Kegagalan Datuk Seri Najib menjawab 8 soalan maut daripada bekas menteri kewangan Datuk Seri Husni menyebabkan penyokong perdana menteri yang paling korup ni panas punggung.
Sebelum ini mereka mengupah Raja Petra supaya mengeluarkan fitnah sebab-sebab DS Husni bertanyakan soalan maut kepada Najib mengenai 1 MDB kerana anaknya yang bekerja di NPE tidak dapat projek.
Namun fitnah tersebut dapat dipatahkan oleh rakyat yang prihatin tentang keikhlasan DS Husni dalam facebook.
Tidak habis dengan itu mereka mengupah lagi RPK, kali ini mereka memfitnah kononnya DS Husni mempunyai skandal seks dengan seorang wanita.
Itulah standard Umno jika ada menteri yang bercakap benar pasti akan ada fitnah skandal seks menteri tersebut di hebahkan kepada rakyat.
Cukup memalukan demi untuk berkuasa Umno terpaksa menggunakan isu seks sebagai benteng terakhir mereka. Umpama Umno dan seks tidak dapat dipisahkan kalau dipisahkan maka pincanglah umno.
Sebelum ini Tan Sri Muhyiddin dan Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal pun difitnah mempunyai skandal seks dengan wanita hanya kerana mengkritik kegagalan dan kehilangan wang rakyat berbillion ringgit melalui 1 MDB.
Pendek kata sesiapa saja yang mengkritik kegagalan 1 MDB pasti akan ada fitnah skandal seks. Mungkin Haji Hadi pun akan terpalit dengan skandal seks jika mengkritik skandal seks.
Pesanan kat Najib: 'Ziana Zain kirim salam' - sungairapatonline

Takpa, Takpa, Takpa Lets Wait Until More Hospitals Burn Down...
- Suspending Medivest would interrupt 21 other hospitals
- Ministry of Health will not suspend Medivest
- fire at JB hospital claimed six lives
- Dep Minister Hilmi said suspending Medivest interrupt 21 hospitals
- penalties if Medivest found to have not fulfilled their obligations
- Hilmi said contracts given to Medivest worth RM350 m / yr
six hospitals in NS, three in Malacca, rest of hospitals in Johor
- contract ends in 2022, govt will decide to renew contract
another fire at operation theatre at hospital y'day
This is from the website of Medivest:
Medivest main competencies in healthcare support services are Clinical Waste Management Service, Linen & Laundry Management Service, Cleansing Management Service, Facilities Engineering Management Service and Biomedical Engineering Management Service.
Our high work ethic and prudent investments ensure our place above the competition. We pride ourselves as being an ‘unseen hand’, silently lifting and ensuring that public healthcare standards in Malaysia are raised.
Ostb - 'above the competition?' There is no competition. This is a monopoly contract. 'unseen hand'? Lifting public healthcare standards?
I say kawan, hospital sudah terbakar lah - dua kali. Enam orang sudah mati.
Here is the cake folks : A contarct that pays RM350 million per year until 2022. Thats seven years away or RM2.45 billion away !! When did this concession begin? Usually they run 20 - 25 years. That is almost RM9.0 billion !!
Now you see why the gomen is going broke. The funds have been sucked away by these type of plum contracts.
Now hospitals are burning down. Hospitals do not have enough equipment, medicines.
Enam orang mati. Takpa, takpa, takpa. Enam orang sahaja. Bukanlah 60. Takpa.
Tengoklah besok. Mungkin ada api terbakar lagi kot.- ostb

Like Sharir Samad who got RM1 million,all UMNO/BN Ministers and MPs should declare the donations they received from Najib personal banking accounts and whether this is the reason they are keeping dumb on 1MDB scandal...
The Chairman of BN Back Benchers Club and former Cabinet Minister, Tan Sri Shahrir Samad is not doing his political credibility any service when he denounced former Cabinet Ministers, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal for asking questions about the 1MDB global financial scandal in the current debate in Parliament.
Shahrir Samad should have praised Husni and Shafie for their conviction and principle for asking in Parliament when they could not get answers in the Cabinet about the 1MDB global financial scandal – which is particularly commendable in the case of Husni, who was appointed the Cabinet spokesman on 1MDB in the middle of last year.
When even the only Minister to be appointed Cabinet spokesman for 1MDB is in the dark about the many important transactions and decisions taken by 1MDB, is Shahrir seriously suggesting that it is a patriotic option for Husni to keep silent in Parliament about his worries, reservations and concerns about the 1MDB financial scandal?
In fact, the question Shahrir should answer as Chairman of BNBBC, former Cabinet Minister and one of the very few in UMNO/BN who claims to have principles and integrity is why he has not yet broken his silence on the 1MDB scandal?
Is Shahrir’s silence on the 1MDB scandal because he got doubts about the BBC interview of the Director of Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan that “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” (MO1”) referred to 36 times in the US Department of Justice (DOJ)’s biggest kleptocratic action to forfeit billion-dollar 1MDB-linked assets in the United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland is none other than the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak – making the Malaysian Prime Minister the newest kleptocrat in the world?
Or is it because Shahrir is a beneficiary of the 1MDB scandal – as he himself had admitted that he had received RM1 million from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s RM2.6 billion personal accounts for the 13th General Election campaigning!
Would Shahrir agree that all UMNO/BN Ministers and MPs who had benefitted financially from the Prime Minister’s largesse in the 13th General Election should declare how much money they had received from Najib, and whether this was the reason why their mouths are totally clamped on the 1MDB scandal, whether in Parliament or outside?
Let all UMNO/BN Ministers and MPs declare the donations they received from Najib personal banking accounts for the 13GE, like Shahrir who got RM1 million, and whether this is the reason they are keeping dumb on 1MDB scandal! - Lim Kit Siang

Maaf Ku Li, semuanya sudah terlewat...

Budak2 bangang ni,ko ingat Guan Eng kah PM Malaysia? GST tu Guan Eng kah yg luluskan? Tol tu Guan Eng kah yg naikkan? Subsidi minyak,gula,tepung Guan Eng kah yg batalkan? Bodoh tak tentu pasai,berapa $$$ dan banyak mana dedak yang UMNO suap hangpa?...

Firma tak sanggup atau Najib tak mahu...

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