15 January 2020

Atok dah merajuk kah?...

Pernyataan dan pengakuan dibuat Dr Mahathir yang dia sedia berundur sekarang juga jika Majlis Presiden PH buat keputusan perlu dilihat secara serius dan tidak ada yang berasa simpati dengan pernyataannya itu. Semua patut arif dengan caranya.

Pernyataan itu dilihat, perdana menteri itu ikhlas untuk akur dengan keputusan majlis presiden. Nah tunggu apa lagi majlis presiden perlu mengambil tanggungjawab meminta Dr Mahathir berundur secara hormat.

Jangan ada yang memperhitungkan kedudukan diri dalam kabinet untuk sepakat minta Dr Mahathir berundur, dengan mengira kalau Dr Mahathir berundur kedudukan mereka dalam kabinet terjejas maka mereka enggan membuat desakan, sikap itu satu hipokrasi besar. Anda akan disumpah.

Apa yang semua pihak khasnya anggota majlis presiden kena pertimbangkan kedudukan kerajaan PH hari yang tidak begitu sumringah dari sudut pandangan mata rakayt bukan mementing tembolok bodoh diri sendiri.

Sementara bagi Dr Mahathir tidak perlu untuk menanti gesaan majlis presiden baru nak berhenti. Lakukan dengan keikhlasan dan kesedaran kerana cara begitu anda akan dilihat memiliki wisdom yang tinggi. - mso

Dr.M kena lakukan proses peralihan 
sekarang secara jujur dan terhormat...

1.Saya membaca kenyataan terbaru Tun Mahathir berhubung peralihan hari ini dan amat faham maksud yang tersirat daripadanya.

2.Saya lebih faham Mahathir kerana saya pernah bertembung dengannya dan sempat dimasukkan ke penjara dizamannya.Di zaman Najib pula saya sempat bertemu dengannya,berdamai dan bekerjasama demi selamatkan negara dari skandal 1MDB.

3.Sejak beliau menjadi PM saya belum pernah lagi bertemunya.Namun dari jauh saya menyokong usaha beliau khusus soal memerangi rasuah dan pernah membuat kenyataan untuk beliau terus menjadi PM dalam tempoh selama mungkin.

4.Hari ini saya tidak lagi menyokong sebarang usaha beliau terus menjadi PM.Malah saya mahu beliau berhenti segera demi negara.Alasannya ialah:

5.Pertama, Isyarat Tg Piai adalah isyarat jelas untuk beliau berundur.Sejak Merdeka parti yang memerintah tidak pernah kalah lebih teruk dari Tg Piai.Tun M adalah PM dan beliau seharusnya bertanggunjawab dan berundur segera.

6.Kedua, Suasana Ekonomi - ekonomi negara ditahap paling teruk dan antara puncanya ialah ketidaktentuan soal peralihan kuasa.Ianya soal penting bagi pelabur.Perbahasan mengenai sudah banyak dan jelas.

7.Ketiga- Kemunculan kembali kelompok elit jahat berkepentingan yang berjaya mendekati Tun M melalui pemimpin elit PH yang belot.Mereka pengaruhi Tun M untuk terus kekal berkuasa.Episod pintu belakang Hishamudin dan Azmin dan percubaan merosakkan dan menidakkan perjanjian PH soal PM8 adalah bukti ketara.(Termasuk pertemuan kira2 20 MP diketuai Hishamudin di rumah Azmin hanya 3 hari selepas PH kalah teruk di Tg Piai).

8.Keempat - Tindak tanduk Tun M sendiri yang bercanggah dengan janji peralihan.Awal tahun 2020 seharusnya sudah wujud langkah2 ke arah peralihan kuasa Mei tetapi sebaliknya berlaku.Tiba2 beliau bermuslihat disebalik sidang APEC pula, menggugurkan menteri dan sedang merangka merombak kabinet.Kesemuanya bukan tanda persedian ke arah peralihan yang tersusun dan teratur.

9.Hari ini bila ada tekanan untuk peralihan berlaku tuntas beliau berselindung dan menggunakan alasan Majlis PH.Walhal dia adalah PM paling lama di negara ini dan amat arif kuasa PM di Malaysia lebih besar dari kuasa Presiden USA di Amerika.

10.Malah beliau sudah pun tunjukkan kuasa dan taringnya, menggugurkan seorang Menteri yang bersih dan mengekalkan seorang menteri yang jelas kotor.Mesejnya jelas bukan?(Dan dalam Majlis PH semua adalah menteri melainkan DS Anwar).

11.Justeru saya percaya ini adalah muslihat dan perangkap Tun Mahathir untuk terus kekal berkuasa.Cukuplah Tun Mahathir.Jangan sampai rakyat meluat dan kenang Mahathir bukan sahaja sebagai PM yang paling lama tapi paling gila kuasa dan pembelit paling hebat pernah dilahirkan dinegara ini.

12.Peringatan Tg Piai bukan sebarang ingatan.Ambillah iktibar darinya sebelum terlambat,nasi sudah menjadi bubur, nama baik Mahathir sudah rosak dan tidak akan pulih sampai bila-bila.

13.Maka, saya gesa Tun Mahathir - Lakukan sekarang proses peralihan secara jujur dan terhormat. - Mohamad Ezam Mohd Nor

Mahathir racing with the time...

In this very column last week, I predicted the candidate for the new education minister based on three presumptions:

1. The new education minister must be someone PM Mahathir can trust;
2. The new minister must be from PPBM; and
3. He must help Mahathir accomplish his ultimate goals.

There are three people who meet all these three criteria: former cabinet minister Mustapa Mohamed, his son Mukhriz and Mahathir himself.

However, as Mustapa may not win the absolute trust of Mahathir, and the PM himself lacks the stamina and time to double up as education minster, I predicted that Mukhriz would eventually get the job. The answer is yet to be fully unveiled. Mahathir is now acting education minster until someone is appointed later. For how long will Mahathir be acting minster?

"Acting" is perhaps the best reason for Mahathir to convince PH and the people, and to be "acting" minster is not against PH's pledge that the prime minster will not take up any ministerial position, and hence, aversion of any major public backlash.

In addition, the prime minister already has a very heavy workload upon his shoulders, with countless of meetings to attend every day and countless of documents to vet through and guests to see, not to mention the need to follow up all sorts of projects, reviews, planning works, and his frequent oversea trips. To be honest, not even 48 hours a day is sufficient for him.

Perhaps he still thinks he is the best person to take up the education portfolio, but like everyone else, he only has 24 hours a day, and the acting ministerial position should only be an interim arrangement.

As for how long he will be acting education minister depends on two things.

1. PPBM elections in April.  The education minister is a position reserved for PPBM and is one of the centres of power. As such, this job will only be given to someone important in the party. Only those who pass the test of the April party elections are eligible for this job. The party elections will not only determine the candidate for education minister but may also affect the upcoming cabinet reshuffle.

2. Mahathir's timetable to implement his educational goals. Mahathir is acting education minister not because he can't find a suitable person to do the job, otherwise he would not have asked Maszlee Malik to leave in the first place. Mahathir wants Maszlee out because the latter has failed to implement his educational policies.

While Maszlee has initiated a number of educational reforms, the prime minster is simply not patient enough. He understands that some of the policies may meet with powerful resistance from within his ruling coalition as well as the society at large, not something an inexperienced Maszlee could handle.

For instance the teaching of science and mathematics in English, the PM's darling project abolished by his now party comrade Muhyiddin Yassin during BN's time. Sure enough Maszlee is well aware of this, and Mahathir should have reminded him to reinstate the policy too.

Nevertheless, Maszlee is only a political rookie lacking the weight in politics as well as in the Malay society. To reinstate the policy, he needs to deal with not just people like Dong Jiao Zong but also the Malay grassroots, Malay intellectuals as well as Malay nationalists. Muhyiddin abolished the policy in order to please the Malay society, and Maszlee may not be able to reinstate it.

All Maszlee could do is to reinstate the policy in Sarawak, which the state government is more than happy to accept. But to do it in Peninsular Malaysia is a different thing altogether, especially with the current state of fragmented Malay political forces that puts PPBM and the PH at a disadvantage. Maszlee was trying to drag on for as long as he could, but the old man simply would not allow that.

Another instance is the vision school programme.

Mahathir's educational philosophy has always been established upon the foundation of national education in addressing the racial problem. The vision school concept is an intermediate between national primary schools and SRJKs that should effectively dilute the religious nature of national primary schools as well as the ethnic characteristics of Chinese and Tamil primary schools, putting all school children under one roof learning about the same things in the same language.

This is doubtlessly an enormous educational project that touches on the sensitive language, cultural and religious issues, and could only be achieved with very strong political clout. Again, this is something Maszlee is not able to handle.

To be acting education minister is perhaps Mahathir's last chance to push ahead his lifetime wish of fulfilling the Malaysia aspiration he has always wanted through the education approach. He may not see all the results within a short period of time, but at least he can start doing something and let his successor accomplish his goals on his behalf.

He must push through his dream with all the powers he has in hand within the shortest time possible. Instead of Najib or Anwar, it is TIME that is actually his biggest rival at this moment. - Tay Tian Yan, sinchewdaily
Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says 'FITNAH YANG GAGAL UTAMA Wujud keterangan bercanggah, kes Yusoff Rawther terhadap Anwar ditutup By Wartawan MalaysiaGazette January 2020 MalaysiaGazette AriffKadirResearch Kami juga mendapati tidak terdapat cukup keterangan untuk membuat pertuduhan mengenai laporan polis yang dibuat berdasarkan keterangan yang ada dalam Kertas Siasatan," Peguam Cara Negara, Datuk Tengku Nor Faiza Engku Atek'
Anwar akan terus ambil tindakan undang-undang terhadap Usop cuma beberapa jam lepas Peguamcara Negara keluar kenyataan bagi bersihkan nama.Tapi si kitol semburit @AzminAli dah buat majlis kecukuran sampai dua kali (Julai 2019 dan Januari 2020) sampai sekarang langsung tak berani saman Haziq...-f/bk

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Dear U all...ini adalah posting gua yang terakhir buat masa ini kerana hari ini gua kena berehat di homestay di atas untuk menjalani surgery. Gua mohon ampun dan maaf sekiranya apa yang gua muatkan dalam blog ini tak menyenangkan hati hangpa. Doa agar semuanya berjalan dengan sempurna supaya kita boleh berjumpa lagi nanti...- Tumpang Sekole

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Aidanurhaidah said...

Anwar.... Poorah!! Cari lah lain jadi pengganti atok.

Unknown said...

Di doakan akan sembuh segera.