1. Sehari menjelang mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi Umno (7/2/20) yang dikatakan menjadi penentu halatuju, samada Umno akan terus mengukuh Muafakat Nasional (MN) atau bersama Tun Mahathir membentuk Pakatan Nasional (PN).
2. Umno dan Pas sebenarnya berada dalam dillemma yang mahakarma kerana telah terhidang di depan mata, dua pilihan yang memberi impak bertentangan. Kekal MN atau Gerak PN?
3. Kekal haluan bersama MN, Umno dan Pas mempunyai peluang cerah untuk memenangi PRU15. Namun syarat asasnya ialah, Tun Mahathir mesti kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri hingga habis penggal. Jika DSAI jadi PM8 Mei ini, impian Umno dan PAS untuk menang PRU15 menjadi sangat kabur.
4. Pilihan kedua ialah, Umno dan PAS bersama membentuk kerajaan segera PN acuan Tun Mahathir. Ya mereka mungkin cukup bilangan, tetapi haluan ini sangat berisiko yang boleh menyebabkan impian menang PRU-15 berkecai.
5. Seyogia diingatkan, bebanan paling besar yang ditanggung oleh PH selama menjadi kerajaan hari ini ialah keberadaan Tun Mahathir. Kebencian rakyat akan berganda apabila pengkhianatan demokrasi berlaku, kerajaan berubah tanpa pilihanraya, negara tidak stabil, menteri bertukar begitu menyusahkan, polisi hilang arah, pelabur kekal bungkam, ekonomi makin hancur dan rakyat terus tersepit. Ada berani?

6. Apa yang boleh kalian jangkakan bila Tun Mahathir bergabung dengan Umno, disulami parti Pas yang kita kenali begitu... rakus. Gabungan ini umpama menang belum tentu, kalah dalam tangan.
7. Inilah dillemma Umno dan Pas. Karma akan mengekori mereka jika memilih untuk membentuk kerajaan segera bersama Tun Mahathir. Jika bersabar hingga PRU-15, dikhuatiri Anwar Ibrahim pula akan menghantui mereka apabila menjadi Perdana Menteri yang dilengkapi pakej islamik.
8. Barang diingat, Tun Mahathir merupakan PM sementara yang menghampiri tarikh luput, sedangkan Anwar Ibrahim adalah Perdana Menteri dalam penantian yang telah sah dipatri hitam putih perjanjian. Well signed by Tun Mahathir himself.
9. Justeru itu, ahli politik yang bijak tidak akan cenderung kepada kebasian dan keluputan kuasa, tetapi memilih jalan yang lebih selamat, kurang risiko dan terjamin. Tun Mahathir tidak mudah mendapat 'numbers', hanya perang saraf untuk menjerat Presiden-Presiden Pakatan Harapan.
10. Saya kira di atas faktor ini, ramai yang sedia bersama Anwar Ibrahim, pemegang tampuk masa depan negara dan juga masa depan mereka selaku ahli politik yang cerdik.
11. Menyedari hakikat ini, masing-masing dari Umno dan Pas sudah bersuara menghela nafas kecewa. Tok Mat kecewa sambil beri amaran kepada Zahid yang serba haloba. Najib terus menyindir, takut ditinggalkan. Hadi Awang juga bernada kecewa, nak masuk ikut pintu depan katanya. Pakatan Nasional acuan Tun Mahathir temui jalan gagal.

12. Maka jalan terbaik untuk mereka kekal survival (tetapi semakin tidak relevan)ialah dengan mengusulkan undi percaya di Parlimen. Dengan undi percaya ini, mereka tidak terpalit kebusukkan Tun Mahathir secara terus. Sipi-sipi sahaja.
13. Isyarat telah ditiup kepada Umno dan Pas dalam kenyataan Tun Mahathir sebentar tadi kepada wartawan "Jika nak kerjasama, sokonglah saya di parlimen". Dalam bahasa mudah ia bermaksud, undilah Tun untuk kekal PM sampai PRU-15, do we have a deal?
14. Akhir kalam, usul undi percaya tidak akan dilepaskan oleh speaker dewan. Malah hanya pembangkang sahaja yang mahu Tun Mahathir kekal, Amanah, DAP dan Warisan sudah pasti mengelak risiko. Kesimpulannya, Tun Mahathir akan gagal untuk kekal berkuasa.
15. DAP dan Amanah akan solid bersama Anwar, begitu juga dengan Warisan dan GPS yang secara tradisinya akan solid kepada kerajaan yang sah pada demokrasi. Noktah.
16. Azmin, Zuraidah dan kartelnya bagaimana? Ohh mereka ini sangat tidak penting. Mereka cuma watak picisan ejen Tun Mahathir saja, langsung tiada plot dalam tulisan ini. Mereka akan mereput ditelan kegemilangan Anwar Ibrahim sebagai PM ke-8, Perdana Menteri Rakyat. - Edy Noor Reduan

Angan-Angan Mat Jenin...
Hari ini 7hb Feb 2020 dan kiranya MT UMNO akan berbincang tentang kerajaan pintu belakang. Yang peliknya puak2 yang bising pasal backdoor deal ini semua yang ada rangka dalam almari. Dari Fadhli Shaari yang dengan yakin kata PAS boleh kumpul 112 kerusi walaupun tiada asas, menulis sambil menghisap barang terlarang memang mengasyikan, ianya lebih kepada claim mereka dulu yang nak jadi king maker dengan bertanding 158 kerusi walaupun undi popular hanya 12%.
Lepas itu komen dari Taki yang kata 18 kerusi MP PAS bersiap-siaga untuk di lacurkan demi menyokong Tun memerintah sampai habis penggal. Tak ada satu orang pun dari MP PAS yang menafikan bahawa mereka tidak bersetuju dengan "Pakatan Nasional", maknanya mereka ini sama taraf dengan pekerja tubuh di lorong haji taib.
Di pihak UMNO pula lobakman dah start bising dan release rakaman suara Zahid yang hendak bersama dengan PN. Yang ada sarjana kedoktoran Asyraf Wajdi pun sibuk juga buat poll tanya bersetuju ke tidak UMNO bersama dengan PN, habis berkicap dia kena rembat dengan machai tegar UMNO.
Di pihak bersatu tak ada yang berbunyi kecuali Rahim Thambi Chik; as usual yang sokong PN ini semua ada political baggage. Mungkin pimpinan bersatu yang lain semua hendak play safe sebab sekarang tengah pemilihan parti? Dah di pihak kartel pun kita tahu mereka ada rangka di dalam almari yang mana kes lama di tutup sebab kekurangan bukti. Kalau ada kes baharu bila-bila masa sahaja boleh di buka.
The thing is, kita kena buat hipothesis kalau betul-betul Pakatan Nasional terjadi, apa yang jadi laba dan apa yang jadi rugi. Paling kelakar ialah saya terbaca komen penyokong bersatu yang dah start panggil najib bossku dan dah start buat truce siap nak backup Najib lagi. Birds of feathers la katakan. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

Sorry! Rosmah, You Can’t Use “Life Threatening”
Neck Pain Drama To Escape Prison...
When her husband, former Prime Minister Najib Razak, was walking the corridors of power from 2009 to 2018, she had never once experienced any major health problem. Rosmah Mansor, self-proclaimed FLOM (First Lady of Malaysia), did not even suffer any minor injury or pain, let alone hospitalised for life threatening diseases. At least, there was no such record in the Google database.
On the contrary, Rosmah was extremely healthy for a woman of her obese status. From fashion festivals to badminton games, she would never miss them. Yes, Auntie Rosie loved showing off her skill at badminton court. The legend has it that had Rosmah not married Najib, she would become the woman version of badminton champion Lee Chong Wei (damn you Najib).
Rosmah’s influence was so magnificent that former World No. 1 shuttler Lee Chong Wei once revealed that to boost his morale, he actually telephoned the premier’s wife – before and after every match – at the All-England tournament in Birmingham where he eventually won the singles title. Auntie Rosie was even given the honour seated in between Lee and his bride during their wedding.
The privilege to rub shoulders and be photographed with celebrities ended on May 9, 2018, when Najib lost the general election. Chong Wei no longer calls Rosmah for inspiration and motivation. The demands for her appearance at fashion shows also came to a sudden halt. She now spends most of her time seeking black magic to help her husband and herself, as both face dozens of criminal charges.
Even then, before the first day of her corruption trial, Rosmah was as healthy as a horse. Suddenly, she fell sick on Monday (3 Feb), the day she was supposed to turn up at the High Court. For the first time in decades, the Imelda Marcos of Malaysia was admitted to a private hospital – KPJ Ampang Puteri Hospital – for severe neck and back pain. It was so severe that her lawyer claimed it was life threatening.
Her hotshot lawyer Jagjit Singh told the court that his clients was suffering from “Chronic Adrenal Crisis, Cervical Spondylosis and Osteoarthritis” – sophisticated medical terms for common neck and back pain. Chronic adrenal is fatigue experienced by most people who had some stressful days hence the symptoms of tiredness, brain fog and lack of motivation.

Rosmah Mansor Plays Badminton
In reality, cervical spondylosis is extremely common. This condition that most often causes pain and stiffness in the neck affected more than 85% of people over the age of 60 (Rosmah is 68 years old). Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, is the most common form of arthritis – affecting millions of people worldwide. Like an old car, these are “age-related” wear-and-tear problems.
For less than RM20, lawyer Jagjit Singh could visit a Guardian pharmacy and buy “Ammeltz Yoko-Yoko” plasters or cream for his client’s so-called life threatening neck and back pain. Rosmah can be assured of its quality and effectiveness because the medicine were 100% made and formulated in Japan to tackle bruises, joint pain, lower back pain, muscle strains, sprains and shoulder stiffness and whatnot.
Jagjit Singh appeared to be mocking and insulting High Court Judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan when the attorney referred the judge to a Google website page about how Rosmah’s pain could be life threatening. The lawyer argued that Rosmah had been given an MC (Medical Chit) hence she was entitled to six days medical leave.
Clearly, Jagjit Singh, like Najib’s hotshot lawyer Shafee Abdullah, was assisting the drama queen Rosmah with a silly sickness stunt in a last-minute attempt to avoid attending her corruption trial. However, senior deputy public prosecutor Gopal Sri Ram had had enough of the cheap family drama and urged the judge to revoke Rosmah’s bail and throw her in prison to ensure her attendance.
Interestingly, while Najib confirmed Rosmah was being hospitalised, he refused to disclose the reason his beloved wife had to be admitted. An incredible skilful liar who had used MC multiple times to drag his own corruption trial, perhaps Najib was afraid he might burst into laughter if he were to tell journalists that his wife’s conditions were as lethal as claimed by his family’s lawyers.
A former Federal Court judge, Gopal Sri Ram said – “This is unacceptable at all. The diagnosis written in the doctor’s report such as dizziness and body pain are among the things I am suffering from too.” Thanks to Gopal’s fierce objections, Justice Zaini ordered the trial to proceed today (5 Feb) and even offered Rosmah the privilege to come in a wheelchair.
It was both amazing and entertaining to read that Rosmah was hit by critical neck and back pain after she’s powerless now, but was fabulously healthy when her husband was the most powerful man prior to May 2018. She was often seen like a Christmas tree decorated with tonnes of jewellery including diamond necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets and whatnot, not to mention Hermes Birkin handbags.
On the night of May 17, 2018, police raided three luxury Pavilion Residences condominiums in Kuala Lumpur owned by Najib Razak’s children. Besides RM117 million cash and RM1 billion worth of 12,000 pieces of jewellery, an eye-popping 567 handbags consisted of luxury handbags from 37 different designers – including Chanel, Prada, Hermes and ultra-luxury Bijan – were confiscated.
It’s not hard to understand why Auntie Rosie had resorted to all types of gimmicks to avoid her trial. Unlike her husband’s 1MDB corruption and money laundering scheme which involved three continents, Rosmah’s corruption was quite straight forward. She had allegedly solicited for herself bribes to the tune of RM187.5 million from Jepak Holdings Sdn Bhd.
The money was kickbacks for helping Jepak Holdings obtain a RM1.25 billion project, known as Project Bersepadu Sistem Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Hibrid. The project involved installation of solar hybrid systems and for the maintenance and operation of diesel generators for 369 rural schools in Sarawak. Initially, the company failed to obtain the project directly from the Ministry of Education.
The company then approached Rizal Mansor, Rosmah’s former aide, who then arranged a private meeting between Rosmah with Saidi Abang Samsudin, the managing director and majority shareholder of Jepak Holdings. The meeting took place between January and April 2016 and it was held in the privacy of Najib and Rosmah’s private residence at Jalan Langgak Duta, Kuala Lumpur.

Auntie Rosie initially wanted RM200 million kickbacks (17% of the project value) under the pretext of a “political donation”. However, the rate was reduced to 15% (RM187.5 million) on Rizal’s advise. Jepak Holdings was eventually awarded a three-year contract. In January 2017, Najib personally oversaw the contract awarded to Jepak Holdings, leading to the official execution in on June 20, 2017.
But the first payment of bribes – RM5 million – was already made earlier on Dec 20, 2016, and the cash was delivered to Rosmah at her official residence in Putrajaya. The second payment of RM1.5 million cash was personally delivered by Jepak Holdings MD Saidi to Auntie Rosie at her private Langgak Duta home on Sept 7, 2017. However, none of the 369 rural schools in Sarawak receive any electricity.
A bank officer confirmed at the High Court today that Saidi Abang Samsudin had indeed withdrawn RM6.5 million in cash through two cheques (RM5 million on Dec 20, 2016, and RM1.5 million on Sept 7, 2017). Prosecutor Gopal Sri Ram also revealed that Rosmah used Rizal Mansor to make her demands and to negotiate the bribe that was to be paid to her.
Rizal Mansor, surprisingly, had his criminal charges withdrawn by the prosecution in the early January this year – suggesting that the former aide and special officer to Najib Razak could have turned as prosecution witness. Rosmah faces imprisonment of up to 20 years and a fine of no less than 5 times the amount of gratification or RM10,000, whichever is higher, if convicted.
It’s highly possible that Rosmah Mansor could emerge the winner as the first member of the crooked family to be convicted. The year 2020 could be very bad for her as Mahathir administration is under tremendous public pressure to send someone, anyone, of the Najib families to jail.
Already, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has investigated the doctor who issued the MC to Rosmah, something that hadn’t happened before to Najib or other crooks of the previous corrupt regime who used the same tactic to delay trials. Furious, Rosmah’s lawyer Jagjit Singh has accused the MACC of trying to intimidate the doctor.
More importantly, the first day of the trial has already established what the public had suspected for years – Rosmah Mansor was the de-facto power-hungry prime minister, not the pink-lipped Najib. Despite not holding any positions in the government, FLOM division was set up as Rosmah’s office in the Prime Minister Office after Najib was crowned the prime minister in 2009. - FT

Skrip sama,wayang berbeza...
Alhamdullilah dh sihat ka, slmt kmbali mberi info dn fakta yg sah smlt brjuang
Baru 50% saja..masih dalam rawatan. Terima Kasih.
Alhamdulillah semoga sentiasa dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera dan dirahmati Allah sentiasa. Kami sentiasa menanti penulisan saudara yang padu penuh informasi.
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