Is there such thing as a federal-level JKKK? They are getting allowances for a job who knows what? Btw is the Federal gomen paying these allowances from their own pocket or are they using the rakyat's money? When they dont know the nature of their jobs how is the Federal gomen going to pay their allowances. Maybe they are paying them for being a loyal party servant or for just staying at home doing nothing.

Sometime I just cannot understand why these crazy BN politician in Putrajaya being so obsessed with power,that, though they are no more in power in some of these states, but they still want to boss around. The rakyat has already rejected them and yet they put on a"muka tebal" or better be known as Jenis Kuda Kayu Kontot(JKKK) yang tak malu!!
Damn Sore losers.....
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