to raise their hands in approval or oppose proposals as and when the situation demands. A quick inspection of the Hansard will reveal among others, their sparse attendance and their failure to take part in debates. The only time they spoke was when reading the number of the question they had submitted: "Tuan Speaker Soalan Nombor Tiga.”
It has been just over a month since the Perikatan Nasional came into power and the competency – more the lack of it – is in the public domain for all to see and read. We have seen ministers falling all over trying to compete for the dubious title of the best-of-the-worst title. The health minister has advocated (over national television) that drinking air suam (warm water) kills the coronavirus.
The housing minister was seen in a “Telly Tubby” suit with dozens of firemen cleaning the streets. Video footage, however, showed two firemen at the task with the minister and the others watching this whole spectacle. The deputy women’s affairs minister has dished out advice to women as if she was the official spokesperson for the Obedient Wives Club! And the riposte from aggrieved women’s organisations and individuals is still reverberating as this article is being written.

Yet, another minister was keen on cleaning our sewerage system to get rid of the coronavirus! But the minister of higher education takes the cake. She had launched a Tik-Tok competition only to abandon it and run with her tail between her legs when it imploded. Meritocracy and competency had never featured in cabinet appointments or even appointments in the civil service. Ministers in the previous government were also stumbling and fumbling in the initial stages but their shortcomings were a far shadow from the antics of some of the present lot.
Where do we go from here? You can’t change the mind-sets of some people who are fixated on issues based on religion, race and creed – not fact. A few are obsessed in making hay while the sun shines through grandiose ideas and plans which bring little or no benefit to the rakyat. Surely, their schooling, upbringing and experience would not have allowed these incidents to take place unless of course, they have none of the above.
Could the cabinet secretary publish the curriculum vitae (CV) of all ministers and their deputies? Perhaps, then there will be some sympathy because people would say: “What to expect? He didn’t even finish secondary school” or “She was just selling cempedak goreng by the roadside when she was pulled out from obscurity to the forefront.”
Can a crash course or an induction into systems, governance and communication help? Not likely. One commentator on social media gave a broad hint: “Right brain is not working and the left brain is empty.” Perhaps a bit too punitive but if the bumbling, blundering and nonsensical acts and omission continue, be prepared for even harsher judgments from the people. - R.Nadeswaran

Kau sembang bolehlah. Semua yg didakwa terlibat dgb 1MDB, tak ada sorang pun didapati bersalah, tak ada sorang pun ke dalam. DS Najib masih dlm perbicaraan, terkial2 pendakwaraya cari bukti. Ada beberapa pemimpin DAP mengatakan Najib Tak terlibat dgn scandal IMDB, SPRM pun sama. Kau pulak memandai tuduh Najib. Selagi mahkamah tak jatuh hukum, aku nasihat, baik tak pyah tambah dosa fitnah.
Lantak ko lh nk kata apa pn..jnji krjaan tebuk atap ni mmberi manfaat pd rakyat dr krjaan Pakatan Hancing rakyat tiap² hri...saja² ko melalak sbb ko dh xda krja nk bt kn...lantak lh.apa yg aku nk kata krjaan sblm ni lh byk sgt bwk bala kt rakyat..hnya ko je otak tu masih brkarat.
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