Aku dah kata PN don't have and won't get the numbers. Memang ada usaha sambil jual nama Tun...tapi peluang kejayaannya tipis. Itupun macaiun bersungguh2 promote sbb sgt2 berharap. Yg geng Teori Konspirasi pun galak join dakyah PEMBANGANG..?? Hahaha...Penin.
Baru UMNO dok tgh meeting kononnya nak kerjasama atau tidak dgn Bersatu tup2 smlm GPS "spoilt" the mood.
Ye lah...GPS terus terang jer takkan kerjasama dgn BN dan join PN. Byk kali dah aku kata GPS kurang senang dgn BN. Depa takmau tunduk pun even dgn Tun dan sanggup lawan di PRN akan dtg. Dengan PA$?? Hmmm....sokongan atau kerjasama dgn PA$ lagi GPS tak heran.

Ptg ni meeting UMNO bersambung. Jgn plak lepas meeting p umum UMNO menolak "kerjasama" dgn Bersatu? Takkan nak cover malu kot??
Macaiun kata tunggu Mei 2020, Tun akan bentuk "Pakatan Nasional" nak halang DSAI jd PM. Hadoi...nak halang DSAI sampai sanggup bubar satu kerajaan?? Agreement semua dah siap atas meja?? Tapi ada bekas2 pemimpin UMNO kata kena bg jelas dulu perkongsian kuasa? Ish...kdg2 bila baca, rasa tak masuk akal "mcm org menulis sambil hisap bahan terlarang" seperti kata bro Mohd Sharif Mohd Mukhlis
Oklah....meh kita layan depa sampai May 2020. Sekali lagi aku kata PN ni akan GAGAL!! They simply don't have the numbers. Trust me..!!
Selepas May depa akan kata selepas November 2020 pulak, bila selesai APEC 2020. The point is... the so called "Pakar2 Teori Konspirasi" ni pembohong bersiri dan tukang sensasi belaka. Ia sekadar Psywar yg hanya buatkan penyokong PH jadi celaru. Confused.

Tak percaya? Kita tunggu Nov 2020 jika May tidak berlaku. Tapi ingat ni...dah lama UMPA$ kata PH akan jatuh. Takde apa2 pun, PH masih kerajaan.
Dah lama pun, sejak 2018 UMNOPA$ kata Parlimen akan dibubarkan utk PRU15. Dari 2018 tukar ke 2019 skrg dah 2020. Kita tunggu akan bubar atau tidak nanti?
Juga dah berkali2 sejak 2018 UMPA$ kata DSAI akan buat VoNC pd Tun. Sampai skrg tak berlaku. So? Nak percaya lagi dgn Konspirasi Pakatan Nasional. Malah Teori Konspirasi tu anggapkan hiburan atau satira politik jer lah. Boleh baca, senyum...tapi jgn ambil serious atau percaya sgt. - Zus Din

Bukan PN yang lahir tapi
Lokman kena tendang...
Seperti yang dijadualkan MT UMNO mengadakan perjumpaannya hari ini. Gembar gembor bahawa UMNO akan sertai Bersatu bersama2 PAS dan beberapa buah perti lain di bawah pimpinan Dr.M akan tubuh Pakatan Nasional(PN) hanya merupakan khabar angin saja rupanya. Sebaliknya Lokman Adam, yang merupakan penyokong tegar Najib Abdul Razak, telah dipecat daripada Umno oleh MT UMNO hari ini. Perkara itu disahkan oleh dua peserta mesyuarat yang diadakan pada petang tadi.
Sumber yang menghadiri mesyuarat itu berkata peserta tidak dibenarkan bercakap mengenai pemecatan itu secara terbuka kerana setiausaha parti Annuar Musa mesti memberitahu Lokman tentang perkara itu secara bertulis terlebih dahulu.
1) Kita akan tengok apa yang jadi dalam PRU15, siapa yang khianat PH dan masuk PN akan di tolak rakyat.
2) Siapa yang masuk PN, akan terpaksa carry political baggage rakan-rakan parti masing. Jadi PN terpaksa carry political baggage Zahid hamidi misalnya dan PAS dengan UlarMerc dan bonus diri sendiri 50K
3) Apa yang akan terjadi pada existing case rasuah Zahid? dia dah kena slap 87 pertuduhan dan bukan senang-senang DPP nak tarik balik pertuduhan kalau dah masuk kat dalam mahkamah. Semua benda ada prosidur dia expecially Mahkamah kita, ini bukan Mahkamah Kangaroo zaman Najib.
4) PKR-Pro DSAI, Amanah, DAP mungkin jadi pembangkang, but that is fine; mereka ini hidup berprinsip. Dengan half reform yang dah di capai dalam masa hampir 2 tahun, it is a good improvement dari BN yang menang PRU14 tempoh hari. No GST, SST boleh cover nilat GST, 18% tolls reductions, harga minyak stabil, Elektrik tak naik, Fredom index naik, kes rasuah banyak di siasat. Room for improvement? Yes. Worst than BN? hell no.
5) Even kalau PN jadi, susunan menteri-menteri kabinet akan jadi haywire. Dan bila2 masa sahaja colliation tu boleh ranap sebab mereka tiada moral ground yang stick them in the first place. Hidup akan sentiasa buruk sangka dan tidak tenang sebab tidak qanaah.
6) Itu belum masuk part nak bertanding PRU15, ingat seat bersatu, PAS dan UMNO akan tertumpu pada kerusi yang sama. Bab kerusi ini jangan main2, yang PAS kalah bertanding 10 kali pun dia akan kata kerusi tradisi depa, good luck negotiating with lebai
7) Truth to be told, PN tak cukup nombor, as simple as that. Paling kuat pun separuh dari bersatu, separuh umno, GPS dan PAS. Sebab itu depa hanya buat pre-emptive stike; ala macam pukul-pukul angin tapi buah silat semuanya sumbang.

8) Betul hari itu Tuan Guru Hadi ada berjumpa dengan Tun di rumah Tun; tapi kita sepatutnya have a litte faith. Perempuan kalau sibuk bertandang rumah laki orang bukan perempuan yang baik especially isteri orang ; dan yang jalang adalah perempuan tadi; laki orang tu mungkin menyambut & hormat tetamu. Lagi touche kalau perempuan tersebut dulu bukan main hina laki tersebut, la ni yang kahak laki tadi pun si jalang duk sedut kata vitamin A.
9) DSAI sendiri releks tak bunyi apa, DS Wan Azizah TPM pun tak kata apa. Itu beza orang yang ada Qaanah ( cukup pada apa yang Allah bagi) dan yakin dengan Qada dan Qadar. Selagi depa tak berbunyi, kita nak bising buat apa? Kalau nak jadi kerjaan Pakatan Nasional, tetap akan jadi, tapi hidup bukan takat 3 tahun sahaja. PRU15 nanti kena hadap balik pengkhinatan terhadap rakyat.
10) Tapi yang paling kelakar motto Pakatan Nasional ini ialah hendak menubuhkan kerajaan solid melayu-Islam; sama macam yang di echo oleh mutfi utara. Cuma saya teringat kata-kata seorang sarjana parti agama Zuhdi Jentik yang nak buat kuasa politik melayu Islam sebelum PRU14, dengan dia sekali kena jentik PRU14.
11) Sebenarnya ini adalah kifarah untuk tuan guru hadi yang dulu kata Umno batil, thoghut dan tidak diredhai Allah ialah kerana Umno berjuang berdasarkan bangsa & nasionalisme. Tiba2 yang diperjuang bangsa dan nasionalisme itu di peluk erat setelah di kafirkan. Dan baru walaun nak peluk erat UMNO, terpaksa pula terima Bersatu dan Tun, betulah mereka ini tiada pendirian.
12) Itu belum masuk bab Speaker Dewan dari Amanan dan Timbalan Speaker dari DAP, kalau ada usul nak buat undi percaya agak-agaknya depa lulus kan? Lepas tu kena ingat undi percaya@vote of confidence ini serampang dua mata. Kalau tak cukup nombor sokongan silap2 boleh jadi vote of no confidence dan kes scenario terburuk ialah kena bubar parliman. Ingat Tun M nak bagi ke bubar parlimen sekarang dan riskokan bersatu kalah di semua seat marginal?
Menulis tiada asas samalah dengan sembang nak bina apartment 10 tingkat tapi foundation tiada. Pembangkang ini kerja dia hanyalah ingin menimbulkan syakwasangka di kalangan penyokong PH dan tidak lebih dari khabar angin jadi bualan warga maya. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif

The truth behind Rosmah's ambulance...
On Wednesday, the disgraced and former self-styled First Lady of Malaysia (Flom), Rosmah Mansor, swooped into the High Court complex five minutes before her trial was to begin. She turned up in a mini-convoy with an ambulance, its lights flashing, occupying a prominent third place in her motorcade. Such drama!
The only other person I know who has an ambulance as part of his motorcade is US President Donald Trump. Potus' (President of the United States) ambulance is reserved to treat injuries he might incur in an attack, a car crash or biological event, and is at the rear of the motorcade.
Rosmah's ambulance serves another purpose. Whether or not the services of the paramedics are needed, the image of the flashing ambulance is crucial as it helps to convey a message to her supporters and the wider public.
It portrays her as a sick woman who has been forced to attend court despite the severity of her illness. In other words, poor Rosmah is the victim of an unjust court. If Rosmah's fondness for singing karaoke is legendary, then play-acting is a close second.
Having ignored the suggestions of High Court judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan to use a wheelchair to ease her discomfort, Rosmah slowly climbed the stairs, unaided, occasionally clinging on to the railings and at times being supported by an aide. Her face was contorted with pain, real or imagined, we will never know.
This shuffling image contrasts sharply with previous years' video footage showing her agility on her overseas travels, leading Malaysian delegations, giving talks, officiating at Islamic fashion shows and naturally her favourite pastime, shopping.
Whether Rosmah had used a wheelchair, had to seek emergency treatment in her personal ambulance or had to cling to her aides for support is irrelevant.
The ambulance on standby is part of her propaganda machinery. We are meant to see her catching her breath and struggling up the stairs. The images are calculated to shift public opinion, which in Rosmah's case is to gain our sympathy and turn them against the authorities, or the court, or both. It is to reinforce the belief that she is being persecuted.
Malaysians mudah lupa (easily forget). They may have not remembered the debacle on Monday when judge Mohamed Zaini was clearly irritated that Rosmah had messed-up the court's schedule.
He may have been conscious that the rakyat would turn on the judiciary for being soft on her as both Rosmah and her husband, the disgraced former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak, have previously abused their medical certificates (MCs) to delay their trials.
The laundry list of ailments presented on Monday claimed that Rosmah suffered from dodgy knees and dizzy spells. So why didn't she ditch her platform sandals and use flat shoes? If she had truly been ill, she would have ridden in the ambulance.
Yesterday, I was warned on social media by pro-Rosmah supporters to back-off and give her a break. Why should I or anyone else? She did not give the rakyat a break.
Rosmah is taking the court for a ride, and this not to be dismissed as a minor issue. When her husband was the PM, it was alleged that she wielded more power than him.
Today, she still wields power and can manipulate the courts. The judges, lawyers and court official probably have long protracted discussions, wasting time and the rakyat's money, wondering if she will turn up at court or not. Rosmah's absence does not damage her, but the reputation of the judiciary will be further tainted.
A father who steals a tin of milk powder to feed his children is held on remand and made to appear in court, to determine his guilt or otherwise. Rosmah twists the judiciary round her pudgy finger. Despite the hundreds of millions of ringgits involved in her corruption, Rosmah is free as a bird to evade court.

Getting rid of the previous Umno-Baru regime means that the MACC and police are now overworked, pursuing the corrupt. This would not have happened if Najib had won GE-14. Don't forget that the nation has other issues, like education, the environment and extremism, to correct.
So what does Rosmah want? Naturally, she wants our sympathy but more importantly, she wants to buy time. Rosmah (and corrupt Umno-Baru politicians impending court cases) will try to delay their trials and the judgments until GE-15. They will attempt to redeploy their old Umno-Baru tactics and use their new bed-fellow, PAS, to defeat Pakatan Harapan.
If the Umno-Baru-PAS-BN coalition returns to power, they will erase all of Najib's and Rosmah's corruption charges and release them from prison if they have been jailed.
Many of you are disappointed with Pakatan (who isn't?) and have threatened to vote Umno-Baru/PAS/BN at GE-15. It's not just Rosmah who needs more time.
Don't dismiss Rosmah's court delays as a small matter. When she plays hide-and-seek with the courts, the wrong messages are sent out to the electorate and more importantly, to our young. They will think that MCs can be continually abused and that crime does pay.
Act in haste at GE-15, and a returning Najib will be merciless. You will regret that you had not weighed your options with more care.
Unlike Rosmah, the nation does not have an ambulance trailing it to give it CPR. GE-15 is a heartbeat away! - Mariam Mokhtar

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